Things That Best Friends Do?

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(Sorry I haven't posted in a while! But this chapter is pretty long, I worked on it really hard. Sorry for the awkward softcore porn for the second half????)

Sonata grabbed her bag, "Guys I'm gonna go to the store, if you guys are going to have sex on my couch, clean it up! I love you!" She walked out of the door. Sam stared at the door while Isaac snorted and rummaged through the fridge. Eventually Isaac settled on a tub of vanilla ice cream and grabbed a spoon. He plopped on the couch with Sam. Sam scowled at the ice cream, "Did you buy that?" Isaac took a big scoop and ate it, "Yeah? What's the big deal?" Sam scowled even further, "We're on a diet." He said taking the tub away from him.

 Isaac grabbed the tub back, spilling a little of the ice cream in the process, "You're on a diet. I'm not, now scowl all you want I'm eating my ice cream." He spoke taking another spoonful. Sam furrowed his eyebrows, "I thought we all agreed no more junk, that's why we stopped going for fast food." Isaac rolled his eyes so hard they should've fallen out of his head, "Once again, you are the one who said no more junk. Sonata and I on the other hand..." He trailed off, taking another bite of the desert. Sam squinted his eyes, "What are you talking about." Isaac shrugged, "Sometimes me and Sonata go to McDonald's...when you're sleeping...and then we come back here and watch T.V together at three in the morning." He spoke, spinning his spoon a bit. Sam went to go spoke but, Isaac interrupted him, "Before you say anything, we train like hell when we go to the gym, I mean have you seen us. Man, you have to pay more attention." Isaac rolled his eyes and put the ice cream back in the freezer. Sonata walked back into the apartment shortly, "I'm back guys!" She smiled putting the bags on the counter. She walked over to the couch, and saw a white stain on it. She glared at Isaac and he swallowed. She raised an eyebrow, "You better start runnin'." Isaac leaped over the couch, "I SWEAR IT'S ONLY ICE CREAM!" He screamed as Sonata chased after him. Sam rolled his eyes and looked back at his phone.

Sam and Mason were training in the gym. Sam doing his usual weight training, Mason running on the treadmill once again. Isaac and Sonata were in the private training room. It wasn't until the two guys heard music from the training room was when they stopped. The two looked at each other before walking towards the private room. Sam opened the door and saw the two sparing, very elegantly. Fluid motions, twisting around each other and smirks plastered on their face. They kept to the beat of the music, changing their movements to the tempo of the music. If they didn't have the fake knives you could've been convinced they were performing some elaborate dance. Parry to the right, swipe of the knife, turn, spin, two swipes, parry to the left, repeat. Mason coughed to get their attention, the two stopped the movements and looked to their audience. Isaac bowed, "I hope you enjoyed the show." He laughed a bit. Mason smirked, "What is," he gestured his hands, "this?" Sonata chuckled, "Me and Gates decided to do an experiment." Isaac smiled, "Me and S agreed that sparring and dancing isn't that different," He grabbed Sonata's hand and pulled her into a proper dancing position, "Isn't that right, S?" The two started to dance around the room to the ongoing music.

 Sonata laughed as the two spun around. Isaac grinned at Sam, "Sorry, Sammy, I think I might have stolen your girl," He chuckled, "Unless you're willing to take her for a whirl?" Sonata hit his chest lightly, "Don't phrase it like that, Gates! Come on Sam, come dance with me!" The tall man leaned on the wall, "I don't dance." Sonata and Isaac continued to dance around the room, "You don't or you can't?" Isaac teased with a smirk. Sam huffed and closed his eyes. The next time the two spun towards him, he quickly grabbed Sonata out of Isaac's grip and continued to dance. Sonata smirked, "So you can dance, Mr. Ortez." He smirked, "I never said I couldn't." Sonata glanced over at Isaac who took Sam's place on the wall, he smirked and gave a thumbs up. Sonata looked back at Sam, "Can you get any more better, than this?" She spoke, eyes filled with wonder and love. Sam shrugged, "I don't if I'm that great." Sonata kissed him on the lips quickly, "Sh, you're perfect." Isaac wolf-whistled.

"I cannot believe we're doing this." Sonata sighed, pulling her glittery high thigh dress down to try to hide the holster on her thigh. Isaac fixed his tie and smiled, "Come on, it can't be that bad." Now what are they doing now? Well they had a new job. Some guy has been starting a new porn site...but most of it was non-consensual. So the cops wanted him, dead or alive, and our bounty hunters were more than willing to get him. But the problem was infiltrating.


