Visiting Fiore

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Next morning...


"Are you sure this is really going to work? We have been waiting here almost an hour." whined Juvia while she leans against the wall near the port. "Just be patient Juvia, I'm sure the emperor will be arriving soon. We just need to pass this letter to make things work." said Lucy and just in time, a huge ship stopped at the main port. Everyone gathered around seeing the Emperor of Alvarez walking down from his ship along with his assistant with silver hair and glasses.

The three of us quickly made our way pass the crowd wanting to pass the letter that Jellal gave. "Excuse me your Excellency, but there's a message for you." I said through the crowd but couldn't managed to get the black hair emperor. "Excuse me your Excellency?"

"Are you calling my highness for some matter redhead girl?" I turned around and noticed the silver hair guy with glasses looking at me from afar. He ordered the soldiers to chase the crowd. He took a step forward towards us. "What is it you seek of my Emperor. He's in a rush for a meeting with the king. Speak."

Okay, this guy is serious...I mean way too serious. Does he even have other emotions like fun? "Haha Invel you shouldn't be too harsh on these girls. Remember we should be nice to everyone here." said the emperor who was coming over to us. He patted on his assistant's head and gave a smile to me. "So fair maiden, what is the matter of wanting to meet me."

I quickly handed him the letter. "Well, someone asked me to hand over to you to pass it to Sir Laxus." His eyes widened at first taking the letter before returning the smile. "Must be from Laxus's friend Jellal. Sure thing."

"You know Jellal your excellency?"

"Please call me Zeref. I can't get use to people calling me your highness, excellency...haha." He gave a slight chuckle handing the letter to Invel. "We'll sure hand it over to Laxus, its best if you three could get going now before anyone spots us here."

"Thank you Your exce...Zeref." I said as he nodded taking his leave into the carriage that was waiting for him at the end of the port. "Great! Now our plan is working well." said Lucy. "we better hurry back to the palace, I bet the other servants might be looking out for us and Minerva too!" said Juvia.



I noticed the carriage arrived at the palace gates. As usual I was standing alongside Minerva as her personal bodyguard waiting for Emperor Zeref's arrival. "Drake, escort the emperor to our main court." Minerva ordered me as I walked over greeting Zeref. "Fiore kingdom welcomes you, your excellency. Jiemma is waiting for you at the royal main court."

Zeref nodded as I escorted him to the court down the hallway. While walking Zeref started a conversation with me. "Don't mind me asking but are you the one who asked the girls to send the letter to me earlier? I noticed you watching them from the corner of the port." I flinched slightly before giving him the answer. "You can say that your highness." He gave a slight chuckle. "Please just call me Zeref. You can consider me as your ally, Sir Jellal. Besides, I already met your king, Laxus and he told me everything that happened here. I'm also having doubts about Jiemma's work and how he has changed this kingdom so far. Not to worry I'm just here to know what he intends to move next."

I nodded and opened one of the main court doors. "You have my gratitude Zeref, Jiemma awaits you." Zeref smiled back before walking in the court as I shut the door behind. Minerva came out before the door was closed. "Milady aren't you going to join in the meeting with them?"

"I'm sure my father will fill me in the details later, but first, I want to get to know you more, where do you come from and your likes, dislikes..." Her sharp nails went through my hair, "I want to know everything about you Drake."

There she goes again, trying to interfere with my life. I'll have to think of something and just go along with her plans. "What do you want to know Milady?" She gave a smirk while her eyes narrowed slightly. "Everything, where you learn your fighting skills and some family back..."

"Sorry to interrupt but my highness would like to have a talk with Sir Drake, Lady Minerva." She hissed turning away leaving me with Invel. I sighed in relief thanking Invel. "You should always keep your guard up general. You seem to be sliding off into her trap." said Invel.

"You got a point, thanks General Invel."

"Anyways are you coming? My highness is waiting for you." I cleared my throat and followed behind him. "Right."



"What? You're asking me to follow you back to Alvarez?" said Jellal who was surprised by my sudden orders. "I already asked Jiemma and he gave me the permission of you following me back to the capital." He sighed heavily and crossed his arms. "I'm honoured about that but I still have a mission to do, reporting everything about Jiemma and his next move."

I smirked while jumping onto Jellal, squeezing him tightly and took off his wig. "Hey?!? What are you doing your highness?!?" I giggled seeing this cute side of his. "Honestly, this brown wig doesn't suit you, it's tacky. I prefer this beautiful sapphire colour on you...fits perfectly. Well back to the subject Jellal..." I paused cupping both my hands on his face. He seems to be blushing hard at the moment. "Not to worry I have set some spells and we can view whatever is happening in this castle. So no need to fret Jellal, you can return with me."

"Your highness, maybe you can let go of me now..." he said softly. "Oops silly me, I thought I told you to call me Zeref!"

"Fine! I'll go with you but I need to ask you one more favour your high...Zeref." I smirked while lounging one of my arms around him. "Oh anything for you boyfriend, I know you want me to take your girlfriend and her friends along." His eyes widened, blushing hard and tend to fumble his words through. "Haaah??!!!!"

"So what is this about huh, you seem to be staring at that red hair maiden since morning. I wonder what's going on between you two..." Invel was just sighing away at the back while I was continuing teasing poor Jellal. "Now wait just a second how did you know I have feelings for Erza?!?"

I chuckled, "Oh so that's her name, no need to get all flustered about it Jellal."

"What?!? Whatever I'm not getting flustered!" He quickly takes the wig from me and leaves the room. I waved back at him happily before he closes the door, "Don't forget to meet me tomorrow here at 8 am sharp okay jelly bean!"

He stopped, "Don't call me that!"


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