I've liked you from the start
But little did I know about you
I guess it surprised you too
Now nothing could keep us apart
I'll be there when it hurts
I'll be there when you cry
I'll tear apart the world
Until the day we die
I'll keep you from your rage
Just let it out on me
I'll be here while you age
We have so many things to see
I'll be there when you're sick
I'll wash your tears away
I'll kiss you on your cheek
I'll be with you every day
Its not a promise thats easy to make
It might even seem to be a mistake
But should you pass away
It will be my last day
Without you now I cannot be
You mean everything to me
My whole body trembles at your sight
When all is dark you bathe me in light
Through shattered doors and broken glass
I'll come to you should you only ask
I'll be your blade I'll be your shield
I'll try to be all that you need