Sonata glared at him, "Absolutely not." Isaac pouted, "Come on S, we just pretend we're some wide eyed couple that wants to start porn!" Sonata face palmed, "One please do not phrase it like that and two WHY YOU!" Isaac pointed to Sam, "If you haven't noticed you're boyfriend isn't the best actor and Mason does recon every mission. Not to mention he's practically like, your dad. So that leaves us. Well, unless Sammy is willing to go rainbow, if you know what I mean." Isaac wiggled his eyebrows towards Sam.

 Mason looked towards her, "He brings up a point, Sonata. You two would be the best for this job." Sonata huffed, "Fine, I'll do it." She crossed her arms. Isaac walked towards her and smirked, "Maybe we should...rehearse a bit, hm?" Sonata kicked him in the balls and grabbed him by the collar of his shirt, "Not in a million years, Gates but, I'm very interested to see how this will play out." She smirked and walked out of the room.

Issac wrapped an arm around Sonata's waist, "Come on sweetheart it ain't bad." Sonata rolled her eyes, "You are getting way too into this." He shrugged, "Gotta' play the part to make it convincing." He smiled. Sonata got a glint in her eye and she placed a hand on his chin, "Of course, darling, this is going to be very interesting." He smiled, "That's more like it." He lent forwards to kiss her and she kneed him in the balls...again, "Save it for the camera, sweetie." The two walked into the building. Upon entering they were met with a very distinguished looking man, someone who didn't look like they were making illegal porn. He smiled, "Ah you must be Mr. and Mrs. Gates." He spoke cheerily, too cheerily. Felix pulled her closer, "Yes, it's a pleasure to meet you Mr. Anfri." He shook his hand.

 Mr. Anfri looked at her and smiled, "You're wife is absolutely gorgeous, just what we're looking for here." She smiled, "Thank you, I'm glad to here that. Um, is anyone else here? Seems very quiet tonight?" He straightened his back, "No, you're my last...clients of the night. Well let's to the casting room and...we can start there, hm." Felix smiled, "Sounds perfect." The two followed their bounty into a separate room that was covered in tan paint, with a black leather couch in the center. There was also a computer chair and a camera not too far away from the couch. Felix and Venus took a seat on the couch and Mr. Anfri set up the camera and sat in the seat, "Whenever you two are ready." Venus sighed, I cannot believe I'm doing this, She thought. She grabbed Felix by his tie and smashed their lips together. He smiled into the kiss and placed his hand on her neck to deepen the kiss. She gave an exaggerated moan and Felix slipped his tongue into her mouth and she did the same. He lent her back on the couch and grabbed her thigh to raise her leg around his midsection.

Locus looked at Sirius, "Do you think they're getting a little too into this?" Sirius shrugged, "They're certainly making in convincing." Locus couldn't help the feeling up jealously that was creeping into his chest. Maybe he should've gone undercover with her instead of him. But....Felix was always better at this. Always better with women, how Sonata had fallen in love with him and not Isaac had shocked him. Maybe he was only temporary maybe she would fall in love with Isaac, he was always the charmer. Just focus on the mission, he snapped himself out of his thoughts and looked back through the scope of his sniper.

They parted and Felix moved his lips onto her neck. He lightly sucked and nibbled at her throat. I swear if I get hickies Isaac is buying me turtlenecks. He continued to move down, when he got a little too low for her comfort she threw her head back and moaned in fake ecstasy. This was just a cover up to knee him in the balls again, he certainly got the message and moved back to her lips. She quickly glanced to their bounty and saw that he lord this man was fucking sick. She trailed her fingers down Felix's neck and moved his hand to the thigh with the holster. He quickly got the message and pulled out the gun and shot the fuck in the chest. She quickly shoved Felix off and pulled her dress down. He smiled and quickly fixed his hair, "Now I see what Sammy's got." She walked over to the camera, shoved it to the floor and to do further damage, smashed it with her heel, "This never sees the light of day." Felix just continued to smiled, "Come on, it wasn't that bad. I actually found it quite enjoyable." Venus glared at him, "You're buying me shirts to cover up my neck." She spoke as she walked out the door. Felix chuckled, "Fucking worth it."

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