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Again. Repetitions. Repetitions...
I was once bothered by this hard cycle;
Challenge. Challenge beyond limitations,
Oh, how I often fall, break, and struggle!
Over and over again, same process.
I was a young man, a young apprentice
And facing all the tests gives me more stress
But oh! The skill is enhanced in practice!
I murmured before; blamed it a wrong choice
Because I was shattered and scarred often,
But now, on every trial I rejoice
Though I was bloody wounded and broken.
Yesterday, I'm a waste; far from better
But now I behold myself - a master.
# 1, 446
4 June 2016
1:37 p.m.  

(Shakespearean Sonnet)

Verses: The Mirror of My SoulDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora