Chapter 7: Unexpected Guest

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"Natsu! Get in here!" Igneel called his son. Surprisingly, Igneel had a lot of  close friends, one of them being Jude Heartfilia. Since he was invited to another one of his parties, Igneel decided to bring Natsu along with him.

Natsu walked in, with slumped shoulders and a bored look on his face. 

"Nice attitude son! Why don't you go out that door and come back in, like you want to be here. Go." His loud voice echoed through his large office. 

Natsu rolled his eyes and protested, "But I don't-,"

"GO!" Igneel yelled, pointing at the door with his index finger, "Get the pus off your face."

Natsu reluctantly walked out, and walked back in with a straighter posture and a fake grin on his face.

"So do you know who the Heartfilia's are?" Igneel questioned Natsu.

Natsu shook his head, "Not really, but I know that they're on the same level as you." He answered, talking about their wealth.

Igneel nodded, "Jude Heartfilia is a close friend of mine, and invited me his party." 

'My dad has friends?' Natsu thought, as he stared at his father in disbelief.

"You're coming with me later today."

"Do I have to?" Natsu whined, he had actually planned to hang out with his friends in his pool.

"I'm not giving you an option, you're going with me." 


Lucy's POV

"Lucy can you open the door for when the guests arrive?" My dad called from upstairs.

"Sure!" I answered back, though it was strange since Virgo or someone else usually opened it.

It wasn't until after twenty other people that something out of the ordinary happened. 

The bell rang, and I was met with a smile from Mr.Dragneel. His red locks were slicked back, and he was wearing a dark suit.

"Hi Lucy!" Mr.Dragneel greeted me.

"Hello Mr.Dragneel, welcome to-," I stopped mid sentence when my eyes trailed over to Natsu. He was standing there with a shocked look on his face as we both made eye contact.

In that split second, I had an opportunity. I could snitch on him and tell his father all about the things he's done, or I could ignore him and pretend to not know him.

"Hi Natsu!" I smiled at him.

A fake smile appeared on his face, "Hey Lucy!"

Igneel's eyebrows rose up, "You both know each other?" He asked.

I nodded my head, "We have the same classes at school."

I stepped aside to let them in, as Natsu passed by he kicked my bare leg and glared at me.

I ignored the pain, and closed the door behind me.

"Igneel!" My dad yelled and came up to him, and they both gave each other a manly hug.

"I didn't know our kids went to the same school?" Igneel asked as he glanced back at us. Natsu was still standing next to him, awkwardly avoiding eye contact.

"Neither did I, but things happen. Lucy why don't you go with Natsu in the back? You both seem to be the only teenagers here at the moment."

I nodded my head, grabbed Natsu's hand and lead him outside. As I held his hand, he dug his nails into my skin, making my eyes slightly water.

As we approached the garden, I pulled Natsu and slammed him towards the wall. "What the hell is WRONG with you?" I yelled.

A smug look made its way on his face, "Mad already?"

I smirked, "I can walk up to your dad right now, and 'tell' on you."

His idiotic look disappeared, "Go ahead and try. I'll do the same thing." He argued, but his voice seemed unsure.

I shrugged, "I haven't done anything wrong, so there's nothing to hide. You on the other hand," I smiled, "Have done a lot of things that I can go tell your dad about."

His face paled and he shook his head as he held his hands up defensively, "Fine, Fine, you win Heartfilia."

I mentally cried out in joy, I love blackmail.

"WAIT!" Something clicked in my head at that moment, "You're Igneel's SON?!"

He looked at me with a look of disbelief, "Are you stupid? You just now figured that out?"

"So you're rich?"

He pulled on his salmon hair in frustration, "NO! MY DAD'S A MILLIONAIRE, AND IT MEANS THAT I'M POOR AND NEED HELP!" He yelled.

"Get over yourself, it was simple question." I took a step away from him, "But you do need help." I muttered.

"What the hell did you just say?"

"I asked if you wanted to go play in the garden maze." I pointed towards the tall maze. The maze wasn't difficult, but it was still fun trying to get to the middle.

He rolled his eyes, "That's for little kids, stupid."

I was getting ready to tackle him to the ground, but an imaginary light bulb appeared on top of my head. "How about if we go with a blindfold?"

"I don't have anything better to do, so fine I guess."

"Fine I guess." I mimicked him along with his dumb hand gestures.

"Just go get a blindfold."

"I don't have one. Why would anyone have that?"

"IT WAS YOUR IDEA!" He covered his eyes with his hands, "What a dumba-"

"Just use my cardigan as a blindfold." I offered.

"Or you could use your hands and just place them around my eyes."

I shivered at the thought, "Gross, just use my cardigan. I can wash it later."

He sighed and tied my navy cardigan around his eyes, using the sleeves as strings. We walked to the entrance of the maze, "Go! I'll stand behind you so you don't get lost."

"I wish you could get lost." He muttered.

"I wish you could trip and fall down a hole." I mumbled.

"So you're a Hearfilia?" He asked as he tried making his way to the exit. He placed his hands on both sides of the wall around him and tried getting a better feel.

"No, I'm just a maid that's working here." I sarcastically replied.

"Well that sucks." 

Did he actually believe me? "I was joking." 

"Then is that why the teachers like you? And is that why everyone always tries to hang out with you?" 

Was acting stupid or was he actually stupid? The teachers liked me because of my behavior and grades, and occassinsaly some guys would come up to me and try to talk. 

"Sure, let's go with that." 

"I knew it! No one would actually like you for-," 

"LUCY!" A familiar deep voice called out. 

Both Natsu and I turned around, though Natsu was still blindfolded. My friend ran up to us with his hand in the air as he waved at me. He hunched over, to catch his breath. 


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