Chapter 5: I wasn't flirting

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Lucy's POV

"Are you going to try out for any sports?" Erza asked, as both of us along with Levy and Juvia walked to English class together.

I shrugged, "Not sure. I've played softball and volleyball before though. How about you?" I used to play these sports with Loke and Virgo when I was younger, since I didn't have any other friends to play them with.

"Yeah probably varsity soccer and softball. You should join!"

Juvia placed her arms over my shoulders, "Yeah you totally should! Or you could join me! I do water polo!"

"I'll think about it." I smiled.

"I don't really care and I'm too lazy to do any sports." Levy yawned as she straightened out her slightly wrinkled beige trenchcoat.


"For the next two weeks, we're going to be working on this project." Mr.Gildarts passed out the assignment down each aisle as he read out the instructions, "I'm also going to place you into groups of three, but since we have an odd number of students, there will be a team of only two."

He read out the names of the trios and I anxiously waited for my name to be heard, "Levy, Erza," Juvia and I glanced at each other thinking one of our names would be called, "-and Lisanna."

Juvia and I grinned at each other and mouthed out, "Good luck!" while we waited. Fortunately for her, Juvia's name was called out, "Juvia, Gray and Gajeel." I was jealous since she got to be with her crush.

"And the pair will be Natsu and Lucy." I froze in my seat. I knew that almost all the girls were staring at me since I could see from the corner of my eye.

I bit my lip and tried to not tremble in fear. I felt stupid for being scared of Natsu. Dammit, I'm not scared. I kept repeating that in my head, in hopes that I would convince myself.

"You MUST divide the work equally. This assignment is worth 20 percent of your grade, which is a big deal. Don't waste your own class time. Now get in your groups." And with that he returned to his own desk.

In this class, Natsu sat four seats next to me. I turned to look at him and he motioned for me to join him. I glared at him since all the seats were full near him.

I gestured for him to walk over to my side since there were available seats. He shook his head and kept telling me to walk over to him.

I sighed in defeat and walked over.

"Where am I supposed to sit?"

"I don't know. Figure it out yourself." He scoffed in annoyance and crossed his arms, waiting for me to sit down.

"That's why I was telling you to go over to my side!"

"But I'm too lazy to walk all the way over there."

I placed one hand on my side of my hip, "Just do it."

"Make me." A smug look formed on his face, making me pissed off for some reason.

"Fine, you can just work on this by yourself." I returned back to my seat and faced away from him pretending to jot down notes. I heard my name being called a couple times by him but I refused to give in.

After a minute, he finally pulled another desk and sat down across from me.

"THERE! Happy?!"

"Just a little." I made a circle with my thumb and index finger.


"Oh~I saw that!" Juvia grinned as we walked to P.E.

"Saw what?" I curiously asked as we made our ways to the girls locker rooms. The girls locker rooms was across the hall from the boys locker room. It was slightly cramped inside and some of the girls were taking selfies of themselves, making me feel awkward.

"I saw you Natsu flirting together!" she whisper shouted, not wanting to get the attention of everyone.

I slightly blushed, "No we weren't! We just tried getting as far as we could with the project."

She shook her head, "No, no. I saw you guys telling each other to get up and sit with each other."

"Yeah because neither of us wanted to stand up and there weren't any seats where he was sitting."

"He probably wanted you to sit on his lap." She bursted out laughing and I merely rejected the idea and gagged at the thought.

"That's gross!"

"But you're not denying it."



"Please don't continue." I begged.

She giggled and dramatically continued, "AND THEN~, he followed you back to your seat. He was probably thinking 'I can't stand being alone without my Lucy!'." She pretended to role play as Natsu and brought her hands to her heart, "My Lucy! I have to be with you every day of my life!"

"Juvia." I snapped her out of her thoughts.


"I think you're crazy." I sighed as I got my clothes out.

"That's what makes me unique."


"Hey Juvia!" Gray called out. Juvia and I turned around to see Gray and Natsu walking towards us.

"He said Juvia, not Lucy." Natsu's voice made me pissed off. I glared at him, "Whatever."

"Hey, chill man." Gray tried calming him down.

He looked over at me and smiled, "Hi Lucy nice to meet you!" he grabbed my hand and shook it, "Natsu talked about you."

Natsu quickly pulled our hands apart, "She'll get you sick man. Don't get near her."

I rolled my eyes, "Nice to meet you too Gray." My perky voice came up.

Gray and Juvia then started talking about their assignment and whether they should meet up during the weekend with Gajeel.

"How come you're not talking to me?" Natsu asked. I glanced at him, making sure he was talking to me.

I stood still, with my arms crossed together.

"So you're not going to answer me?"

"Because everything that comes out of your mouth is mean and hurtful." I pointed an accusing finger at him. 

He grabbed my wrist and pulled me closer to him as he stared into my eyes with a smirk on his face.

What the heck? I glared and pulled away, "Get away!" I pushed him against the wall and walked away.

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