The Nobody

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Alec Pov- I stood in front of the full length mirror looking over my black holy sweater and dark jeans. Like every day this was as good as it was going to get. I'm sure if I actually tried to put some effort into my appearance I could catch someone's eye but I rather be comfortable then be noticed. It didn't really matter anyway because I was a nobody... literately, that was the label I was stuck having at school.

Like every High school mine had cliques. Poplars', jocks, fashionista's, musicians, artists, geeks, and lastly nerds. Then there was me, the 'nobody', the one who is there but not really there because everyone acts like I'm not there. I may dress like a geek but I actually don't like any of that video game, anime, fandom stuff. I'm smart enough to be a nerd but I don't really act like one so they also ignore me.

Even most of the teachers forget I'm there half the time and most days I get asked if i'm a new student since I never really leave an impression on them. I would be completely invisible if not for my little sister Isabelle. She also goes to my high school and though she doesn't associate with me there she makes sure I know how much i mean to her outside of school. At school though she was one of the top fashionista's and everyone looked to her for fashion advice. She's tried to make me over more times then I could count but I never gave her the satisfaction.

"Alec come on, we're going to be late" Isabelle yelled from downstairs making me sigh. I really hated going to school. "Coming" I called back before grabbing my favorite gray beanie and putting it on my head. I grabbed my book bag before going downstairs not surprised to see my sister standing at the bottom of them with her usual judgmental gaze. "Seriously Alec would it kill you to at least brush your hair? You look like you're homeless for Christ sake's."

I shrugged not really caring "I like how I dress." "That's the problem" She sighed shaking her head before turning heading outside. "You're a senior Alec, do you really want to graduate having no one remember you?" I shrugged following her and getting in my car, starting it "I don't really care if I'm not remembered Izzy. I need to be me, I won't change myself just to fall into a category that isn't even important."

She gasped loudly looking at me like I was crazy "The Categories are too important Alec, your future bosses will look at who you were in high school and they won't be very impressed that you're a hermit." I rolled my eyes "One, I am not a hermit and two, they will look at my perfect grades not wither or not I made friends." She sighed shaking her head as we pulled out of the drive way "Bosses look for people skills Alec. You can't even go to the front of the class without passing out or throwing up."

She had a good point there, I had horrible people skills. It's probably best that almost no one notices me because if anyone tried to be my friend I wouldn't know how to deal with it. "Having people skills has nothing to do with cliques Izzy. How about you worry less about me and more about your feud with Camille Belcourt."

She made a disgusted noise in the back of her throat "That girl may be the top fashionista at Idris High for now but I will take that title soon enough." I shrugged "You'll get the title after she graduates this year." "That's not a satisfying victory though Alec. I'll beat her this year before time runs out you can count on that."

She crossed her arms looking out the window "She has an unfair advantage though, her parents get her clothes from Paris and London. The most dad will get me is a hundred dollar dress from the Gap." "A hundred dollars is way to much to be spending on just a dress." "There's no such thing as 'to much' for a dress Alec."

I rolled my eyes pulling into the school parking lot "We really are very different baby sister." She shrugged pulling her compact mirror out of her purse and checking her make up "Max is more like you." "No Max is a 'Geek' and when he goes into high school he will be labeled as such. I'm sure he will be the king of the Geeks."

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