Chapter 6: A Cherry Knot

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A/N: Warning; slight swearing at one point in the chapter. 

Natsu's POV

"Stop crying!" My father yelled at me as I tried my best not to cry, "Losers cry, not you. Do you understand that?" He yelled again, as we stood in front my mother's grave.

"Do you understand?" he stretched out each syllable in between gritted teeth.

"Yes." I nodded, "Then why are you crying?"

"Aye sir!"

"Aye sir!" I picked up my phone and turned the snooze button on. I hated that dream. I scrolled through my phone as I rolled on my side.

A bunch of messages from girls at school popped up, some even sending exposing pictures. I ignored all of them and kept surfing through my phone. It was January, and soccer season was going to start soon.

From Jellal;

Are you trying out for soccer this season?

"Aye sir!" The stupid alarm went off again, making me finally jump out of bed and get ready for school.


"Natsu~" Karen and Jenny's high pitched voices rang through my ears making me slightly stop in my tracks. They ran up next to me and began getting closer.

"What's up?" I casually smiled, wanting to get away from there.

"PYRO!" Gray called out. I grinned, secretly thanking him for calling me.

"Sorry girls, I have to go." And with that I made my way towards the others. I shoved my hands in the pockets of my nike sport shorts and started talking about our next party that we were going to have at my house.

"Should we make the pool available?" I asked, but perked up as I noticed a certain blonde walking alone to her class in a hurry. I checked the time on my phone and realized the bell was about to ring a minute.

"I'm out." I followed after Lucy, curious on whether she would go straight to class or not.

"What's up with the stupid hat?" I asked. She was wearing a ridiculous rilakkuma hat on her head. I only knew the brand, since Zeref's wife owned a bunch of things like that.

"It's cold..." She answered, as if it were the most obvious thing in the world, "Your scarf is worse. What's up with the scales all over it?"

We both entered on time and the first thing we were instructed to do in English class was to work in our groups together. I sighed and made my way towards Lucy.

Lucy's POV

Just two more weeks, and then it'll be over. I won't have to work with him anymore.

"Good morning!" I sarcastically acknowledged him and went back to doing my half of the work.

"Nice attitude sweetheart!" He shot back in an equal tone. I rolled my eyes and we began working on our project. Though, sometimes I couldn't help but stare at his hair.

"The assignment is here," he pointed at our desks, "not up here." he pointed at his hair.

"I-I wasn't staring!" I blurted out, embarrassed, causing a smirk to form on his face. His stupid smirk stayed in place, and made me irritated as the minutes passed.


"One more thing! Tomorrow you're all going to have to present last week's work." Gildarts announced, making my stomach drop.

Later that night, I had a difficult time to try and fall asleep. In my last presentation, Natsu had humiliated me in front of class. I closed my eyes shut trying to not let my tears spill out.


"Hey Lucy, try this!" Levy grinned mischievously as she handed me a cherry, "Try to tie a knot with the cherry stem, only using your mouth." Levy handed one to our other friends.

"Oh! I know what this is~" Juvia laughed, her expression looked as if she had bitten into a sour lemon, "Levy always says that if you can tie it, then you're great at kissing."

Juvia then turned towards me and slapped my back, "Where were you this morning? We were looking for you!"

"I came here a little late that's why." I flashed her a grin before returning to the difficult task.

"I choked!" Erza spat out a cherry seed onto the table.

Cana didn't even bother to play, she just ate the cherry without question.

"I GOT IT!" I announced and showed them the knotted cherry stem.

"Who would even want to kiss you?" The deep voice behind me startled all of us, except for Erza.

"What the hell do you want?" She asked as she stared at Natsu and a couple of his other friends.

Natsu had a smug look on his face, and two of his friends were next to him. A tall familiar guy stood next to him, the same one with the piercings, he stood there with his arms crossed along with Gray.

There was an awkward silence in the atmosphere before Cana stood up and faced Natsu, "What the hell is your problem?! Go somewhere else!"

Natsu ignored her, and his eyes focused on me, making me feel uncomfortable. "What? Aren't you going to talk?"

I quietly stood up and stormed off. Juvia walked next to me asking what was wrong, while I heard the others arguing with him.

"I told him many times, I've had enough of his bullshit!" I yelled, and placed my left hand on my forehead, while in thought.

"Just ignore him! If there's anything he hates, is people who ignore him." Juvia placed her hand on my shoulder, reassuring me everything would turn out fine.

"Why are you running away?" Natsu's voice persisted and once again, he was behind us. I slightly hid behind Juvia as he approached us.

"You're really embarrassing me." I mumbled, as I noticed that other people around the halls were staring at us.

"Does it look like I care?"


"Lucy do you have a formal dress?" My dad asked as he peeked his head out from the door to my room.

"Yeah, why?" I asked.

"I'm hosting another small gathering tomorrow in the afternoon." 

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