Almost There

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So hey guys this book is almost to the end only two chapters more plus the epilogue hope you still vote and comment :) thanks for all the support by the way. 


I woke up with a scream.

It was just a dream.

Oh Merlin. 

It felt so real. 

My Lily.

Gone. She's gone. I can't even fathom why I  left her there. And now she's gone. 

"Son." I raised my head to see my father's wary eyes. "Is everything alright?"

"Yes. I'm fine." I spoke, my voice tight.

"We'll get her back." 

I nodded and walked towards the balcony to grab my broom and flew into the dead of the night. 

I never thought I would feel this way, I never thought I'd find someone I'm willing to die for, to kill for. But now that person is gone but I'd go to the ends of the earth just to see those beautiful green eyes again. 

"Lily." I whispered as a tear fell from my eyes. This is why I fly, I don't want people to see me weak, only Lily can see me that way. But I know I need to go back to the manor and face reality again. 

I wish she was here with me where the skies are filled with stars and the moon is full and bright. 

I recalled my dream and I swore I almost fell from my broom just thinking of that horrible dream. 

Was it some clue? Is Lily... I gulped. No, I would've felt it. 

"Malfoy." I heard Albus bellow from below and I landed with a thud. 

"Any leads?

He shook his head. 

"I have something to tell you." Albus whispered. 

"What is it?" 

"No ,not here."

I decided not to ask and walked with Albus. He stopped at the place where Lily was captured. 

"Look." He held up a piece of dark cloth that was stuck on one of the thorns of the roses. 

"Do you think?"

"Yes, this is our first clue." Albus nodded. 

"Let's bring this to our parents then." I started to walk but Albus grabbed my arm. 

"No." He shook his head. "This is our fight, they've got the wizarding world to worry about." 

"So we do this alone." 

"No, not alone. I've got company with me." 

As if on cue, shadows appeared out of nowhere. 

I stifled a gasp. 

"We're going to save Lily, even if it's the last thing we'd ever do."

I can't believe my eyes, wizards about our age everywhere. Gryffindor, Slytherin, Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw... united. James Potter, my sister, Oliver, the Weasleys, Goyle... almost everyone. 

This is it, we are going to save Lily and we are going to put an end to this war once and for all. 

"Good, now what's the plan?" I said. 

Albus gave me a debrief about our plan and turns out it was bloody brilliant. With the help of the Hufflepuffs we found Riddle's hiding place through tracking spells (thanks to the piece of clothing one of his deatheaters left). 

In a matter of minutes we were grabbing our brooms and soaring into the dead of the night. 

"I'm coming Lily." I whispered. 

After navigating through London we finally landed in a forest. 

"Wait, why are we here?" I asked.

"To portkey." Albus answered. 

Turns out there was a portkey indeed, we took turns, we went by batch and traveled through a warp of portals. 

We arrived at Hogwarts and the place is filled with dementors. 

"Everyone! Patronus Charms!" I screamed. 

And in a matter of minutes the dementors were gone. When the light was gone we clearly saw the damage of the school. T'was just like how my dad described it. 

"We need to move."

We started to run but stopped when we saw deatheaters blocking our way. 

"Everyone stick together!"

Spell after spell...curse after curse was thrown. Colors of red and green can be seen. Everyone was still standing and it gave me relief but not for long when I saw a mop of blonde hair fall to the ground. 


"Scorpius." she gasped.

"It's going to be okay little sis." 

I examined her body and there was a long gash up her shoulder and she was bleeding. 


"Merlin's beard no."

I can't loose my sister,I just can't, She means so much to me to my family...

"I'm going to fix her up... go find Lily." 

"But Albus-"

"You find my sister and I'll take care of yours."

I nodded.

"You're going to be okay Lucy." I kissed her forehead and left the battle grounds. 

I went inside the castle and saw the fight still going on and a lot of bodies were now splayed on the floor. I shook my head and erased my melancholic thoughts and continued my search for Lily. 

Lily where are you?



"Lily where are you?!"

"Scorpius help!!!"

Her scream was bloody murder and I can't help the tears that's pooling in my eyes. 

Where in Merlin's beard is she?

"I know where she is."

I turned around to see Lysander Scamander looking ashen. 

"where is she?!"

"Come with me."

"Why should I trust you?"

"You want to find Lily right? Fine with me if you wont trust me but we need to save her." 

I nodded and followed his lead. 

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