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Chapter name: Holiday Party- Christmas Chapter
Co writer: Kittymowmow101030
Her clothes:

My house:I was putting up decorations on the tree with my mother while Brian got more upstairs

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My house:
I was putting up decorations on the tree with my mother while Brian got more upstairs.

My house:I was putting up decorations on the tree with my mother while Brian got more upstairs

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"Was it really okay for me to invite Eric?" Mom asks. "Yeah, mom. It's fine." I said. "If you say so, honey. I don't want it to be weird." Mom said.

"Eric weird in general." I said. Mom chuckles. "You're right about that." Mom said. "I still can't believe you got a boyfriend. Without telling me." Brian said, walking into the living room with more decorations.

"I was going to tell you, but Mia already did and he's not my boyfriend yet. I still haven't decided if I want to make it official." Mom explained. That's when someone knocks on the door. "Eric here." Mom said happily.

She went to open the door. She opens it. "You!" Mom shouted. I look to see who it was. It was Autumn's dad Sheldon. "Good evening Abby." Sheldon said. "What are you doing here?" Mom asked.

"I was invited by Autumn's teacher." Sheldon explained. "Ugh! Come in." Mom said. "Thank you." Sheldon said. He walks in. Someone knock on the door.

"Eric." Mom said. She opens the door.

"Hi Miss Schmidt." Braidy said. "Braidy?" I said, surprised. "Braidy! You mean the guy who wanted to go on a date with you!" Brian shouted. "You told him." Braidy said.


"We're here too." Alex said. I saw Autumn, Jessamine, Shawn and Amy. "What are you guys doing here?" I ask. "Eric." Autumn explained. "Of course." I muttered. They walk in.

Shawn closed the door. "Red " Alex said. Red? Did Alex just give my brother a nickname. "Mia's friend." Brain said. Alex walks over and sits on his lap since he was sitting on the couch. "You mean your future girlfriend." Alex said.

Brain looks at her oddly. "Don't pull a
Amalia." Shawn said, picking Alex up. She sighs. "Future girlfriend huh. What's your name?" Brian asked. "Alexandra." Alex replied. "Well Alexandra you are kinda cute. Maybe when you're older." Brian said.

He gets off the couch. Alex smirk. "Gross." I said. "Super gross." Braidy said. Mom sat down on the couch. Shawn looks at my mom. "So who might you be?" Shawn asks my mom.

"I'm Mia's mom Abby and you." Mom said. Shawn sits down. "I'm Alexandra's dad Shawn." Shawn said. That's when I saw Eric walk in with a bag. He closes the door and told us to be quiet.

He sneaks behind the couch and then sat next to her. "I see you're flirting with Shawn." Eric said. Mom gasps. "Eric!" Mom shouted. They hug.

Shawn got up and walk to us. "Why does this remind me of you and Uncle Cory?" Alex asks. "Because something similar happened last year." Shawn explained. "Oh yeah." Alex said.

 "So what do we do now?" Autumn asked. "We could watch Netflix." I said. "Sure." Alexandra said. Alexandra, me, Autumn and Jessamine went upstairs into my room.

"So what do you want to watch?" Autumn asks. "Let's watch once upon a time." Alexandra suggested. We all agreed and put on once upon a time. 

We were on the last episode in season one, episode 22. "I think we should stop." Autumn said. "But it's so good." Jessamine said. "I think we should stop before we can't." Autumn said.

"But it's so entertaining." Alexandra argued. "We're not going to be able to stop if we don't stop now." Autumn said. "Fine, but three more episodes." I said.

"Fine!" She exclaimed. We didn't watch three more episodes we watch more. We were in the middle of season 2 episode 16 when Braidy came in.

"You guys are still watching this." Braidy said. "That's what I said." Autumn said not looking up from the book that she got from my bookshelf. 

"What's so good about this show anyway?" Braidy asks. "Did you seriously just ask that." Jessamine said. "It's entertaining and good." Alexandra said.

"But it's still this." Braidy said. "Stop your complaining." I told him. He sat by Autumn and got a book of the shelf, but did not read it. "Is there anything that will get you guys out?" Braidy and Autumn asked.

"Nothing in this world could get me out." Alexandra said. My Brother came in my room. "Oh no." I mumbled. My brother started leaving.

"Except to go with him." Alexandra said and followed my brother. "We should go." Autumn said and we got up. When we got to the living room, Alexandra was hugging Brian actually more like squeezing him to death.

All the adults were in the kitchen talking. "No one sees this." Brian said. Me and Autumn got Alexandra off of him. We all walked into this kitchen. 

"Let's get married right her right now." Alexandra told my brother. Shawn spit out his drink and I laughed to myself. "You know why I say you can't get married." I told Alexandra. 

"Why." Alexandra said. "Because you're to young, he's my brother, he's still my brother and he's my brother." I said. "That still isn't a reason." Alexandra said. "You know what one day I need to see this Amalia girl she has a lot of explaining to do." I said.

After watching TV and playing games it was time to eat. "I call sitting by my future boyfriend!" Alexandra exclaimed while rushing right next to where Brain was sitting.

"You know I'm just going to sit over there." Brain said while looking at Alexandra, who was looking and smiling at him like a maniac. He went to the end of the table and I sat by Alexandra. "Did this Maya girl ever get over this?" I ask Shawn, referring to Alexandra. "Nope." He said.

I sighed.

After we finish eating everything including our desert we sat down and played a game. After the game everyone who didn't live here left except Alexandra, whose spending a night, Autumn, whose spending a night and Eric whose talking to my mom. "I'm bored." Alexandra said.

"Want to go spy on Eric and my mom?" I asked. "Yes!" Alexandra exclaimed. We got up and hide behind the counter. "Look, I've liked you since we first met. Do you want to be my girlfriend." We heard Eric say. It took my mother a second to answer.

"Yes!" She exclaimed. He gave her the bag he was carrying earlier. She opens and takes it out. It was a necklace. They shared a quick kiss. "Barf." Autumn said. We laughed and went upstairs. Best day ever.

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