Admirer's Rose

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~Yeah I know. 'Why did you let slytherin win?!' The answer is simple I wanted to show the world about Albus' skill just like his proud father Harry. Don't worry by the end of the year they'll be the one raising glasses of victory. Please Vote & Comment!  I would gladly appreciate it :) here's another chapter hope you'd like this one :)

~Jane Malfoy

~Lily Luna Potter

As I walked back to our dormitory without showing the glint of hate. I reckon when I get back  in the common room they would all despise me, but in my dear dear surpirse everyone congratulated me instead of the expected hissing. Now that's new, I thought.

"Don't worry, next time we'll get them. Anyway Ravenclwas & Hufflepuffs never won a game in 25 years. And we'll make sure they'll never do", Fred cheered me up.

"Freddie's right, we'll get them next time. In the meant time lets have a little celebration shall we?"

"I think I'll pass Ced.", I replied with a smile on my face. 

As I rushed out of our common room & into the castle grounds from some fresh air I heard rustling behind me, instictively I drew my wand out & took a step backward.

"Oh its you , Sorry about that."

"Yeah its okay, I was a bit sneaky. Just wanted to check if your okay."

"I guess I'm fine. Thank you."

"So I'll see you in class."

"Sure, thanks again."

"No problem."

When he left I breathed out a sigh of relief. Alone at last. At least that's what I thought when an owl circled over my head, it dropped its package. A rose landed on my hands & a small fancy parchment came along with it. 

'A rose for the beautiful Lily Luna. Love HM' The note said. I smelled the rose & detected a never wither charm on it. And it struck me like a light bulb, I have an admirer, with the initials of H & M. It can't possibly be Lysander, he's not this romantic. I pulled away from my train of thoughts when I heard a call from behind my back.

"Miss Potter, you shouldn't be wondering around the grounds at this time of the day, it burns the epidermis of the skin."

I'd recognize that voice anywhere. That voice who always has arrogant hums in it. That voice that made me shiver, & the voice that awakened my heart before. This voice belongs to no other than Malfoy. 

"And why do you care mr. Malfoy?", I asked sheepishly.

"I don't care whatever bloody stunt you want to do, I came here to inform not to care."

"Excuse me?"

"Come with me please."

"I beg your pardon, but you have to tell me what's going on this bloody instance!"

"Feisty girl are you Potter?"

"Annoying git you are Malfoy."

He just smirked & took a step closer while I stammered back almost landing on my bottom when his arms caught me again from my clumsiness.

"Well here we are again."

I managed to pull away from his intoxicating scent & placed a smug look on his pale face.

"Can't resist me can you?"

"Just did", I stated as a matter-of-factly

Before he could spit out another of his narssisstic comments Albus pushed him & pointed his wand directly on his throat.

"That is my sister, stay away from her Malfoy", Albus growled.

"Or what Potter?"

:"'l'll make sure you regret touching her"

"Albus", Luciana & I said together. I was even surprised to see her there, never noticed her though.

"Albus stop, he was only going to inform me about something, don't get. . . . too protective.", I defended. 

He drew back his wand & started to walk briskly away from Malfoy & me. I didn't stop him, I'll only make it worse. What bothers me is why he's going all down in the dumps & overly brotherly protective of me when it comes to Malfoy. And what a stupid question, of course Malfoy's the Slytherin Player.


School days passed evenly & fairly. STUDY. HOMEWORK. STUDY AGAIN. QUIDDITCH PRACTICE. DUELS, not much of a flair these past weeks except for today  when my 'admirer' left another rose on my desk & some poems on my ruckstack bag.  I sighed, I don't actually feel the presence of fluttering butterflies whenever I read the poems & I don't actually get it why I don't easily fall for someone, is it a good thing or rather the total opposite.

~Scorpius Hyperion Malfoy

Another letter, another trick. This time I didn't write my intials 'Hyperion Malfoy' a smart girl like her would probably figure it out soon. I just need to keep her in the dark for a while. Somedays I feel like what I'm about to do is to hurt her, but then again I couldn't care less, but what if i did? The way her perfect red hair falls to her slim waist & her red lips & the most beautiful green eyes. I'm such an idiot. I could never hurt a kind, beautiful & smart girl like her. But what done is done. 

~HI again :) Scorpius is doubting his feelings. But what about Lily? Actually Lily's already falling for him too :) Enjoy the next chapter! Please comment & vote!

~Jane Malfoy

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