Chapter 3: I'm Perfect Just the Way I Am

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Lucy's POV

"How was the whole experience?" I curiously asked Juvia as we continued to run on the school tracks. I had finally met her yesterday when she returned to school. Apparently, she had sepsis and was deeply ill, and she explained that she had to get hospitalized to get better.

"I hated it!" she pouted, "I was even paler than my usual complexion, so I looked like an actual ghost. The nurse couldn't even tell the difference between the white sheets and my skin." she snorted and I giggled at this.

"I actually can't imagine you paler than your current skin." We both came to a stop since we had finished all four laps around the track. Natsu and his friend came to a stop, who I learned from Juvia, was called 'Gray', right after us.

"Damn, they're both really fit." Gray exclaimed loud enough for us to hear, while Natsu rolled his eyes. "Not really, I was only jogging and I wasn't even trying." and with that they started walking away to get water.

"He's so hot." Juvia squealed.

"Who?" I asked looking at both of them.

She pointed at Gray who had taken his shirt off, so I turned around to avoid looking, "You like him?" I asked which caused her to nod her head in excitement.

Our teacher Mr.Scorpio, blew his whistle and everyone gathered around, forming a slightly crowded circle around him.

"Alrighty class!" he grasped his hands on the , "Get into two equal separate lines and face each other." he grinned and blew his whistle once more. Everyone slightly glanced at each other, and got into lines. I noticed how a lot of the girls were shoving each other to be directly in front of Natsu and Gray. Natsu smirked at all of them, while Gray attempted to remove his shorts, making them go crazier, while Juvia and I were next to each other, waiting for further instructions to be directed.

Mr.Scorpio sighed, "Natsu, Gray get over here." He gestured for them to head over to our side and pointed for them to stand directly in front of us, to which I internally cried.

In front of me was Natsu and I averted my eyes waiting for Mr.Scorpio's instructions, but I could feel his piercing green eyes on me.

I looked down at my white running shoes admiring how clean it was. The school colors were white and navy blue, so our physical education uniform were navy shorts and a regular white shirt with the school logo in the middle.

"The person in front of you is your partner," I mentally cried at this, "and one of you will have to carry your partner on your back. You have to finish two laps around the track." Mr.Scorpio proceeded to frighten everyone when he smirked, "The first 'couple' will be excused from P.E the next class period." This caused everyone to change expressions and almost instantly start cheering. I noticed how some girls were glancing back at me, and I frowned hoping I wasn't going to become the next bullying victim or something.

"Now get with your partners and line up at the starting line." he blew his whistle. Juvia gave me a high five, "Good luck!" she squealed as she headed towards Gray.

"Now decide among yourself who will do what, and gather up at the starting line."

I looked at Natsu and he gestured for me to jump on his back. I reluctantly hopped on, and he walked towards the starting line. His hands grabbed hold of my ankles as I gently tried wrapping my arms around his shoulders.

Mr.Scorpio waited for a few seconds, and then blew his whistle and Natsu took off. I accidentally let out a small scream thinking that I would fall off, "Oh come on I'm not even sprinting yet." he exclaimed. However, anxiety got the worst of me, and I ended up holding in my breath thinking that it would somehow help.

During the five minutes the race took, I noticed how his muscles would tense as he turned corners and how he would take longer and quicker steps when he began sprinting. This was stunning to me, and I actually admired his fitness.

He took his final step towards the finish line and we both grinned. We won and Mr.Scorpio congratulated the both of us. Everyone else was disappointed and sent glares our way.

I got off, "Than-",

"Yeah whatever. That was fun." he cut me off and smiled.

I was going to smile as well at his sudden change in attitude, but he placed his hand on my shoulder and leaned in and whispered, "I'm going to be nice today and not tell anyone, but-" he looked at me with pity, "You're so fat. I had to actually try and sprint to win because you were dragging me down. None of the others girls I've ever been with weigh as much as you." He grinned once more, however I could tell this one was fake, and he started walking towards his friends. I was left standing there hurt and confused.

Juvia walked next to me and I jumped back, "What happened?!" I gasped at the sight. She had blood dripping down her nose.

"Gray decided to take off his shirt while he was running." she gave me a thumbs up.


The smell of food was all I needed to go running downstairs.

"What's with all of this?" I questioned him as I admired it all.

"It's just a way to celebrate your first week at school. Kudos to you for surviving! How has it been?" his voice roared with laughter. I didn't find anything funny so I just sat down and began eating.

I sat down on the chair across from him, "Thanks I guess. It hasn't gone bad at all." I lied to satisfy both of us.

I looked down and started eating the pasta enjoying every bite. At one moment, Natsu's words ran in my head causing me to stare at my food.

"What's wrong?" my father asked noticing I had stopped eating.

I shook my head, "I'm just full at the moment. Can I go upstairs now?" he nodded his head and I walked upstairs, ashamed of myself.

I went to my room and looked at myself in the mirror. Was I really fat? My stomach rumbled but I ignored it. I had never thought I was fat, but even if I was, what was wrong with it?

I felt stupid for taking Natsu's words so serious, but couldn't help it.

I kept looking at my figure. Had I always been lied to?


"My goodness young lady!" the woman gasped as she looked at me, "You need to start eating more! You are too skinny!" some other ladies gathered around me, each holding similar expressions as the first lady.

"You're just jealous she's skinny." the other lady laughed, making the others join in with her.

"I guess I am. You know, you should try modeling. You have the potential to become one." And with that they left, leaving me confused and blushing.

"You're perfect just the way you are princess."

I hugged her, "Thanks Virgo."

I had to admit, I was a little thin. I slapped hands over my cheeks feeling stupid for actually believing Natsu's stupid comment. I promised myself that the next time he would make a comment about me, that I'd ignore it. 

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