Chapter 4: Paint and Allergies

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Lucy's POV

I absentmindedly painted golden stars on the small rectangular canvas. I turned to look at Cana's piece. From what I could tell, it appeared like a narrow stairway. However all the colors were distorted and it had a slight blurry effect to it.

"What are you painting?" I asked Cana. She placed her brush down and shrugged, "This is what I see when I have too many skittles."

Art class was the third class of the day. Because we were just starting school, Ms.Aries let us paint to see what we knew. Unfortunately I had ran out of yellow so I slowly walked to the front of the classroom to ask Ms.Aries if I could get extra paint.

"We have some extra in the back. Fill your pallet with as much you need." I thanked her and went to the back.

I entered the small back room that smelled of paint and crayons. I quickly squirted some yellow paint on the giant pallet and headed back.

As I returned, Natsu stuck out his foot from behind. I didn't have enough time to react, so I landed face first on the paint, making a small thud. The pallet was a giant circle shape so it didn't hurt too bad.

The once quiet atmosphere, changed as everyone turned towards me.

"Here I'll clean this for you. Everyone go back and paint!" Cana ran to my side. "Don't worry I got this, go get yourself cleaned."

Natsu stifled a laugher, "She looks like Spongebob!" He shouted which made the entire class laugh.

Humiliated, I briefly walked away to the bathroom to clean up.

I stared at my reflection and quickly wiped away the tear that ran down my face. The paint was drying up on my hair and face, and the paper towels felt like sandpaper against my skin.

I returned back to class, where everyone had calmed down. Some quietly laughed as I passed by. I glanced at Natsu who sent an evil smirk my way. I frowned and continued to paint.


"Did you guys hear about the girl who who got paint all over her face?" Erza asked during lunch. We were inside the cafeteria and it was extremely loud and cramped with all the other people inside as well.

I sighed and awkwardly said, "Y-yeah that was me."

Her eyes widened, "I'm so sorry! I honestly didn't know."

"How did it happen?" Juvia asked as she ate the dry school lunch.

"I-," I should have told them then that it was Natsu, but decided against it, "I tripped and fell." I brought up my white vans, "I tripped on the shoe laces. I'm so clumsy."

"I think Lucy just had too much to drink." Cana smirked and repeatedly winked.

"Cheer up Lucy! In biology, we're going to dissect a flower!" Levy perked up. She had straightened her medium length hair and had it down.

"I'm allergic to pollen." I internally cried thinking today just wasn't my day.

"That means you'll probably get excused, so no worries. I bet you're going to be allowed to work on other homework during class. No fair!" Levy pouted and crossed her arms.


"It's ok!" Mr.Freed's hands waved in the air as he spoke, "You can work in the back, away from everyone else. Feel free to work on other class work."

"Do I have to make up for this assignment ?"

He shook his head, "We're only working on it today and it isn't going to be worth a lot."

I thanked him and carried my backpack to the back, with both shoulder straps on.

I was independent and minding my own business, when a certain salmon haired enemy made his way towards me.

He stared at me and made a facial expression as if in question, "How come you're not doing this?" he asked. Even if it was just a flower, everyone was supposed to wear goggles. He had his on with a pair of gloves in his hands.

I ignored him and continued doing homework.

"Not going to answer?" An amused smirk made his way on his lips, and what I didn't notice, was that he had a flower in his hand.

I gulped and inched farther away to avoid it. He held up the broken flower and pointed it at me, "Reminds me of you." And with that he blew the pollen right in my face.

I quickly brushed away any of it off my face and glared at him, "What the hell is your problem? I'm allergic to the damn flowers and that's why I'm not doing it!"

"You look even uglier when you're mad." He scoffed in annoyance.

Fed up, I stood up and faced him, "Maybe if I was in preschool, I would actually care about your stupid remarks."

"OH!" someone hollered from across the classroom.

Surprised by my sudden comment, he tried thinking of something, but slightly stuttered, "That's t-the best you can-,"

I cut him off by saying in a sassy manner, "I'm not going to even bother. You look like you belong in elementary school, and I don't want to start anything." I stared right back into his eyes, before flipping my hair and returning back to my work.

The class roared with laughter and one of Natsu's friends (I assume is his friend) yelled out "Take that you damm piece of-" I couldn't hear what else he had to say since the class was filled with laughter and shouting. The raspy voice came from a tall and guy with many piercing on his ears. He had thick black hair that was held by a sports headband. He was wearing a simple black shirt, but he seemed terrifying and intimidating, due to the many piercing covering his ears.

I turned my attention back to Natsu. He rolled his eyes at me before walking away.

Levy came next to me and gave me a high five, "I didn't know you had it in you!" she laughed.

"He started it!" 

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