Chapter 9: Pain tickles

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Standing there with a sign that said Hale on it was Jasper and Alice. Alice and Jasper were hunting when she had the vision of us coming back to Italy, so they left a note saying they had to go get something for me and the girls. The other's not knowing when we'd return.

They were smiling it looked almost comical because jasper was happy but Alice being super happy, then him feeling our happiness he looked liked he would be jumping with glee and giggling, but thank goodness there was a lot of calm serious people walking around so he was able to keep himself together.

We walked to the car and Alice started the car and about a mile down the road, which was quick to say the least, I busted out laughing remembering Jasper at the airport then he went it to giggle fits because my amusement was too strong for him to handle.

We arrived back at Volterra and I turned myself invisible and blocked mine and the others minds and sent which only I could access and smell now. Then I mind linked with the others to get them to turn invisible as well and they did and I told them of my plan.

We all walked in to the throne room, Alice and Jasper had boxes full of furniture and other things for our rooms in Volterra for when we were to visit one of our many families.

We each walked up behind one of the Volturi guard members, I had Felix, Chelsea had Alec, Katie had Demetri, Kaitlin had Jane, and Elizabeth had Heidi we slapped them upside the head and we made sure to hit them hard enough for them to be knocked down.

Everyone was scared and their faces were priceless, we revealed ourselves and we were laughing so hard we fell to the floor. Jane was so mad she looked at me and tried to use her power on me, I laughed even harder because it didn't hurt it tickled and she stopped trying to cause me pain when she saw it didn't work.

We finally stopped laughing and Edward had the most confused and amused face I've ever seen in my life.
"Why didn't that hurt?" He asked looking at me which gained surprised looks from everyone
"I felt it but it felt like someone took a feather and tickled my foot." I said smiling

"Wonderful, wonderful." said Aro grinning with joy
"Jane I'm going to test my gift on you but I'm using my lowest setting for it which will feel like yours on full blast" I said and she braced herself for pain and I unleashed the crippling pain. She fell down and screamed in pain and I stopped as soon as Alec swooped in to get his sister.

"Why don't we all go to the training room and they can test out their powers." said Emmett grinning thinking he would be a great opponent for power practice.

We ran to the practice room and the other covens and the black pack were already there waiting for us. As they were all using time wisely to train.

"Shift in to a wolf." said Seth waiting to see how big we were compared to Jacob who was massive when he was in wolf form.

Jacob ran and jumped and turned it to a wolf probably bigger than I ever thought he was which was the size of a horse but he was much bigger.

I backed up and ran and jumped and landed with a loud thud, louder than Jacobs. I heard many wows and awes as I looked at Jacob who now looked a foot shorter than me.

Sorry for any errors

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