A Time Long Forgotten

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Andrew Pov- I laid in bed with Alec watching his chest rise and fall as he slept. He says that he was at the lab all night and normally I would have believed him. I'm not stupid though. I knew once Alec saw Magnus he would have to see him again.

I shouldn't be feeling upset over this. I'm the one who set it all up for they would see each other again. There was a ninety-nine percent chance Alec would choose Magnus over me. Deep down I guess I wished he wouldn't betray me.

This all needs to be done though. Alec needs to forgive Magnus and be with him if he ever wants to be happy. It's bad enough that his medication stopped working on me. I haven't been able to bring myself to tell him that, but my family doctor confirmed that I wasn't going to get better.

I was getting better at first. The doctors all saw great progress and were so shocked that Alec's research was actually working. Alec thought that I dropped my family doctors but I knew deep down that I still needed them. I'm glad I kept them because they're the reason I know I'll die any week now.

I know I should tell Alec about all this. He'll be so blindsided when I suddenly die but I know what will happen if I do tell him. He'll work himself to the bone trying to make me better. Once he sees that it's hopeless he will blame himself and hate himself for not keeping his promise to me.

I've made peace with the idea that I'm going to die. I have known all my life that it was going to happen sooner or later. My worst and only fear is that I'll die and leave Alec all alone. If he falls in love with Magnus again, then he will have someone to fall back on when I'm gone.

That thought makes me sad but it's how it needs to be. Alec was never really mine. I may have seen him way before Magnus did but that didn't mean I had a claim on him. Alec wanted Magnus and no matter how much I hoped that would change I knew it wouldn't. Even when Magnus broke Alec's heart I knew his love for Magnus didn't fade away.

I got pulled out of my thoughts by the noise of my phone vibrating. I glanced back at Alec making sure he was still sleeping before sneaking out of bed and grabbing my phone, going into the living room. Once I knew I was out of ear shot I answered the phone. "Hello Magnus."

"I want some answers from you Andrew" he said sounding like he didn't get any sleep.

"Good morning to you too Magnus. You sound pretty tired? Did sleeping with my husband tire you out?"

There was a moment of silence before he asked "Alec told you?"

Deep down I knew Alec and Magnus were together last night. Even so it still stung deep down. "No he didn't tell me anything. I'm just not an idiot. I knew this was a possibility when I got the two of you together."

There was a long silence before he asked "what's your game Andrew? If you and Alec are married why did you set us up? Why are you doing all of this?" I looked back toward our room thinking before saying "if you want to know meet me at the university in fifteen minutes."

I hung up before he could give a response and I snuck back into the room to get a change of clothes. I put on some jeans and one of Alec's sweaters before I went over to him and kissed him on the forehead. "I'll be right back" I whispered, running my fingers through his black hair before leaving.

When I got to the university I walked over to the bench where Magnus and I talked before. I sipped on some hot coffee waiting for him to show up. That is if he even was going to show up. I didn't really give him the chance to agree to meeting me here.

"I wish you would have scheduled this meeting for later in the day" Magnus's voice came from down the sidewalk. I looked in the direction it came from and sure enough Magnus was walking up to me wearing designer skinny jeans and a fuzzy purple sweater. He had dark bags under his eyes as if he didn't get any sleep. He was too busy fucking my husband.

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