A Break from Maturity

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Back and forth. . . back and forth. . . 

What's taking him so long? 

Merlin's beard I'm going mad just thinking of that place. 

Back and forth. .  . back and forth. . . 

"Lily Potter stop that!" Rose screeched. 

Instantly I stopped, I didn't even notice that I was pacing from one corner of the room to the other for the past ten minutes. I mean who could not worry about their boyfriend's sake when he is in a magical prison?

Or was I just being too worried? 

"Sit down Lily. You're giving me a headache."  She whispered massaging her temples. 

I sighed and slumped beside Rose. I looked at the white canopy of the bed and it helped me relax, a little that is. 

"So what's the real deal between you and Malfoy?" Rose asked out of the blue and my cheeks were insantly red. 

"M-mal-malfoy?" I stuttered. 

She shrugged. "Well, there must be something going on I mean you guys were snogging the other night and all this." She gestured to me.

"All this worrying thing must be something." 

I sighed in defeat. I grabbed a nearby pillow and covered my face.


"Mmm what?"

Rose grabbed my pillow and threw it across the room. Dang that girl could be fiesty at times. 

"I'm dating Scorpius." 

"Well that's a shocker." 

"I don't even know why I'm telling you this, I mean you already saw us kissing Rosie."

She frowned at the nickname I used.

"Just wanted to make sure." She gave me a genuine smile. 

"You're okay with this?"

"Yep." She said popping the p. "Now let's get down to dinner, it is a friday night after all."

 Sitting across the Slytherin table and looking at the empty spot between Zabini and Nott made me want to leave the hall. Seriously I mean my freaking brain is going haywire thinking of Scorpius. What. The. Hell. Is. Taking. Him. So. Long. Just when I thought the wait was longer, a familiar blonde bursted into the hall. But it wasn't Scorpius. 

It was Draco Malfoy. 

Yep, that's right Draco Malfoy, ex-deatheater, the true Malfoy heir and the father of my boyfriend. Who was nowhere to be found. 

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