Like Everything/Nothings Changed

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Mason brought her shopping the next day. She needed the proper clothing for their job. She went browsing the different leather outfits and knee high combat boots. Mason didn't really know what to do he never had a female counterpart. She basically had everything black with some sort of yellow accent. They were almost done when she found a brown belt with two straps, with this yellow and black fabric flowing off to the side. (Like Yang's thing on her original outfit). Mason furrowed his brows, "That is highly unsafe for It could get stuck on something." Sonata just rolled her eyes, "Well it's cute and I need something to spice this up." Wu crossed his arms, "And who exactly is paying for this." She stuck out her bottom lip and did puppy eyes. Mason sighed, "Fine but, if you get stuck on something I'm not going to say I told you so." She side-hugged him, "Thanks Mace." He just patted her arm and smiled.


After a few months, Sonata was able to score an upscale apartment and some nice appliances with it. Mason and, now married, Meg, had visited. Meg smiled, "Nice place, S. I have to sleepover, need a break from Mason." She winked. Sonata laughed, "After all the time I spent at your place, you can sleep here anytime." Mason smiled and rolled his eyes. After a while the three sat on her couch, "Sonata would you be interested in a job. For like, pocket money." Mason looked at her. She nodded, "What kind of job?" He laughed, "It's an upscale club. Some older people but, they pay better. Their last singer quit and they need a new one. I work there as a bar tender, it's not a bad place. Not bad pay either." Sonata smiled, "Sounds like my kind of place. I'll see if I can score the job." He smiled, "Good, I'll bring you their tomorrow. It's close by and the guy know what kind of work I do, I've run a few...errands for him." Sonata smirked and raised an eyebrow.


The next night Mason picked Sonata up and brought her to the place. A fat man in a suit greeted them, "Wu, is this the girl who you were talking about?" He spoke in a Boston accent. Mason put a hand on her shoulder, "Yep, Nick, this is Sonata. She's one of the best singers I know." The so called "Nick" laughed, "Her name gives it away. Listen, sweetheart, I know the job you and Wu do. I won't question if you two have to jet all of a sudden. All I care is that you attract in the costumers and that you can sing," He raised an eyebrow, "You can sing right?" She nodded, "Yes Mr..." She trailed off. He laughed once again, "Oh Wu, she's a character. It's Nick, Nick Wright. And little lady you got the job. Don't worry you and Wu will get the same shifts every time. Your first shift starts tomorrow." Mason looked at Nick, "She can fit into the old dress, Nick, no worries." Nick smirked, "Of course, Wu. Look at the body on this one. Listen Sonata, was it, tomorrow is jazz night. Just sing and give a bit of a show, kay? Nice to meet you." With that he walked off. As Sonata and Mason walked out she looked at him, "He puts one hand on me and I can not be held responsible for what happens." Mason looked at her, "And I would not hold it against you."


Sonata stood in the dressing room. Her brown hair curled, blonde highlights looking like gold was infused into her hair. She was wearing a gold sequin dress that had a slit that went up to her mid-thigh on her right leg. She wore a pair of black heels that she owned. She sighed and went on stage with the band for the club.


Samuel didn't know how they even got this job. Two washed up soldiers from the Great War now living in a rundown apartment. Isaac obviously scored the job as a waiter, being the "people person". Sam was stuck cleaning any tables. As he was cleaning off one of the tables he heard the clicking of heels on stage he looked up. He knew Ash had quit about a week ago, who had she been replaced with? He saw a young women adorned in gold. And now it was time to wait 5...4...she started singing...3...2...Isaac walked up next to him, "Wow take a look at that one, Sam. Even a better looker than Ash." Sam just sighed, "I guess Isaac. Aren't you supposed to be asking if one of these people how they like their food." Isaac smiled, "I made my round for this two minuets. I want to take a look-see at the new entertainment." Sam rolled his eyes, "Don't you have any sense of decency?" Isaac laughed, "Sorry I forgot that you like to take the girl on a few nice dates before you would even think about bedding a girl." Sam didn't even bother responding and just went to the next table. Isaac huffed and went to serve another table. Sam tried to stay focused on cleaning the tables but, did take a few quick glances.


Sonata swayed her hips a bit when singing. Walked around a bit on stage. And as every good performer should do, look at your audience. Several times she winked at Mason, he just rolled his eyes and smirked. Or he would give the occasional thumbs up. She opened her eyes at one point and made eye contact with one of the bus boys. She smiled and winked at him, he quickly looked down and she smiled. Once she was done the bar had closed up for the night. She waved to her audience and went to change. 

When she came back out, wearing a yellow tee and black jeans, the bar was pretty much cleaned up. She sat at one of the empty bar stools and leaned on the counter, "So waddya' think, Mason." He ruffled her hair, "You did great kid. You're a natural." She shrugged, "There used to be a lot of underground parties, in the old subway tunnels, used to preform there." Mason walked around the counter, "Well you did a good job. And it's not bad only three days a week for about an hour." He smiled.

 She shrugged, "Not bad for the pay, too." Just as Mason was going to speak one of the waiters came of, "Hey Wu, when were you going to introduce me to the new recruit?" Mason rolled his eyes and gestured between the two, "Sonata, Isaac. Isaac, Sonata. Now you two are introduced." Isaac slipped between Mason and Sonata, leaning on the bar counter, "I have to say, I really liked your performance." She looked at Wu over Isaac's shoulder and Mason just shrugged. She sighed, "I would hope so, that's what I'm being payed for." Isaac smiled, "I know you must be very tired but, lemme just introduce you to my friend," he looked off to the side, "Hey, Sam! Come over here!" He waved towards the bus boy waiting impatiently by the door.

 He trudged over, "Isaac, I would like to go home." Isaac rolled his eyes, "Sam, this is Sonata. Our new singer." Sam looked at her, he felt a blush creep up his neck. She smirked at him and held her hand out, "I apologize, I must be keeping you from going home but, it's a pleasure." Sam took her hand a shook it. Mason pushed pass the two, "Sorry gentlemen but, I really must be getting her home." He dragged Sonata out by her wrist. She turned and waved while being dragged by Mason. Isaac looked at Sam, like a disappointed mother to a child, "Really, a hand shake? Come on man you could have pulled some romantic shit, like kiss her hand or something!" Sam huffed and started walking towards the door, "Come on I want to go home."

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