Familiar Face

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Jellal's POV

Where am I?

Why am I in a different room? Grrrgggrrrhh... "Finally awake Jellal?" I turned around seeing Minerva sitting by the side as she crawl her way to me. I quickly sat up on the bed while clutching onto my abdomen. "How did I ended up here?" She snickered as she bend down touching my cheek, "I put a sleeping spell on you while we were embracing. It has been a few days Jellal."

"So that means...I have been sleeping for so long till now?" I cringed at the sudden wave of pain all over my body. Minerva barely caught me before I fell to the floor. "Let me help get rid of the pain, Jellal." She dropped me onto the bed and started caressing my bare chest. "Humans are so fragile beings...aren't they?" I let out a groan as she continues to caress my chest and went over to my neck, licking it. "Ss...stop..."

Then she nibbled on my ear as I let out another moan. "And when they are halfway naked like this, it makes them so uncomfortable." She continued to lick and suck my nipple while her hands went to my torso. "Stop!" She pulled off the bandages as her hands ran through my body till my navel. Bit by bit she came over licking my jawline all the way to my ear. I yelped the moment she nibbled on my ear while caressing my torso. Then slowly...she went down in my pants and rubbed my sensitive spot. I hitched under my breath as she came over smashing her lips onto mine.

I pushed her away backing away, panting. "Please stop this..."

"I wonder how Erza would feel if she sees the both of us alone together..." Before she could give another kiss I quickly blocked her using one of my free arms.

"Don't get any ideas of involving Erza in your plans." I said as I got off from the bed and wore back my shirt that was on the floor. "So you've made up your mind in choosing her over me?" I stopped, "Yes."

"Then you know what's coming..." I snickered, "I'll be ready for it." I said and left the room.


Erza's POV

It has been a few days ever since we all served under Minerva's reign in a new palace. Well actually it's the old one. Minerva used one of her powerful spells to rebuild it back. The citizens were shocked to hear the news about Minerva as their new queen. Some of them were killed instantly due to rebelling while the rest pretend that nothing has happened.

I wonder where Laxus and Mira is...they have been long gone. "Erza don't slack off, get to work." Kagura handed to me some stuffs as I carried them and placed them in the storage. "Good you are here." said Minerva as she closed the door behind her in this huge storage room. "What do you want? Haven't you had enough of using me to your plans?"

She came over pinning me hard against the wall. "Break up with Jellal." My eyes widened as she looked straight into my eyes. "Why..." She started laughing as she cupped my cheeks harshly, "If you don't then I'll have no choice but to kill one of you. So make a choice...you or Jellal?"

Tears were running down my face as I dropped to my knees feeling shocked. "So what's your decision Scarlet?" I wiped off my tears and looked at her, "If I do...then...promise me that you'll won't hurt him more. Just do whatever you want with me but not him." She smiled as she embraced me in her arms, "That's a good girl. Be a little dog and do whatever your master tells you to do. MAke sure that you do it right this time." she said before leaving me alone in the room.


Jellal's POV

"WHAT?!!!!???" Natsu, Gray and Gajeel shrieked in unison after hearing what happened between me and Minerva. I nodded my head as they continued to stared at me with their jaws wide opened. "Ok don't make a scene now you three." I said as they stood back up. "She really have the guts to put her hands on our general." said Natsu while Gray added, "I bet she was having fun seeing the general's body." I hit both of their heads hard, "WHAT'S THAT SUPPOSED TO MEAN?!!!???"


"You are sure idiots aren't ya." We all turned seeing Sting leaning against the pillar. "I just don't get it why my lady would ever want you guys to work for her." He said while walking past us. "I can't believe she can still trust someone like you." I knew who he was referring to but I kept my mouth shut. "Man I wanna get a punch at him." said Natsu.

"Just stay calm Natsu. We don't have the right to say anything for now. We should do whatever Laxus has told us to."

"I know but still..." I patted on his head, "It's alright. I'll try to think of something." I said as I left them. Luckily Minerva kept her word to Laxus about not throwing their post off. I'm just wondering what are her intentions of taking over Fiore. I caught a glimpse of Erza as I huddled over few stairs and popped right in front of her. She almost got a fright but I barely caught her back before she hits the floor. "What a surprise I didn't see you for the past few days." I said, smiling.

She just stared at me while one of her hand cupped my face. "I'm glad to see you." she said while smiling as she got back up. "What's wrong?" She looked at me with a saddened look, "Let's not see each other anymore." I felt my heart cringed right up in my chest after hearing those words from her mouth. I sighed, "You're kidding me right?" I grabbed her shoulders facing her, "Why..."

Then she looked up at me coldly putting my arms away from her shoulders, "Minerva deserves you more than me. To tell you the truth I don't have any feelings for you from the start Jellal." She turned her back as she walked away from the hallway.

"Liar." I said softly watching her leaving the hallway. "The queen calls for you Jellal." said one of the knights as I followed him to the throne room. "There you are my love." She was excited as she ran tugging her arms with mine pulling me towards the throne. "Where were you all this time?"

I kept shut the whole time every time she asked me something. I just want to be alone for a while to calm myself down. I could already feel my heart being shattered into million pieces. "What's with the silent treatment." She placed her index finger at my lips tracing it. "You must be feeling broken hearted that Erza has left you." I looked facing down at her as she cracked into a smile. "As expected, she did left you, well not to worry I'll be the woman that you deserve more than any other." She cupped my cheeks but I flinched away silently without looking straight at her face.

"Please Minerva...I need some time alone." I said softly. "Don't beat yourself up to it my darling Jellal." She pulled me closer and wrapped her arms around me. "There's something I haven't told you yet."

"Bring him in." she ordered as Sting and Rogue nodded and opened the doors wide. My eyes widened seeing someone familiar walking in the throne room. "My what a surprise to see you Jellal."


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