We Need to Talk

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A/N: I have a Twitter account now. Follow The Malec Princess @tmilover2873 to get updates on when I will be putting out my stories and all the progress. You will even be able to vote for what story I do next.

Alec Pov- "Alec... Hello, earth to Alec Lightwood... Alec!" Catarina Loss's voice broke through my daydreaming and I snapped back into attention. "oh sorry Catarina, guess my mind wandered away from me. Did you need something?"

She shook her head "no... it's just that your vile is bubbling over." I frowned looking down at the vial of medication I was warming up and as she said, it was bubbling and overflowing onto the table. "Oh shit," I cursed before turning off the heat making the overflowing stop.

Catarina shook her head "I came here to help you but it seems your mind is somewhere else today? Should I come back another time?" I shook my head before running my hands over my face. "I'm really sorry Catarina. I have had a lot on my mind since last night."

This caused her to raise an eyebrow in question. "Last night? What could have possibly happened last night that would cause you to be this distracted? This is so unlike you." I nodded rubbing my temples. "Yeah I know."

She crossed her arms waiting patiently for me to tell her and I sighed, pulling off my safety glasses. "I ran into Magnus during my charity event a couple nights ago." This caused her to frown, "why would Magnus come to your event?" "He wanted me to know that he was still in love with me and he wants us to try again."

"I'm surprised he was able to admit that to you. Magnus normally has a lot more pride than that. What did you say to him in return?" "I told him that I was married and that I never wanted to see him again" I sighed.

"Okay, well that was a couple of days ago. What happened last night that's causing you so much stress?" I frowned leaning back in my chair "Well... you see... the thing is... I may have gone to see Magnus at his office last night." She frowned "oh, Alec."

"I wanted to make sure that he knew that I was serious about staying away from me. I needed to look him in the eye and make sure my point got across." Her eyebrow rose again as she looked at me skeptically, "And did you? Get your point across?"

"Um... you see... about that" I said, trying to figure out how to tell her. She let out a loud disappointed sigh before shaking her head. "You slept with him." "What? No, I didn't... the thing that happened was... okay fine, I slept with him."

Catarina shook her head, crossing her arms over her chest. "Alexander, may I remind you that you are married? Have you forgotten about the person you have been working so hard for, for so long?" I sighed laying my head on the table. "I know Catarina. I was weak and gave into temptation. I regret it and it won't happen again."

"I would hope not. I can't believe you of all people cheated on your husband." I frowned, closing my eyes. "I never thought I would cheat on him either. It all just happened so fast and I lost my mind. Magnus knows how to push my buttons."

There was a knock on the door and I gave out an irritated sigh before looking at the door. "What is it?" The door opened and one of the lab keeper's assistances looked in. "Sorry to bother you Alec but there's someone here to see you." "Ragnor must finally be here," Catarina said standing up and stretching her arms.

I nodded and looked back at the beaker, turning it back on. "Go ahead and let him in." The assistant walked out of the room and a second later someone else walked in. I looked up from the beaker to greet Ragnor but went silent when I saw Magnus standing there instead.

Magnus looked down at me before looking over at Catarina awkwardly. I'm sure he didn't expect her to be here and he hasn't spoken to her since middle school. "What a surprise. What brings you here Magnus" Catarina asked, crossing her arms.

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