A Different Kind of Pain

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~Scorpius Hyperion Malfoy

I watched in bewilderment as my cousin Cassius grinned deviously. 

"Why with the tone of surprise?"

"How? How- did you get here?"

"I'm the Dark Lord's son. I could do anything."

"Voldemort's son? Voldemort has a son?", Potter questioned.

"Yes. Of course. You think the Dark Lord would easily let it go if he died? I prepared for vengeance. I was trained to battle & kill. If you haven't come in the nick of time, I would have killed Miss Potter here with dark magic.", He chuckled. 

Anger aroused inside of me, Cassius was my father's colleague. I never actually knew he was You-know-who's son, neither does my family. My wand was lying beside the bushes. I jumped & grabbed mine & tossed Potter his. I was about to cast the killing curse when. . . 

"CRUCIO!", Cassius flicked his wand effortless.

Pain. More pain. The only thing keeping me from grabbing into the world was Lily's voice, at least she was alright & finally awake. I flinched at the pain that's traveling in all direction of my body. 

I could hear spells & flashes of green & red light in the air.Good, back up's here.The last thing I saw was a dark smoke, reckoning Cassius' departure. I forced myself to stand up & I felt arms helping me to my feet.


~Lily Luna Potter

I watched as my brother & Edward Zabini help Malfoy to his feet. He just suffered from an unforgivable curse & it is all my fault if I haven't followed that stupid voice. I also tried to stand up but pain eventually settled in. I wanted to close my eyes to keep me from yelping in pain but the sound came out. Albus, Malfoy & Zabini quickly rushed to my side & I heard Professor Mcgonagall's voice giving instruction to lead us to the hospital wing. 

"Lily dear you need to drink this, its gonna hurt a bit but after that all the dark elements inside your body will leave & your body will be clean again. The death eater must have used a spell that fully screamed dark magic", Madam Pomfrey explained.

I drank the concusion, & I screamed in pain. I grasped the railings of my bed.

"Shhh, Lily, its going to be alright", Rose soothed me.

"There, there, you okay now? Your eyes are returning to its green color. Thank God!", Roxanne worridly asked.

I just nodded my head.

"Where- where are Albus & Scorpius?", I asked.

"Scorpius is just recovering from a cruciatus curse & Albus just got a laceration on his left arm from a hex, but other than that he's unharmed", Rose assured me.

I couldn't sleep that night, so I sat on my bed.

"Hey, you should be in bed", Scorpius whispered.

"Why did you come after me?", I asked hastily.

He seemed surprised. 

Instead for an answer he cupped my face & lightly pressed his lips on mine. His hot breath collided with mine & his hands trailed up & down my waist. I pulled back, even though I don't want to, I just need to. I'm not ready yet.


"No need to say sorry."

I burried my face in his chest & he pulled me in a tight embrace. I fell asleep in his arms that night.


~Sorry for the short chapter! Next time I would add five chapters. :) Please Vote & Comment!

To be clear, Cassius was Lord Voldemort's son with Bellatrix, I'll explain more soon. But for now Adios! BTW! Happy Birthday Thomas 'Tom' Felton! 

~Jane Malfoy

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