Tattoos Or How I Ended Up With Harry's Beanie

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Hi everyone, this is a chapter for all the Clarry shippers out there. ;)  I hope you enjoy it as much as I enjoyed writing it! All the love, Summer xxx

Despite everything that was going on in my life, my exams went surprisingly well. I had a good feeling when I handed the papers in and hoped that I would get some good marks for the huge amount of time and work that I had put into the preparation. It was now early evening and I was on my way home from uni, to freshen up a bit before I went over to Harry's place. He would be back at his house around seven and I had promised him to drop by really quickly after uni to say hi. Louis had been texting me quite frequently during the past two days and he had also sent me some adorable photos of him and his family, some of them made their way onto Instagram as well. He looked genuinely happy to be surrounded by his loved ones and I was glad that I hadn't kept him from seeing them. I was already honoured that he had  chosen to come and see me first.

After changing into a new set of clothes, I put my books and notepads away until January and wrote a short note for Lily telling her that I was over at Harry's place. Then I hopped onto a bus and half an hour later I was standing in front of Harry's house. My palms were sweaty and I smoothed my hair down before I walked up towards his front door. Just like Louis' house, nothing about this house gave away who was living behind the white walls. I rang the doorbell and anxiously waited for the door to open.

A few seconds later, the door swung open and a widely grinning Harry stood in the doorway. He looked great, even after the long flight. His hair must had grown at least another inch since I had last seen him. He was wearing a pair of sweatpants, something I hadn't seen him wearing before, and a long-sleeved dark green t-shirt. He cleared his throat and I blushed and looked up, embarrassed about getting caught starring at him. We looked at each other for a couple of seconds before he simply opened his arms and pulled me into a hug.

He buried his face in my hair and held me for a bit until he pulled away, smiling down at me. "Hi." he said in a slightly hoarse voice. I smiled up at him, very much aware of how close we were. "Hi." We grinned at each other, before he pulled me into the house and shut the door behind me. "I'm sorry about the mess. I literally just arrived and hadn't had time to unpack, yet." he said, gesturing to the pile of bags, jackets and shoes on the floor next to the door.

I sat down on the stairs with led to the upper floors and smiled up at him. "Don't worry about it. You shouldn't see my room when I come back from a trip." I pulled a face and stood up, struggling to take my big winter coat off. That made him grin. "That bad, hm?" he asked and when he saw that I was struggling quickly added. "Here, let me help you with that." He helped me out of coat and hung it up with my scarf next to his fancy coats and jackets. I thanked him quietly and he gestured me to follow him into the kitchen.

"Would you like something to drink? Tea? Cocoa?" He stood in front of a cupboard, two mugs in his hands as he waited for my answer. I thought for a moment. "A cup of tea would be amazing, thank you." I sat down on one of the chairs and watched him make to cups of tea. He turned around and placed the two steaming mugs on the kitchen table, before he sat down himself, facing me. "I wish I could offer you something to eat, but I haven't had the chance to go to the shops yet and my fridges and cupboards are empty." he apologised. I shook my head and took a sip of my tea, immediately regretting it because it was still very hot and burnt my tongue. Trying not to show how much pain I was in, I quickly swallowed my tea. "Please don't worry about it. I didn't expect anything other than your lovely company when I decided to come over." I told him and he grinned. "Now I'm relieved. I thought I would have to order us a five course meal somewhere to satisfy your needs." He winked at me and I rolled my eyes at him.

"Soooo, how was the promo? How was it to perform some of the new songs?" I asked him eagerly and he chuckled. "And here I was thinking I was done with these questions until Sunday." I batted my eyelashes at him and did my best puppy eyes and he sighed dramatically. "Alright, but only because it's you who's asking." I grinned in victory and leaned back, enjoying the nice view and my tea. "Promo was exhausting. They seem to ask the same four questions or so over and over again. But some of the interviews are great with very thoughtful questions that are fun to answer. And to answer your second question, performing the new songs was amazing. The crowds really seemed to enjoy themselves and even knew most of the lyrics already."

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