Hogwarts Our Home

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~Lily Luna Potter

“Be good now little sis”, James reminded whilst punching my arm playfully.

“First, I never get into trouble unlike you, no offence & second, how many times to I have to remind you that I am no little girl James. It’s my second to the last year at Hogwarts. Does that count on being little?”, I argued.

“I don’t get into trouble! It finds me Lily. And oh you are quite the trouble maker yourself."

Harry, my dad- the boy who lived, the boy who killed the Dark Lord Voldemort , the leader of the Golden Trio must have heard my little argument with James & turned to me after saying a few words to my other menacing brother Albus Severus.

“Now don’t say that Lily. You will always be my little girl.”

“I know dad & I will always be.”

And with that he gave me a kiss on my head. My mom Ginny then slowly approached us.

“Now Lily, since James will not be with you this year you have to be extra careful alright? We don’t want anything to happen to my beautiful daughter now do we?”

“Mom, you know I’m not beautiful.”

I almost blushed at what Ginny said when we spotted  Hugo & Rose- Aunt Hermione & Uncle Ron’s children, our cousins. Roxanne& Fred- Uncle George & Aunt Angelina’s children followed after them. As you can see Hugo, Roxanne & I are in our 6th year while Albus, Rose & Fred are in their last year.  We quickly caught up in some conversation since we didn’t quite actually see each other this summer for we took a trip in Romania whilst dad was set on an auror task. Soon the engine whined & it signaled for the students to board the train. We reached an empty compartment & bid good bye to our parents. When they were out of sight we silently sat down & started talking after a while. Albus then saw his slytherin friends & slithered out of our compartment, quite literally.


“Yes Lily? What do you want?”, he replied obviously very irritated.

“Where the heck are you going?”

“I’m Head Boy this year remember?  I’ll be discussing something with Mcgonagall and besides I’m going to find other prefects as well.”

I looked at him suspiciously putting on my ‘are you sure?’ look.

“I’m not going to Luciana. I promise.”

I shot him a death glare & he went away. I don’t mind if he’s in Slytherin house. I practically don’t like them either but Luciana Malfoy is Scorpius Malfoy’s sister. Why such a big deal? Because I hate Scorpius, he punched Hugo last year for defending Lysander Scamander- Aunt Luna’s son, well his other son, I mean he has twin Lorcan & they’re both sorted into ravenclaw. So other than that Luciana & Scorpius hates me. I looked at the spectacular view I always see every year to help me clear my preoccupied mind. The trees & the mountains complimented the bright sky & from the window I can see the worry in my green eyes. What would this year be? That’s what’s bothering me.

“Lily, are you alright?”, Hugo asked snapping me back to reality.

“Um yeah . . . just enjoying the view.”

I was absent mindly running my fingers through my red fiery hair when the old lady from the trolley announced her presence.

“Annnnnnyyything from the trolley?”, the old lady shouted.

I quickly got out of our compartment. Bloody hell I missed her! She’s already past four compartments. I half jogged to finally get to her.

“Anything from the trolley dear?”

“A licorice wand please & some pumpkin pastries.”

She handed the treats over me & I ran back to our compartment when I felt my body slam hard to a slender but firm body. We almost fell but this person caught me by an embrace. When I looked up to see who this person is, I saw beautiful grey orbs & silky platinum hair that falls to his face. To my dismay it was Malfoy..

 "Cozy arrangement ey Potter?"

"Malfoy", I said coldly.

I quickly let go of my hand & ignored his dirty smirks. I suddenly got all sweaty when he didn't let go of me. 

"Leaving so soon?"

"Leave me alone Malfoy, you should be wasting your precious time on other girls", I snapped harshly.

"Oh, I'm not wasting my time alright. Now tell me where is your courage brave Griffyndor?"


Thank merlin! Someone to help me get out of this sticky awkward situation.

"Back off Malfoy", Lysander roughly acclaimed.

Malfoy let go of me & stepped closer to Lysander.

"Scamander, how nice to see you again", he said sarcastically.

"Don't you touch her ever again.", he said through gritted teeth.

I hastily pulled Lysander away from Malfoy. I don't want to see Lysander hurt because of that pathetic excuse for a jerk. I told him Malfoy's never worth a damn fight & he did agree. When I entered the compartment again Roxanne pulled me roughly to my seat enough for me to scream at her.


"Have you heard the news?"

"What news?"

"Seriously Lily you need to widen your ears more"

"Sorry but I'm not the gossip listener type."

"Harsh, okay so I heard this rumor about Malfoy. He and Helena Nott broke up over the summer."

"So? I simply don't care about what's happening with the lives of purebloods defintely not a part of them."

"You didn't let me finish."

"Okay so finish it."

"it was because of Albus"

"Whaatttt? No Albus never liked Helena nor spoke of her. Its always been Luciana"

Roxanne claimed it was true but I didn't believe her. Albus is not that thick to be stealing other people's girlfriends even if it's Malfoy's girlfriend.

"Actually Helena liked Albus. That made Malfoy's hate for your brother grow to a size of a fully grown Hippogriff."

I ignored her last comment & snorted silently, I cannot believe it two girls liking Albus? Bloody not happening. A few more conversations, gossips & short naps the train came to a halt & I could hear Hagrid's voice from the outside. We walked to the great hall & waited for the headmistress to say few welcoming words & announcements. Soon the sorting comenced. After that the feast started & I am starving. 

"Blimey Hugo, you look like you haven't eaten for ages!", I commented.

Other than going back to our dorms after the feast I must say it was good to be back.


~So what do you think of my first chapter? Please comment & vote! 


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