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Within the coming weeks, Sonata found Sam's height of great use. No more climbing on top of chairs and counter tops. Instead she would climb on top of Sam, even though he insisted that he would just get what she needed himself (like the fucking gentlemen he is), she found it much more entertaining to climb him. After a while when Sam would see the smaller try to reach for something, he would pick her up and place her on his shoulder. Isaac totally didn't try to climb on Sam's other shoulder because he claimed, "He wanted to look like a princess too." Which was responded with Sam's hand on Isaac's face, desperately trying to not let Isaac climb on top of him, and Sonata giggling like crazy. Though, afterwords Sonata did agree with Isaac, that she did feel like a princess. And everyone in the apartment knew that this would not be the end of Isaac's antics.

The three of them sat at the kitchen island, once again eating McDonald's. (Which Sonata loved to drag Sam with her on her trips.) Isaac rested his chin in his hands, "Soooo now that you two are a thing, and you are both fairly attractive, have you ever thought of a threesome?" He said raising his eyebrows and a devilish smirk plastered on his face. Sam furrowed his eyebrows and threw a fry at Isaac's head, "Absolutely not, it sounds horrible." Sonata swiftly got up, a twinkle in her eye, "Oh come on, Samuel." She purred. She slowly made her way to Isaac, "I mean who wouldn't want to have sex with this gorgeous," she placed a hand on Isaac's cheek, which immediately made the male blush, "Handsome," she moved her hand down to his check, Isaac swallowed, "Sexy," She brought her face close to his, lips almost touching, "LOSER!" She cackled as she poured ranch dressing over Isaac's head. 

Sam immediately started to snicker, quickly hiding his smile behind his hand. Isaac plucked the packet off of his head and grumbled, "Why do I ever trust you people." Sonata laughed, "Come on Isaac, it's pretty funny." Sam busted out in laughter, causing Sonata and Isaac's jaws to drop. It was rare enough to see Sam smile, though he tended to smile a lot more now. But full blown laughter was like seeing a unicorn and a mermaid in the same day. Sam wiped a tear from his eye, "Oh Isaac, you've had that coming to you for a long time." Isaac cracked a smile and so did Sonata. It was pretty funny,

Sonata learned yet another perk that came not only with her boyfriend but, the two other men in her life. They we're all pretty scary, not really Isaac but, he could play with your mind and that could get weird. This perk came in handy in public, especially the gym. All of them went to the same gym. It was fairly small but, it worked, they liked having each other in eye sight. Each one of them was incredibly fit, had to be for this job. So someone bothered one of them, someone would be there to intimidate. (Rarely anyone bother Sam and when I say "rarely" I mean never.) It got fun in the gym, pointing out that Sam was her boyfriend. Especially one time when Sonata was using the punching bag some guy "smoothly" walked over to her. He leaned up against the wall, "Hey baby, I know something those hands would be good for besides punching." Sonata immediately stopped. She exhaled and faced the guy, "See that guy running 20 miles per hour and that guy who has 150lbs on the inner/outer thigh machine, yeah, those are my best friends." Maybe just the thought of the guys who could squish your head with their thighs would frighten him.

 Obviously he didn't get the message, "Come on baby, I'm sure they won't notice if you were gone for a few minuets." Sonata sighed, "Also, see that guy over there bench pressing 200lbs-" The guy scoffed, "Yeah I can't tell if he's a show off or a freak of nature." Sonata smirked, "Well then I must mention that, "freak of nature", just happens to be my boyfriend. Not to mention I could probably punch your dick off." She ended with a hard punch to the punching bag, causing it to swing. Not to mention she didn't even flinch. The guy did a double take between her and Sam before heading off to another machine.

During Sonata's conversation with the gym perv, Isaac and Sam were conversing. Sam pushed the weights up, "Are you sure she's got this?" As soon as he said that, Sonata's particularly hard punch to the punching bag ensued. Isaac smirked, "Yeah I think, shes good." After a half hour passed, Sonata came over and whispered something into Sam's ear. He nodded and took off the weights on one side of the rod. As the guy walked towards the exit of the gym he looked towards Sam, who was now bench pressing weights and Sonata. 

The guys mouth opened a bit and Sonata smiled and waved her fingers in a, goodbye, motion. He quickly averted his gaze and power walked out of the gym. Sonata quickly hoped off the rod and smiled a Sam, "I don't think he'll be flirting with women at gyms anytime soon." Sam stood up and place an arm around Sonata, "It was also nice to show some guy not to underestimate you, because I did hear that punch." Sonata snickered, "The bench press was icing on the cake though." Isaac made gagging noises, "Take your romance outside, kids." Mason, who had yet to get off the treadmill, added on, "Isaac, not into young love?" Sonata quickly pulled Sam down by his shirt and kissed him. Isaac covered his eyes, "The parents are kissing!" He gagged while Mason laughed. Sonata pulled away and winked at Sam before going to the treadmills. Sam sat down on the bench press once again, blushing like a mad man. Isaac grinned, "Sammy's in love~!" He sung. Sam blinked and covered his mouth, "I think I am." 

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