Best Night Ever Or How We Nearly Died

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Hi everyone, I finally found some time, courage and concentration to write another chapter. I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it. All the love, Summer xx

It was the night of nights. My first ever One Direction show. I had been a massive fan for three years now and this was literally a life goal of mine coming true. I hadn't managed to see Louis for the past two weeks because we both had been incredibly busy, but we had texted from time to time and he had invited me to come to the first show of the UK leg. Louis had organised two first row tickets for me and Lily and the show was about to start.

"I can't believe this is actually happening." Lily squealed next to me. She was bouncing up and down excitedly. I, on the other hand, was too much in shock to give any kind of reaction. "Claire?!" Lily waved her hand in front of my face to get my attention. "Um, what?" I asked, being pulled out of my daze. "I said it's about to start!!!" she said her voice going an octave higher than usually.

"I am about to see them for the very first time, Claire. I am so excited I think I'm gonna throw up." I gave her a light squeeze. "Please don't throw up, I don't want us to miss the concert. And I am not sure if I'll let you meet the boys after the show if you throw up now." I said with a smirk and Lily went completely pale beside me. "MEET THEM?! MEET THEM? What the fuck, Claire, you never mentioned that! Oh my God, I will meet them. I think I'm gonna die."

She was holding onto the barrier that was separating us from the stage. "Holy shit, Claire, you have no idea how much I love and hate you at the same time right now." I smiled at her. "Ah, you know you love me. I'll hold your hand if it gets too exciting for you." Lily elbowed me. "I think you'll be needing my support just as much as I will need yours. Especially during Little Things." "That might be the case." I replied with a sly grin.

In that moment the lights went out and the screaming became deafening. I was trembling with anticipation. Then the music for No Control started and the boys took the stage and it hit me. I was here. This was happening. I was seeing my favourite band live together with my best friend.

No Control passed in a blur of emotions. By the time they had started Kiss You I had recovered and was happily dancing and singing along with Lily. "This is the best night of my life!" Lily shouted in my ear and I could only nod and stupidly grin at her. Then I took the time to actually watch the boys do their thing on stage and it was amazing. All four seemed to truly enjoy themselves on stage.

"WELCOME TO THE OTRA TOUR, LONDON!" Liam shouted and the crowd roared. "ARE YOU READY, LONDON?" Niall shouted and the crowd screamed in excitement. "It's really good to be back home." said Louis with a bright smile and everyone cheered. "We are One Direction, nice to meet you. We will do our very best to entertain you tonight. Please feel free to do anything that makes you happy. Dance, sing, just do whatever you feel like." Harry said and his eyes wandered over the crowd until he had found me and Lily. Then he winked at us. "DID HE JUST WINK AT US?" Lily shouted into my ear over the noise that the crowd was making. I could only nod while I gave Harry the evil eyes, but he just smirked and looked away towards the other side of the arena.

"This is Fireproof." Liam introduced the next song. The next few songs went by way too fast for my taste. Lily and I were having the time of our lives and our crazy dancing attracted the attention of the rest of the boys, especially during Midnight Memories. All of the boys kept coming over to our section and especially Louis tried to spend a bit more time near our section, probably liking the fact that we were enjoying ourselves so much.

I was fighting my emotions during "Don't Forget Where You Belong" because it had been a special song for me and Lily when I had spent a semester in New Zealand. She held my hand during the whole song and Louis who seemed to have noticed that I was a bit emotional pulled a funny face in our direction. He was such a goofball, but so kind at the same time.

Due to some technical problems we got a sneak peak of their new song "Infinity" and I swear the whole arena was about to faint from the excitement.

"Little Things" left me a sobbing mess. I had fallen in love with the song the first time I heard it and it had been my favourite song ever since, helping me through the most difficult times of my life. Lily hugged me the whole time and I held onto her as if I was drowning and she was my life line. Harry who was sitting on our side shot me a concerned look and tried to make me smile. I gave him a weak smile in return and dried my tears, trying to keep it together.

The rest of the concert was like a never ending One Direction party and I enjoyed every single second of it, trying to forget my little break down during "Little Things". The boys sang Happy Birthday to a lucky fan who just happened to stand right behind me and cracked a couple of more or less inappropriate jokes.

"You and I" was another special song for Lily and me because it had been the very first One Direction song that she had liked and Louis, who saw that she was emotional, tried to cheer her up after the song had finished and missed the first part of his solo of "Through The Dark". I playfully shook my head at him and gave him a disappointed look. In return he stuck out his tongue at me and then proceed down the catwalk towards the other end of the stage.

At one point, Lilly and I had a laughing fit because of Harry's golden boots. It took us a whole song to calm down again. He saw us laughing and asked through his microphone what we girls were laughing about. "Your shoes." I managed to squeeze out in between laughing. He pouted. "I happen to wear very pretty shoes, thank you very much." That made the other three boys laugh as well. "You really do have a very unique taste in shoes, mate." said Liam with chuckle. "But unique doesn't necessarily mean that it's bad, Liam." Harry replied and acted as if he was offended. "It does if we're talking about your shoes." Louis piped in and the whole arena erupted in laughter. Harry dramatically flipped his hair over his shoulder and strode towards the other end of the stage. "Anyway, this is Diana."

The encore was amazing. The energy was still going high and everyone seemed to be having a great time. Louis chose the short break before the last two songs to thank the crowd who obviously didn't want this show to ever end (including the two of us). "London, you have been incredible and exactly what we needed." and everyone cheered and clapped.

We even sang and danced along to "What Makes You Beautiful" even though Lily and I both thought that the song was a bit overplayed and cheered at Liam and Louis during their water fight. Louis, being the little cheeky lad that he is, purposely threw some water in our direction and got me a little bit wet for which I flipped him off.

When the boys had disappeared backstage, Lily and I looked at each other. "We did it. We managed to survive our first One Direction show." I said to her and pulled her into a hug. "Thank you so much for bringing me with you. Best night of my life. Even tops Maroon Five." she replied and squeezed me back. My phone vibrated, indicating that I had received a new text.

My Cool Best Friend: Hi love, I hope you enjoyed the show. I sent someone to get you two, just stay where you are. xx

I showed the text to Lily who squealed. "Oh my God, this is happening. I'm gonna meet them. I need to stay calm, I need to stay calm, I need to stay ca-" She was interrupted by a security guy who had walked over to us. "Claire and Lily?" he asked us and when we nodded he motioned us to follow him to a side door. Next to me, Lily was trembling and I grabbed her hand and gave it a light squeeze which she returned. The guard led us through a maze of corridors and then stopped in front of a door that said "Sarah's kitchen". "They should be in there." After we both had thanked him, I lifted my hand and knocked on the door.

A.N. I just wanted to state, that I was not at the first OTRA London show. I looked up some details on tumblr and used my experience from my OTRA show as inspiration.

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