Becoming Somebody

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Magnus Pov- "You seriously took him to Belladonna? I know she's amazing but even she can't do the impossible" Camille said over the phone. I went on a shopping spree all over the mall for the past hour waiting for Belladonna to be done making over Alec. "If anyone can do this she can."

I could feel her rolling her eyes from over the phone "Alec Lightwood is 'nobody' and he will stay 'nobody' even if you dress him up and make him what he's not." I walked into the salon "Trust me Camille he will look... wow." I stopped in front of the salon entrance completely stunned by what I was looking at. Alec was standing in front of a full length mirror looking over his new appearance.

His hair was cut out of his eyes and styled so he still had bangs but they were to the side so not in his face. He was still wearing his gray beanie but it was placed more on the back of his head in a stylish way. He had on black skinny jeans, black boots, and his shirt was a blue button up shirt. Belladonna saw me and smiled before turning Alec around to face me "Isn't he gorgeous?"

I nodded not able to form words and I hung up the phone. Alec looked at his boots "I look ridiculous" he mumbled, a cute blush appearing on his cheeks. I smiled not able to resist how cute he was being "You are far from ridiculous Alexander. You'll have the girls of school swooning over you."

Alec looked up meeting my eyes and he said with simplicity "I don't want girls swooning over me." That surprised me a little, I usually had great gaydar but it didn't go off around Alec. Maybe it was hidden behind his awkward nature but now that it was pointed out it was beyond obvious. His blushing face, his shyness, the way his eyes sparkle. Ok the eyes sparkling wasn't a tell sign of being gay but it did make him more gorgeous.

"Very well then, all the gay boys at school will swoon for you." Alec glanced away mumbling something under his breath that I couldn't really understand. Belladonna grabbed Alec's arms squeezing him against her "Does he look like your type Magnus?" Alec looked at her before looking at me when she asked that.

I looked him over "Well blue eyes and black hair has always been my type. If I swung that way you would totally be my type." Alec's face fell slightly before he looked back down at his boots. I blinked confused watching him before looking at Bella who rolled her eyes and hugged Alec "You can be so clueless Magnus."

Alec looked at the time "I need to get home" he mumbled softly. I nodded "Ok I can find someone else to drive me home." Alec shook his head grabbing his backpack "I can drive you it's no trouble." He looked at Belladonna smiling a small cute smile "Thanks for spending so much time helping me. I'm sure there were people more worth your time."

Belladonna shook her head and hugged Alec smiling "You're beautiful inside Alec, it was an honor to bring your inner beauty out." He smiled at her before looking at all the bags in my hands "You better hope those all fit in my car."

Alec Pov- After dropping Magnus off at his huge pent house I drove home wondering how I was going to explain this new look to my sister. Belladonna gave me enough clothes to fill my whole closet but I really don't want to wear any of it. I love my beanie and sweaters and don't want to stop wearing them. Once Isabelle sees me though I know it will be all over. My sweaters will never see the light of day again, I would have to do my best to avoid her once I got inside.

I parked my car in the driveway before taking a deep breath and getting out. I grabbed all my shopping bags before going inside hoping my abilities of invisibility would give me a break. The moment I closed the front door I heard my fathers' voice come from the dining room "Alexander where have you been? It's dinner time."

My family was strict on curfew and I have never broken it before. I took a deep breath and put my bags down before going into the dining room looking at my family. Every one of them were frozen in place with a fork full of pasta half way to their mouths. Isabelle was the first one to drop her fork and she stood up "Alec you look amazing, what happened?"

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