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Hohoho Merry Christmas potterheads! Again I am deeply sorry for the long wait but hey at least I uploaded. Thank you for all your undying support and some of your threats to keep me writing haha. I really do appreciate it. Well this chapter is dedicated to these people:











and jjonestwin2 for threatening me. Is that true though? haha 

Thank you so much! Now, I give you the next chapter! Christmas special :) And oh, this one’s a long chappy hope you guys are satisfied!


Scorpius stopped dancing suddenly and I looked at him confused. 

But he just smiled. "I almost forgot."


He placed his hands on his pocket and retrieved a small black box with a Malfoy crest on it. 

"Just a little present." 

I opened the lid and gasped. 

It was a diamond ring. 

"It has been in our family for generations, it keeps us safe. Tell us if there's trouble. Especially for the women." He winked.

 I was lost for words. 

Holy guacamole. 

"Oh I'm not proposing Potter . . . Well not yet at least."

I blushed furiously. 

"Gee, thanks Malfoy." I laghed. 

I stood on my tip toes and gave him a peck on the lips. 

"it's really beautiful. Thank you."

We both looked at the ring, admiring its beauty. It suddenly glowed, I looked at Scorpius, eyes wide with surprise. We shared the similair expression. 

The glow grew bigger and an explosion made its way to the hall. 

That's when all hell broke loose. 

It took me about five seconds to register what was happening in the Great Hall. And if it wasn't for Scorpius I wouldn't have another second to spare. We both ducked underneath the long table behind us and casted a protection charm. 

"Merlin's beard." I breathed. 

"Merlin's beard indeed." 

"Our parents." Oh no, if anything happens to them I'm doomed. 

"They can manage." 

I nodded. "What do you think caused the explosion?"

As far as I could hear the explosions didn't die down they kept coming. 

"DEATHEATERS!" A bone-chilling scream pierced through the hall. 

No, and that was all it took for me to break the charm and find my parents. 

"LILY!" Scorpius screamed from behind. 

But I ignored him and dashed for the smoke dodging spells and casting one if necessary. I scanned the room frantically hoping to catch a glimpse of my mom's red hair or my dad's raven one. Finally I saw James and Albus fighting two Deatheaters back to back. I ran to join them but a voice stopped me.

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