Chapter 16: Skinny Dipping

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I'm Natsu sure why I get triggered.


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"This is so cute!" Lucy gushed over the vanilla ice cream that was decorated to look like a bear. Two thin pretzel pieces were attached to look like arms, a few froot loops were attached to the head to act as ears, and the face was made from chocolate bits which were carefully placed on.""Do they always do this?"

Natsu shrugged, "Who knows, but what I do know is that they're delicious." He quickly mumbled before dramatically swallowing one of the many crepes in his hand.

Lucy smiled and continued to eat her own dessert at a slow pace taking small bites and enjoying the moment she was spending with Natsu. In contrast, Natsu took his time to look over at Lucy and really take note of everything. The way her blonde locks gently cascaded down her thin, pale face, and how some strands escaped from her messy bun, how her thin pink lips would occasionally crease in a straight line while she thought, he was in a trance as he stared at her.

'Stalker' an inner voice whispered in his mind.

'Who are you?' Natsu thought.

'You're conscience.'

'Ok, Now stop talking to me.'

'If you stop looking at Lucy.'

Natsu didn't respond, and at the same time, he never once removed his eyes off Lucy.


Natsu didn't respond and instead kept staring at Lucy, with a frown making its way on his face. "You're really skinny..." He accidentally blurted out, and quickly felt embarrassed.

"Thanks." She smiled, with her glossy brown eyes scanning his expression. Nope, he wasn't lying for once.

"That wasn't a compliment."

Her smile fell, and she bit her bottom lip as a confused expression replaced her previous one. "What do you mean?"

"Lucy, just look at you,-"

"Didn't you once tell me that I 'weighed too much'." Lucy quoted him with her fingers, not caring that she interrupted him.

Natsu quickly recalled the time he had bullied Lucy about her weight, suddenly feeling guilty, "You didn't take that seriously did you?" He shouted in fear as he stood up and grabbed Lucy by the shoulders, "I was just,-"

"Joking? I doubt it."

Blood rushed to his face in anger, it WASN'T his fault. He did NOTHING wrong, his hand twitched in anger, but his eyes soon filled with light tears. He brought Lucy in for a hug, and they both embraced each other. "I'm sorry." He apologized into her shoulders, a real sincere one.

It was one of the few apologies he had ever given in his lifetime.

She smiled and whispered many times for him not to worry, not realizing that he was silently crying.

He felt ashamed that after many years of built up strength and feelings, he had let a part of it out. And it was all because of Lucy Heartfilia.

'I'm so weak.'


"It's Halloween!" Juvia cheered at midnight. She hopped out of bed, grabbed Cana's onyx metal bottles and pounded them together.

"WILL YOU EVER SHUT UP?" Levy yelled and buried herself under the bed sheets, and pulled the white pillow over her head.

"Cut it out!" Erza complained.

"I'm dipping!" Cana shouted and ran out the room, towards the small lounge that was located near the entrance of the hotel.

"What's so special about Halloween?" Lucy wondered out loud, asking herself why Juvia was being so extra about it.

Juvia grinned and giggled, "Nothing, I just wanted to annoy everyone."

A few hours later, the seniors decided to be in the spirits and dress up, some more than others.

Lucy put on a flower crown and Juvia painted some golden, sparkling stars on her face. Lucy didn't know what she was, so she decided to add some wings that she bought from a shop in town, and decided she would be a fairy.

"Cause why not? Am I right or,-"

"It's cute!" Erza exclaimed with her cape flying through the breeze that was in their room. She was catwoman, her favorite part of the costume was the dark mask.

"Are you and Jellal going to be matching?" Lucy giggled, and Erza nodded with a smirk.

"Well I'll see you later!" Lucy put on her white canvas shoes, getting ready to leave.

"Wait! Where are you going?" Cana asked.

"To see Natsu! He said he was either going to be a dragon or a stripper."

"A stripper?" Cana choked on air.

"He wants to be Gray so badly." Levy snorted.

A few turns, lefts, and rights, Lucy made it outside, where the clouds were merging together, forming a blanket over them.

"Hey Natsu!" She called, jogging over to him.

Both their eyes widened at the same time as they saw their costumes.

"What are you supposed to be? A disappointment?" Natsu laughed and slapped his knee.

"Shut up Natsu." Lucy screeched with her iconic pose, which were her hands firmly planted on her hips, her lips in a thin line facing down, and her eyebrows creased together, "But I'll have you know that I'm a fairy!"

"So you grant wishes?"


"I'll remember that."

"So you actually went with the whole stripper thing?" Lucy laughed and circled around Natsu to take a 'closer' look at his choice of outfit.

He didn't have a shirt, a typical Gray thing, and only had dark jeans on with a chain hanging on his neck. He had a blue stain on the right side of his chest, which was apparently paint, but it somehow both gave them a deja vu feeling.

Natsu smirked as he remembered his plans with Gray later."Gray and I are going skinny dipping later. Wanna join?"

Lucy didn't really understand his intentions, though she knew that he was just joking, "I've gone skinny dipping before."

Natsu felt his cheeks burn, "Y-You have?"

"Yeah! In my tub!" Lucy grinned, but then a thought crossed her mind. "Wait, you and Gray are BOTH going ALONE?"

"Yeah, why?"

Lucy scratched her neck, with a blush making it's way to her face, "Nothing."   


Sorry about this being late! I must be stopped; I procrastinate way too much ;-; So did anyone go trick or treating? I didn't cx 

Another note; Apparently everything triggers me from wattpad XDD, well that's what my friends say because apparently I 'complain too much' Comment down things that trigger you (doesn't have to be related to wattpad) 

t y p i n g  l i k e  t h i s  s o m e w h a t  a n n o y s  m e  : )

I'll leave

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