Chapter 8: #Dragneel

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Has anyone NOT gone back to school? 

"Okay, who the hell are you?" Natsu asked. He still had Lucy's cardigan around his eyes, so he couldn't see Sting. Lucy turned him around, so that he was facing Sting. 

Sting stood there grinning, with his khaki pants and navy button up shirt, before giving Lucy a small hug, "Hi Lucy!" His eyes looked over at Natsu.

They were about the same height, except Sting appeared to be about an inch taller than him. "Is that you Natsu?" Sting asked as he took a look at Natsu's hair. Because Sting was colorblind, Natsu's hair seemed like the color gray to him.

"Sting?" Natsu's eyes squinted, since the sudden light made him feel slightly disoriented.

"You know each other?" Lucy asked.

Natsu nodded his head, "Yeah, we've played against each other in soccer. He goes to Sabertooth High, and we always play against each other at nationals."

Lucy nodded her head in understanding. Natsu's eyes trailed over to her waist, where Sting's arm was wrapped around it. "You can let go now."

Lucy's cheeks tinted pink, while Sting also blushed as he removed his arm, "Jealous?" He asked.

Natsu rolled his eyes, and huffed, "As if. It just looks like incest to me because you're both blonde."

Lucy and Sting both looked at each other before glaring at Natsu.

"So what were you both doing?" Sting asked.

"We were playing in maze and Natsu was trying to get to the middle, with a blindfold."

"I wanna play too!" Sting pouted.

"It's still my turn!" Natsu argued, so both Sting and Lucy trailed after Natsu.


"Dammit!" Natsu yelled as he crashed his face into the one of the pillars of the garden dome. "WHY IS IT ALWAYS ME?"

Lucy quickly grabbed his hand and hurried him inside her room. His nose began to bleed so he quickly cupped his hand over it. Sting offered to carry him, but Natsu rolled his eyes and refused.

Lucy took him to her bathroom, as she frantically tried searching for tissues. She didn't take him to the maids, because Natsu insisted that he didn't want his dad finding out about his 'accident'.

"I got it Lucy! I don't know what this is, but it stopped the bleeding!"

Lucy turned around to face a grinning Natsu, who had placed a tampon up his nose.

Sting stood by the entrance of the door, he looked at Natsu and his mouth flung open. "Do you know what that is?" He asked as he approached Natsu.

Natsu shook his head and shrugged, "Well it works, so there's no problem."

Lucy's entire face lit up to a bright red, and she quickly removed her personal stuff out of the bathroom sink.

Sting grabbed some toilet paper and handed it to Natsu, "Here you go, stupid."


Lucy's POV

"So he just shoved it up there?" Erza asked as we were walking to English together.

"That sounds wrong." Levy laughed.

"Well, he kind of just had it there." I shrugged.

"Do you have Instagram?" Levy asked. I shook my head and asked why. "Natsu posted a picture of himself a couple days ago and..."

"You saw that too?" Erza asked as she began to laugh. Levy awkwardly shook her head and pretended to throw up.

"Let me see!" I curiously asked.

Levy took out her phone, and went to Natsu's profile page. He had posted a picture of himself shirtless, with Gray and Gajeel.

My eyes widened as I read the comments.


"Strip for me Gray plz"

That was simply enough for me and I stopped reading after only two comments.

"You should make an instagram Lucy!"

I shrugged, "It's okay, I'll just stalk people through your account."


"Hey Lucy." Gray grinned as he sat down next to me. In science class, the teacher had rearranged the seats, and now everyone had a partner.

"Hi." I awkwardly muttered.

"Do you wanna go to this party that we're hosting this weekend?" He asked out of nowhere.

I looked at him for a moment, feeling awkward. We didn't really talk that much, so it was weird that he just asked straight up. 

"Really?" I was genuinely shocked, "Like actually?"

He laughed, "Yeah, you can bring a friend along."

"Why are you inviting me?"

He smirked and leaned in to whisper, " I think Natsu likes you, and I lowkey ship it."

I gave him a look, "Are you fucking serious?"

He nodded his head, "But don't tell anyone, or Natsu's going to be pissed at me."

I rolled my eyes, "Thanks for you offer, but I'll have to reject."

"Go! It'll be fun I promise!" 

"No I'm fine, thanks."

"You can bring your friend Juvia along, if you want." 

I smirked and leaned in to whisper, "I lowkey ship you and Juvia together." 


"WHY WERE YOU AND GRAY TALKING?" Juvia whispered yelled during P.E. She had seen Gray and I talking and had only assumed the worst.

"Was he flirting? Did he confess?" She grabbed my shoulders and violently shook me.

I held up my hands in surrender, "He invited me to his party, I think it's his, and he said I could bring a friend along. I was going to ask you."

She let go and gasped, "THEN LET'S GO SHOPPING AND THEN GO TO THE PARTY!" She grinned.

"I don't know if I want to go though. Natsu's going to be there, and..." I shivered at the possible scenarios.

"I'll back you up, don't worry."

"I'll think about it."


No One's POV 

Lucy decided to walk home, since it wasn't too far. It was a couple blocks away, but she wanted to exercise, and didn't mind. 

However, as she was crossing a small bridge, a blue cat ran across towards her. 

The cat got Lucy's attention, and she began awwing at it. She gently picked the small cat, and it appeared to be a newborn. It was dirty and its fur was falling off. Its eyes were dull and red. Despite it's appearance, Lucy cared about it.

She snuggled it, and ran back home to take care of it. She knew that the cat didn't belong to anyone since it was in bad condition and it didn't have a name tag. 

What Lucy didn't know, was that this cat was gradually dying. 

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