Chapter 28: A long drive

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Jasper's POV

I put the phone down knowing what she was referring to. I look at everyone nodding my head, "It's time."

We all started packing up gear and I pack up Brittany's weapons. Everyone takes all the bags out to the cars. Brittany pulls up in her car and gets out slamming the door.

"I need to pack some clothes real quick." Brittany said as she ran into the house at her vampire speed even though she's much faster than we are, but that's where the speed came from anyway. I hug Alice as Brittany comes out with a small bag and boots. She throws them in her car and turns around looking at us with a smirk.

"I want to try something." she pops the hood of her car and touches the motor saying a few words in a demonic language sending chills down my spine. She then puts her venom on the motor and in the gas. We all look at her as if she has lost her mind. She walks over to Esme who is holding Lural. Brittany picks her up and holds her close kissing her head.

Brittany's POV

I hold Lural close to my chest and kiss her small head, "You've gotten so big my baby girl!" I rub her back and she looks at me smiling. "Mommy has to go somewhere for a little bit so you're going with grandma Esme to Alaska to see you cousins". Lural babbles and squeezes my thumb as if she understands. I hand her back to Esme and hug her.

"Have a safe trip Esme, tell the Denali's I said hello." Esme nods and goes to the car, she puts Lural in her car seat. Caius walks over to them and hands Esme something then gives Lural a kiss on the head, he gives her a raddle. Lural shakes it and giggles as he closes the door. As Esme drives off Caius walks over to me and wraps his arm around me.

"Can I ride with you?" he looks at me and smiles moving hair out of my face. "Of course baby!" I hug him close taking in his scent letting it go through my body as it calms me down. I let go and walk over to Jasper and Alice.

"Maria killed my grandfather," I look at him gritting my teeth, he looks surprised and I look at Edward. "I either gained a new power or things have combined to make a new one." I said as I let him see how I was transported by the blood to see how Maria killed my grandfather.

"Psychometry, it's the power of perceiving residual information left by an object or person. A very powerful gift." he smiles walking to his car and gets in. Jasper looks at me, "You get to lead the caravan." he smiles trying to crack a joke. I roll my eyes and get in my car along with Caius, the others follow suit and get in theirs. 

I start my car and it roars to life as I turn the key, I roar along with it my eyes turn red as my body turns into my semi-demonic form. The black paint chips and the cracks are filled with lava; the steering wheel turns to chains and the normal rumble it usually emits now sounds like a hell-hound growling. I drive off down the road going 125 mph, my car hugging the curves of the road zipping through the tree line. 

We all hit the interstate, all five cars behind one another heading southwest. I sat there thinking as I drove, still paying attention to the road. Maria was going to die, along with her coven and everything she cherished. She hurt my family, and in return I was going to hurt her. I will avenge my grandfather and Athenodora one way or another, I gripped the steering wheel letting my anger drive as my foot pressed the gas pedal more.


New chapter, I hope you all enjoy! Things are going to get intense! 

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