Truth Or Dare

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Jellal's POV

Seriously...I'm getting hotter every second. My body heat is increasing, but seeing her sleeping like that makes me realize how pretty she is. She let out a soft yawn as she rubbed her eyes and turned to the other side. I smiled as I slowly got off from the bed and covered her with my blanket. I walked to the other side and sat on the floor at the side of the bed admiring her cuteness. 

Suddenly Natsu burst in the door, "Yo Jellal how's Erza doing?" I glared at him with my fist held up high as Natsu quieten down. I quietly walked out of my room as I closed the door behind. "What are you doing here Natsu?" I asked.

"Well the guys and I were planning of having some bro time tonight, wanna join us or what?"

I thought for a minute and agreed to join the guys. "Hold on a sec." I turned around seeing Lucy and Juvia who were walking past by just in time. "Great timing! Lucy, Juvia I need you two to take care of Erza for a while." They both raised their eyebrows with a smirk on their faces, "Alright Jellal, it's the guys night out huh..." said Juvia as Natsu thumbs up from behind. Lucy chuckled, "Go along Jellal we'll stay with her." 

"Thanks she's just fell asleep but I'll be back in a few hours." I said as Natsu pulled me away as they both waved. 

"You're here finally!!!!!" said Gajeel who was getting slightly drunk from over doze of beer. Natsu made me sat between him and Jellal while the rest of the guys were sitting in a circle including Laxus. "Geez you were supposed to sign some documents Laxus..." I said as Laxus chuckled gulping down his drink, "Chillax Jellal I already did that already. Besides you should have some fun. Lately you've been busy with your work and also with your girlfriend." 

I gasped, "Girlfriend?" The boys started laughing hard as Gray came over putting his arms around me, "It's Erza dummy!" Natsu added, "Besides you are blushing every time you are near her." My cheeks went red all of the sudden, "What?!? I mean..." 

I was cut off by Elfman and Lyon when they both came over handing me the beer, "Here you go!!!!" I took down few beers and laughed at Natsu and Gray's practical jokes. Then we started playing truth and dare. The bottle spun in the middle and it pointed towards Natsu. 

"Alright Natsu truth or dare?" asked Max. 

Natsu grinned, "Dare!" 

Max snickered evilly as he pointed at both Natsu and Gray, "Alright then I dare you to kiss Gray!!!" At that moment everyone was awfully quiet and shocked with Max's orders. Natsu started having sweat drops on his forehead. He took a deep breath and turned facing Gray who was feeling nervous. Natsu stood up and walked towards Gray. 

"Hey you are kidding me right Max?" said the nervous Gray. Natsu lifted his chin and pecked his lips leaving Gray's eyes wide opened. Everyone's jaws including mine were wide opened. After a few minutes they both let go of the kiss and turned facing another direction embarrassed. Gajeel started laughing loudly and teased the both of them, "Hahahahaha!!!!! Just look at the two of you, hahahaaha I can't take it anymore!!!!!! Hahaahah!!!!" 

"Geez Max why did you dare me that?!?"said Natsu as Max winked, "For fun!" Then Natsu spin the bottle next and it turned towards Laxus. "Ok Laxus truth or dare?" 

Laxus calmly answered, "Truth." 

"So recently I heard rumors that you have feelings for Mira is that true?"said Natsu as everyone starred at Laxus. He nearly choked on his drink. "Well it's more like close friends that's all." The boys hissed as Laxus raised his eyebrow, "What?" 

"Come here you!!!!" Natsu grinned as he started tickling Laxus along with Gray, Gajeel, Elfman, Lyon, Max and Jet. The rest of the boys were laughing watching the scene. Next it was my turn and everyone was giving their grin while for me as usual the cool look. Laxus snikered, "So pick Jellal..."

I crossed my arms, "Dare." 

They boys cheered silently as Laxus smirked tossing down his drink feeling excited, "You'll have to wear a dress for one whole day, tomorrow!" I gasped, "WHAT?!?" The boys started laughing and some were even rolling on their stomachs. 

"Good luck with that Jellal." said Gildarts.

"WHAT'S THAT SUPPOSED TO MEAN?!?" I yelled as the rest of them continued laughing. "Erza would be so happy seeing you wearing a dress!!!!! Hahaha" said Natsu. I clenched my fists and took a few beers till I finally snapped, "I'LL ACCEPT YOUR DARE LAXUS!!!!!" 

"Even though the girls might laugh at you including everyone in the palace." said Laxus. 

"Fine by me." Idiot! Why did I ever said that! Now everyone's gonna make fun of me. I hope Erza don't think something of me. I can't let her see me like this. Soon everyone were having a good time and it was getting late. Everyone went back to their rooms and some were on guard duty. I greeted Laxus and the rest as I made my way back to my room. 

I opened seeing Lucy and Juvia falling asleep. I smiled and took a few cloaks and wrapped around them. "Thank you Lucy, Juvia." I said as I walked back sitting at the side of the bed playing with Erza's bangs. Then I touched at her cheeks lightly smiling. She's so cute! Hold on am I blushing? What is this feeling inside of me, it's almost like I never felt like this before. 

Well not long after that a yawn escaped from my mouth as I tucked in with her and gave a kiss on her cheek. "Goodnight Erza Scarlet." Finally my tiredness gave in as I drifted into deep sleep. 

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