Chapter 22: "Tension"

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I don't have a life and I still can't find time to update. smh. It was my birthday this week and I was sick and I'm still sick, wth?!

Anyhow ... sorry for taking so long!

Natsu poked Lucy's cheek for the millionth time now, "Wake up~, Wake up, Lucy."

It was a really weird sight considering that only moments ago, he had been freaking out. He woke up with a hangover, of course, but that wasn't the problem. He woke up next to Lucy.


He had panicked and immediately looked under the covers to make sure he still had his clothes on. So did she.

'Stupid' He thought, and slapped himself. And even then, it still wasn't enough to get rid of his lewd thoughts.

It was a little over eight o'clock. The wide glass panes that he had left open from the night before reflected the bright, puffy white clouds outside. They held the promise of a clear and eventful day.

They weren't wrong.

"Lucy Heartfilia, wake up!" Natsu whisper-shouted.

'Just go home yourself, you fool.'

'You again?' Natsu shook at the thought, well his own thoughts actually.

'What? Did you expect something from her?'

'Yeah, an explanation.'

'True, I don't even know what happened either.'

"Oi," Lucy murmured, "You're awake?" She let out a small yawn.

Her eyes scrolled up to Natsu's messy bed hair, "You look horrible." She closed her eyes and looked away with her arms crossed, in a pouty style. Once Lucy was awake, she couldn't go back to sleep no matter how hard she tried. She wasn't the kind of person who liked being in bed all day.

"You're one to talk." Natsu mumbled.

"Did you say something?!"

"I said you,-"

"And after I helped you yesterday! How rude!" Lucy got off her bed and casually pushed Natsu off her bed. She wanted to tidy up her room and fix it a bit.

Natsu lifted his head to stare at Lucy with curiosity in his eyes, "What happened anyways?" The only thing he could remember were his feelings, which still lingered in his heart.

'I guess it's normal for someone to not remember after drinking ... but a part of me wishes that he had.' Lucy sighed, debating on what to say. She can't just tell him, 'Oh! You were flirting with me last night and kissed me, you know the usual!"

Lucy grabbed a nearby pillow and tried screaming into it, but Natsu placed a hand over hers. His eyes pleaded for answers and he wanted to assure her that he wouldn't be mad or upset.

Lucy took a few steps away from him because of his sudden actions. "Uhh well I-I don't know how you got in," she mumbled, "but you were so out of it. You woke me up from my sleep and started acting weird," a strand of her thin golden hair escaped from her ear as she blushed, "Eventually you fell asleep, and that's the end of it."

Natsu glanced at her suspiciously. Obviously that wasn't the full story, but if he kept asking her then she would be upset and he didn't really want to handle with that first thing in the morning. 'It's not like I care about her feelings or anything'.

Lucy walked towards Natsu and gently folded her legs as she slowly subsided on the floor. She grabbed Natsu by the shoulders with both of her hands, her face extremely close to his. "The truth is, you actually--," 

Before she could finish her sentence, the door was burst open by Sting who had a tray of cookies in his hand.

He stood there frozen in motion with an expression of stunned surprise. His golden locks at the front of his forehead had been pinned back with a bobby pin. He had a simple navy button down with some gray joggers. Seeing Lucy and Natsu sitting together at a very close distance infuriated him to an endless extend.

"What do you think you're doing?!" He asked as he grabbed Lucy by the wrist and held her defensively.

"W-What are you doing here, Sting?" Lucy asked but it came out muffled since her face was pressed against his chest.

"Sting!" Natsu yelled and lunged at Sting. This was the millionth time he interrupted his moment with Lucy.

Sting expected it, he had anticipated it and let his body relax after seeing that Lucy was safe. He, himself started wrestling with Natsu on the ground.

"Natsu! Quit it!" He struggled with the weight that Natsu had over him.

"WHY ARE YOU HERE?!" Natsu struggled.

He feel his vein swell from anger, "I should be asking you that!"

Before their little fight could get any further, Lucy grabbed them both by their hair. "Enough!" Her eyes were hidden by her hair, but it was evident in her voice that she was angered by their behavior.

First, she started by flipping Natsu on his back. "Natsu, I think it's best if you went home. You're sick and need to be taken care of."

"In that case, why don't you,--" Sting put his foot over his face. He knew where this would go if Lucy actually took care of him.

Sting glared at Natsu with envy, "Lucy don't listen to him. He's taking advantage of your kindness."

"Which reminds me, why are you here?" Lucy questioned Sting.

"Lame." Natsu laughed at Sting's rejection.

"B-Because! I wanted to ask you to help me with my school work." He admitted and covered his blushing face with his hand. 

"Lucy, why not help me?" Natsu asked, trying to get Lucy's attention.

Lucy turned her head at Natsu and frowned, "You realize that we're both at about the same level, right?"

Natsu grabbed Lucy's hand and brought her closer to him, "And you realize why I want to spend more time with you, right?"

"HA?!" Sting choked and staggered to get near the duo.

He flickered Lucy's head, gently of course, and smacked Natsu, "There's too much sexual tension between the both of you."

Natsu stuck his tongue out at him and pulled at the skin beneath his right eye, "Jealous." 

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