...In a Long Time

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The next morning Isaac walked into the living room and what he saw on the pullout couch was one of the funniest things he had ever seen. Sonata and Sam were spooning on the bed. Sonata being the little spoon and Sam being the big spoon. But it basically looked Sam's, wall of muscle, body was enveloping Sonata's much smaller one. Isaac quickly snapped a picture, "Oh my god the great and emotionless Samuel Ortez, is capable of feeling and cuddling." He snickered to himself. Isaac then walked over the coffee machine, knowing that the scent would probably make the two wake up. And, as always, Isaac Gates was right. Pretty much as soon as the coffee hit the pot below, Sonata started to stir, which caused Sam to stir awake as well. By the time the two crawled out of bed, Isaac had already set the coffee on the kitchen island. This was a first, usually Sam or Sonata was the one to make coffee for the late sleeper, Isaac. Isaac grinned at them, "Looks like you two kids had fun last night, hope you two didn't do anything I wouldn't do." Sonata rolled her eyes, "We wouldn't do anything you would do." Isaac took a sip of his coffee and nodded in agreement. He then smiled and slid his phone over to the two, "If that isn't the most adorable thing I have ever seen, well I don't know what is? Nothing like love young." Of course Isaac was already being a mischievous little shit. 

Sonata just smirked, if Isaac thought this was blackmail he should see the pictures she has of him. While Sam's jaw had went slack, Sonata just smirked and slid the phone over, "That's nothin' Gates." She said with a sip of her coffee and an evil look in her eye. Isaac gave her the same look and the two stared at each other, knowing this meant war. Samuel sighed, "It's too early for this shit." Then promptly walked out of the room. Isaac leaned on the counter, "So when are you gonna' tell Mason? I'm sure he'd like to hear that two of his partners are now partners." He wiggled his eyebrows. Sonata rolled her eyes, "You think I'm gonna' tell Mason first," She snorted, "Nah, Meg is the first one to know. Ya know girl power." Sonata grinned and then walked to her room to grab her phone.

As soon as Meg got the text that her and Sam were now a "thing" in the small group, she ecstatically ran to tell her husband. Mason acted very calm and when he saw Sonata for their next job he also remained calm. It wasn't until the two had gone on a duo mission together was when he gave her hell. Mason clicked his tongue, "So how's Sam doing?" Sonata gave him a look, "You saw him last night. What the hell are you talking about?" Mason's mouth grew into a smirk, "I mean you and Sam, as a couple. Oh never would I thought I would see the day that my Sonata got a boyfriend." He wiped away an imaginary tear. 

Sonata laughed and punched him in the shoulder, "You are such a jerk." Mason tapped his fingers on the steering wheel, "Did you two...ya' know. Consummate the relationship?" Sonata gave him a questioning look. Mason sighed, "Ya' know the thingy." Sonata put her hands out in a, What the fuck are you saying?, manner. Mason rolled his eyes, "You know...have sex!" Sonata immediately face palmed. She groaned into her hand, "We doesn't even sleep in the same bed. So no we didn't have sex." Mason raised an eyebrow, "You guys have been almost dating for almost a month, and you don't even sleep in the same bed." Sonata sighed, "Okay Mr. Gossip, I suppose you want me to top off my one month anniversary with sex." She topped off her sentence with jazz hands. 

Sonata slumped against the window, "Look it's been a while since I've been in a relationship and Sam's never really dated. We're just taking it slow," She gave an exasperated laugh, "He even was thinking about moving out, since we're dating." Mason gave her a concerned look, "How are you feeling about the whole relationship thing, since it's been a while." Sonata looked at Mason and smiled, "It's nice, to feel normal. To have a boyfriend and go on dates and have an annoying roommate. I know it's only been a month but, I haven't felt this good in a while." Mason smiled and focused on the road, "You deserve none the less. I know life hasn't been the kindest to you. I still see it now, you're impulsive reactions and lack of trust. I'm just glad you've found some one to make you happy." He said as he pulled up to the police station. Sonata looked at him and smiled. Mason hadn't seen this kind of smile on her before, maybe he had but, it was a rarity. It wasn't a sarcastic one, a smirk, nor one of greed. But something genuine and it looked good on her, as it does on many.

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