Middle School Days

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13-year-old Alec Pov- I stood in front of the big building looking up at it terrified. I was starting middle school which sounded a lot scarier than Elementary school. I would have to start going to more than one class, the number of students grow, and worst of all I may have to start working with people. I was the worst in social situations so making friends and finding partners will be even harder than before.

"You're on your own here Alec" I told myself still looking up at the building. "Isabelle doesn't start middle school for another two years. You have to make a friend for you won't be all alone at school. You can do this."

"Hey Lightwood, move out of the way before I knock you over." I looked behind me and Jonathan Morgenstern was standing there crossing his arms. He seemed to be waiting for me to get out of the way. "M-morning Jo- Jonathan" I stuttered frowning.

I was surprised to see him standing by himself. Normally Jace Herondale was always with him but he was a year younger than us so he had one more year of Elementary school. "Why are you talking to me?" I frowned "um well... I thought since we were both alone that-"

"That what? That we could be friends or something?" He laughed lifting his head up "oh that's funny. I may not have Jace but that doesn't mean I would be little myself into being your friend." He shoved passed me going into the school still laughing.

"Is being my friend really that laughable" I mumbled making my way inside. A piece of paper in my hand told me where my locker was and I made my way to it with some trouble. There were so many hallways I was having trouble finding the right one that had my locker. When I finally got to it I worked on getting the lock off of the door.

It was surprisingly easier than I thought it would be. "Oh come on you stupid, hunk of metal!" I looked over and someone was fiddling with their lock trying to get it to be undone. I couldn't see him very well since he was surrounded by three of his friends.

"You can rewire a small rocket but you can't undo a locker" a pale boy with tan hair asked. "It's a lot harder than you think Ragnor" the other boys voice said. I could hear him jiggling with his lock more grunting in frustration. "want one of us to help you" one of the two girls asked watching him.

"Catarina I am capable of opening a locker" he said still struggling. They watched him a little longer before the second girl looked at the time "well we have to get to class. We'll see you at lunch." His three friends walked away and he kept messing with the lock groaning.

I watched him frowning wondering if I should offer to help him. The hallways were clearing out and it was almost time for the first class. I wouldn't want him to get in trouble because he was late. "Um... do you need help?"

He looked back at me and I froze in shock seeing it was Magnus Bane. Magnus was a boy I've had my eye on for a long time now. The first time I ever saw him was in the first grade when Tessa Gray was being bullied. He hurried to her side and defended her without even knowing who she was.

I kept a close eye on him since that day and I noticed that he was like that with almost everyone. He would defend his friends when in trouble, he was really good at math, and loved creating things. Now here he was standing in front of me and I couldn't even open my mouth to speak again. "Did you say something" he asked turning back to his locker not really paying much attention to me.

I frowned, feeling stupid for stressing over talking to him. He isn't even looking at me so why stress over it? I walked up to his locker, took the paper with the combo out of his hand nervously before opening the lock for him. He blinked a couple times before putting is book bag in and taking some books out of the bag.

"Thanks" he said shutting his locker before running to get to his class. I hugged my books close to my chest feeling my face get hot. He spoke to me; he actually spoke to me. He didn't look at me but the fact that he took a second to thank me made my heart pound in my head.

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