Enter Andrew Sylvan

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Alec Pov- "Where should I even begin Alexander? Do you know how embarrassing it is to have to leave an important meeting in order to take a phone call about my son starting a food fight" My father asked pacing around his office. I was sitting in the office chair in front of his desk. It was where we always had to sit when we were getting scolded so Isabelle and I liked to call it the 'nagging chair'.

"In my defense you told me that I should start standing up for myself and not be a pushover." My father stopped pacing, running his hand over his face sighing. "I didn't mean you should get into arguments or start fights. I want you to be able to talk in front of a crowd that's all."

"There were a lot of people in that lunch room" I said shrugging. My father's face expression did not look amused. "What made you start that fight in the first place?" I bit my lip clenching my hands in my lap.

"Well... dad you know how you are always telling us that when we care about someone we should do everything to protect them?" "I meant your family but yes" he nodded crossing his arms. "Well you see... I'm dating someone and Jonathan Morgenstern was getting in their face saying horrible things. I got angry and without any self-control I threw some food at him."

My father was quiet for a moment before a huge smile spread across his face "you're dating someone? You?" I crossed my arms "okay I don't like your unbelieving tone sir." He laughed shaking his head and putting his hand on my shoulder "I'm sorry Alexander it's just hard to believe that you finally found yourself a girlfriend."

I glanced away frowning "well actually... it's not a girlfriend... more like... boyfriend." My father stopped laughing and looked down at me "excuse me?" I bit my lip hard looking up at him wondering what he would do. He searched my eyes for a moment before shrugging and patting my back still smiling but not as big. "Good for you."

My eyes widened "good for you? Where's the screaming speech of how disappointed you are in me and how I'm no real son of yours?" "You're my son I would never say any of that to you. Alexander I'll be honest, I'm just happy that you've managed to catch someone's eye. Your mother and I were a little concerned that you've never dated in high school; you're graduating soon."

"So you don't care that I'm gay, you just care that I actually got someone to like me? That sounds worse than you hating that I'm gay." My dad shook his head smiling at me "don't take it that way Alec. We were afraid that you were rejecting the idea of love all together. You never showed interest in anyone."

I rubbed the back of my neck glancing away "well I have actually been in love with the guy I'm dating since elementary school. I never could drop my feelings for him so I never really looked at anyone else." "What's his name? You must bring him to dinner soon to meet us."

"His name is Magnus Bane and he just realized his sexuality today. I don't know when he will be ready to meet my family." Fathers' smiling face turned to one of shock "you're dating Magnus Bane?" I nodded "do you know him?"

"I know his father. He's one of the riches guys in New York since he owns the mall and lots of other businesses. No offense Alec but how did you manage to catch his eye?" I frowned not really knowing how to answer that.

"I don't know... I was invisible to him all our lives and then one day he just started talking to me. I'm pretty sure he's pitying me but I have wanted to be with Magnus for so long that I'm taking what I can get." He frowned "Alec don't belittle yourself like that. Something had to happen to get him to notice you. I doubt it's pity."

I shrugged "I don't really want to think about why Magnus could be talking to me. Are we done here?" He nodded sitting at his desk "yes. I'll let the food fight slide since it's really the only time you've ever done anything wrong. Please make it be the first and only time Alexander." I nodded standing up "It will be sir."

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