Simmer Down

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The next morning when everyone was up, Sonata was about to put the coffee on. Isaac took this as his chance to get the two alone. Isaac coughed, "Sonata how bout' I go get some fresh coffee, from the dunkin' across the street, hm?" Sam looked at him, "Want company?" Isaac smiled and shook his head, "I'm good Sammy," He made eye contact with Sonata, "I'll be quick." With that he walked out the door of the apartment. Sam started to make his way back to the guest room. Sonata sighed, "Sam," He looked back, "I'm sorry about...last night. I shouldn't have snapped." Sam nodded and made his way into the guest room. A few minuets later Isaac came back with coffee and looked at Sonata. She responded with a sad look and shook her head. Isaac gave her a sympathetic look saying, I know how he can be.

Later that evening Sonata walked towards the door with a backpack. She coughed to get the two men's attention, "Hey, you guys can use some alone time, eh? Meg and Mason offered me a place to stay for the night. Just try not to burn the place down. And Isaac you can sleep in my room, just don't do anything in it, night guys." She said as she closed the door. Isaac looked at Sam, who was just staring off into space. Isaac pouted and poked Sam's forehead. Sam turned and glared at the shorter male, "What?" He growled. Isaac crossed his arms, "We have to talk about you being quiet," Sam raised an eyebrow, "More than usual." Isaac sighed. Sam just shrugged and turned back to the T.V. Isaac grumbled and then crawled onto his lap. Sam looked down, "What are you doing?" Isaac pouted, "If you're not going to talk you might as well be useful instead of sitting their like a doll." Sam knew he could easily shove Isaac off but, he also knew that he would also just keep crawling on him." He sighed, "If I talk will you get off?" Isaac smiled, "Yes." And Isaac crawled off of him. Isaac then muted the T.V, "What the fuck is with you and Sonata?" Sam furrowed his eyebrows, "Nothing, I don't mix business and friendship." For once the roles were reversed, Isaac slapped the side of Sam's head, "Bullshit, dude. You're madly in love with her, liken she's also really into you too. She was shocked when she found out-"Isaac didn't know how to shut his fucking mouth. 

Sam seemed to get bigger, he hunched his shoulders forward and grabbed the collar if Isaac's shirt, "What did you say to her you little shit." He growled. Isaac swallowed, "Look, Sam, it was bound to happen eventually. Neither of you were going to make the first move, might as well help you." He chuckled nervously, knowing full well Sam could crush his head between his thighs like a fucking grape. Sam sighed and let go of Isaac's shirt, rubbing his face. Isaac gathered his bearings and put his arm around the taller's shoulder, "Look if you're thinking about running to Wu's house and doing something fucking stupid, I wouldn't. You wouldn't look romantic, you would look bi-polar. Just wait until, tomorrow, okay?" Sam sighed and nodded his head.

It wasn't until late afternoon Sonata actually came home, and when she did, she went straight to her room. She did tell Meg and Mason what was happening. Meg said to show him that she could play the silent treatment too. While Mason tried to convince her to fix the situation, for the sake of business. She sighed and flopped her face into the pillow and screamed. After her lungs started to burn she flipped onto her back and stared at the ceiling, stuck in thoughts. After a few minuets she fell asleep, when she woke up it was 2 in the morning. She sighed and stood up, she needed some fresh air. She padded her way towards the balcony. Before she opened the door she heard the gravely voice she was torn between, "Sonata?" He spoke.

 She turned, "I didn't realize you were still awake, I'm just going outside for a bit." She went to go reach for the handle before he spoke again, "Sonata I want to talk...about what happened." She sighed, she realized she wasn't going to get out of this situation without the possibility of waking up Isaac. She made her way over to the pullout bed and sat on the edge, "Yes, Sam?" He sighed and ran his fingers through his hair. God what was he going to say, he's never been good at words or emotions for that matter. He should have just pretended that he was still sleeping. She waved her hand passed his eyes, "Sam if you have nothing to say I'm going to go outside." He exhaled slowly, "Sonata...I apologize for my behavior for the past two days. I'm not very good at...projecting my thoughts. I just wanted to give you my apologizes." He spoke mechanically. He had been practicing how he was going to speak to her. To be perfectly honest it turned out better then he thought he would. She looked down, "Isaac mentioned you were never good at speaking." She looked up quickly. She didn't mean to bring up her and Isaac's conversation.

 Before Sam went to speak, Sonata leaned down and kissed him. He stiffened up, not knowing what to do. She pulled back and blushed, "Oh my god, you don't like me. Isaac is going to pay for this." Samuel grabbed her hand, Sonata looked at his gray eyes. He opened and closed his mouth a few times, trying to find the right words, before he just closed his eyes and spoke, "I do like you. Isaac wasn't lying, I really, really do like you. I just fucking suck at this." When he opened his eyes again Sonata looked shocked but, her gaping mouth soon turned into a smirk. She leaned closer to him, brushing a strand of hair behind his ear. He grabbed the back of her neck, gently, and pushed their lips together. 

They broke apart once again and Sonata crawled to sit on his lap, looping her legs around his waist. She placed her hands around his neck while he rested his on her waist. She pressed their lips together for a third time, running her fingers through his hair, causing shivers to run down Sam's spine. After a few more moments of kissing she pulled away smiling, "No dinner, Ortez?" He brought his weight down so the two of them were now laying down. He smiled, "Maybe after our job, tomorrow?" He said pressing a kiss to her forehead. She nuzzled into the crook of his neck, "To be honest, I'd rather go to McDonald's," She chuckled, "And Sam." He brushed her hair with his fingers, "Yes?" She closed her eyes, "You have a beautiful smile, you should smile." He cupped her cheek, so that she would look at him, "I think I have a pretty damn good reason now." She smiled and kissed him one last time before drifting off to sleep.

(A/N: I'm sorry if this sucks, I feel like I can't write "intimate scenes")

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