Chapter 13: Marshmallow

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A/N: Originally Natsu and Lucy were texting in this chapter and I wrote about the messages that they sent each other. But, I don't really like how that looked so I got rid of it and instead just wrote like I always do. So if you read this chapter and come back to it and you're confused, then ... that's why :) 

"So do you mind giving me a ride?" Natsu asked Lucy as they were getting ready to depart from campus. It was a little past 4, and students were flocking amidst giving the school a very loud and cheerful atmosphere. Some teens were on their phones surfing the internet, while others were more social and chatting away with fellow peers.

Lucy had a quirky expression on her face and she began fastening the thin black ribbon on her loose braid. "Why?"

"I don't have my car with me." Natsu sighed as he zipped his black hoodie sweatshirt. Natsu couldn't ask any of the staff that worked in his mansion for help, because his dad had prohibited him from bothering them.

"I mean why me? Why not Gray or Jellal or Gajeel or-,"

"Well why can't I ask you?"

"Don't answer with a question!" Lucy pouted and bit her bottom lip, "I hate when people do that."

"Because they always get here late, and I don't feel like coming late here tomorrow." Natsu admitted feeling a bit embarrassed.

Lucy giggled and playfully slapped his arm, "Sounds to me like someone cares about school!"

"I-It's not that!" Natsu narrowed his eyes at her, not wanting to draw attention to them, "It's just that I'd rather be at school than at home to be honest."

"Fine," Lucy gave in and rolled her eyes, "Do you need my phone number?"

"Obviously," Natsu squinted his eyes at Lucy in a mocking expression, "How else am I supposed to text you to pick me up?"

"Ok, Ok, jeez." Lucy breathed out, "You're so mean." She mumbled.

"I'll text you later ok?" Natsu smiled and waved at Lucy with his back turned as he walked over towards the green field to get warmed up for soccer practice later.


A few hours later after soccer practice had ended, he was finally in his favorite place.

The bed.

Natsu found himself to be bored and he didn't have anything to do since he was caught up with all of his homework. 'I'll just bother Lucy for a bit.'

He looked over Lucy's phone number and decided on what kind of contact name to put her as. He shrugged and decided to go with 'Marshmallow', something random.

The next day, Lucy awoke with little energy and was extremely sleepy. She hopped inside her car and drove over to pick up Natsu, just as she had promised.

Natsu was waiting for her outside of the gates to his house. She drove along the curve of his street and unlocked the passenger side to let him in.

"You seem sleepy." He commented as he threw his backpack and sports bag in the back, "How are you even sleepy? Didn't you just get wake up?"

"I just am." Lucy stated with a proud tone that was obviously sarcasm.


The week went by slowly for Natsu. It was bad enough that he also wasn't getting enough sleep, and that pressure from his work was getting to him. To make things worse, Igneel had returned from his business trip. Things didn't go his way, and of course he took it out on Natsu. So, right now his life was full of demons.

The only good thing that kept a smile on his face, were Lucy and his friends.

It was currently lunch, and he spotted Lucy walking over to the cafeteria with the front desk secretary, Ms.Strauss.

(Mirajane Strauss)

"So I don't understand why my class rank isn't number 1? I'm taking all AP and honors, so that doesn't make any sense-,"

"Hey Lucy!" Natsu shouted in her right ear, making her jump and shriek. He didn't know why he did it, but it just seemed like fun. He can now officially cross that off his bucket list.

Ms.Strauss didn't seem alarmed at all, which surprised Natsu and instead giggled at them. "You're such a cute couple!" She swooned over them as she clasped her hands together in glee.

Natsu blushed at the idea and he felt his heart skip a beat. Cliche, he knew. Why he began feeling that way, he didn't know.

And as for Lucy, well she simply giggled along with Ms.Strauss. She knew where this was probably going to go, so she took Natsu's hand and the both of them hurried to the cafeteria. "Yeah well see you later Ms.Strauss!" Lucy shouted.

Natsu always thought that the nosebleeding scenes in his favorite animes were funny. He didn't think that at all in that moment, because he felt that he might actually get one if Lucy's soft hands kept holding his any longer.

"I don't want germs!" He quickly pulled away. He internally slapped himself for doing so.


"I see the way you look at Lucy," Gray smirked and kept nudging Natsu's elbows as he wiggled his eyebrows, "You like her don't you?"

Happy purred into Natsu's chest. Natsu had taken care of Happy for the day after begging Lucy to allow him to do so, and was gently holding him in his arms as he was talking to Gray.

"Even Happy agrees me."

"I do not!" Natsu whined, tired of hearing Gray tell him that everyday for the past month. "What gives you that idea?"

"I don't know." Gray sarcastically replied, "Maybe because you always hang around her, you're always sleeping with her -literally, like not in that way-," Gray quickly explained after seeing the look on Natsu's face, "and you're always eating the food at her house!"

"I do those things with you too! THAT DOESN'T MEAN I LIKE YOU!" Natsu argued.

"MAYBE YOU DO LIKE ME!" Gray yelled at an equally loud voice. It stayed silent in the room before quickly realizing what he had said. "I don't like you Natsu, if that's what you're wondering." He gave an apologetic look, after seeing that Natsu was staring at Happy while thinking.

"Shut up Gray."  

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