Little Things Or How My Birthday Turned Into The Best Night Of My Life

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Hi guys, I cannot believe how many chapters I have written today! This has without doubt been my most productive day ever, at least in terms of writing. I hope you love this chapter as much as I do. All the love, Summer xxx

Two hours later, everyone was more or less drunk and we all seemed to be having a fantastic time. I had already warned and compensated my neighbours with a bottle of wine each and earplugs for everyone, otherwise I would have felt very bad by now. Lily had just suggested karaoke and even people like me who usually hated karaoke, agreed. In my case I blamed the high level of alcohol in my blood, which obviously prevented me from making a sane decision. Niall and Ed started off and sung 'I'm A Believer' by The Monkees and everyone else clapped and danced along, before Louis and Liam took over with Robbie Williams 'Angels'. Then my drunk self got talked into picking up the microphone myself, together with Lily and Gigi who decided to sing 'Bang Bang' by Jessie J, Ariana Grande and Nicki Minaj. Gigi sang Jessie's part, Lily covered Ariana and I volunteered to rap Nicki's rap. Why I did that, I couldn't really explain in that moment, but I was very confident about my rapping skills. 

It was safe to say that we all completely slayed the song. Several people had started to record us by the time I stepped forward. "If he hangin' we bangin', phone rangin', he slangin', it ain't karaoke night but get the mic 'cause I'm singing, uh!" I finished off my rap and the others cheered. I did a proud bow in every direction, until my eyes fell onto the door and I nearly dropped my mic. Harry was standing in the door way with a wide smirk on his face. Unable to process what was going on, I somehow successfully finished off the song together with Gigi and Lily, before I shoved the mic into Louis hands and sprinted towards the door. 

Harry caught me with ease and I jumped and wrapped my arms and legs around him, clinging onto him like a gibbon monkey. "How are you here?" I asked him and pulled away a little bit so that I could properly face him. "I may have lied to you this morning." Harry replied with a wide grin and I shook my head at him, before I pulled him in for a kiss which he eagerly returned. We only pulled away when the others started whistling and laughing. With slightly flushed cheeks, I untangled myself from Harry and he slowly let me down, not without unnecessarily resting his hands on my exposed legs, before I pulled my dress back down. "I hate you." I told him quietly and hit his chest with my hand. "I nearly got a heart attack when I saw you standing there!" I scolded him, but he only grinned down at me, before leaning in for another kiss. "Oi, lovebirds, behave yourselves! We want to continue our karaoke session here!" Niall shouted from the sofa and cackled when Harry flipped him off. 

"Alright, who's up next?" Louis asked from the other end of the room and shot Leslie a questioning look who refused to even go near the microphone, as Harry walked around and greeted everyone. Milena and El tried their very best not to fangirl too much, but Harry was very nice about it and acted as if he didn't notice anything out of ordinary. Zayn and Milena decided to sing next and chose to sing Don't Stop Me Now by Queen, everyone joining in eventually. Niall pretended to play the guitar and dramatically fell to the floor at the end of the guitar solo. During the song, Milena looked like she was in fangirl heaven, as she sung one of her favourite songs with one of her favourite artists. Afterwards, she walked over to me and gave me a very long hug. "Thank you for befriending me four years ago, this was the best moment of my life." she whispered into my ear and I hugged her back and whispered a "You're welcome" into her ear. 

After everyone had sung, I turned the TV off again, but when I wanted to sat back down, Harry's hand stopped me. I shot him a confused look, but he only smiled at me and then raised his voice so that it cut through the chatter around the room. "Boys?" he called out and Louis, Niall, Liam and Zayn got up and walked up the front, while Ed disappeared into the hallway, but re-emerged a minute later with my guitar in his hands. "Claire?" Harry tried to catch my attention and I looked up at him again. "I know that 'Little Things' is your favourite song, so we decided to give you a little private concert and play it for you tonight." he said and my mouth fell open. "Are you serious?" I asked him with wide eyes and the rest of  the group laughed at my reaction. "Dead serious." Zayn confirmed and I couldn't stop myself from squealing and pulled Harry into a tight hug. 

I hugged all of them, but the biggest hug got Zayn. I was very much aware that he hadn't sung that song since March 2015 and I couldn't even start to explain what this meant to me. I sat down on the sofa between Lily and El, who both held my hands while I tried to stop myself from crying. Harry looked at me the whole time, a big smile on his face and he gave me a very pointed look when he sang "But you're perfect to me." After they had finished I jumped off from the sofa and pulled all of five of them into a group hug. "Thank you guys, this means the world to me." I thanked them and wiped a tear away which had escaped my eyes. My legs were shaking slightly and I leaned against Harry, who wrapped an arm around my waist. 

We danced and partied until the early hours of the morning when half of the group decided to finally go home. Leslie was the first to call it a night at 2am and Gigi and Zayn, and Liam and Sophia, and at 3am El, followed shortly afterwards. The rest of us ended up sitting, or in some cases, lying on the floor and the sofas. Louis and Milena had made tea and coffee for everyone and we were all sipping on our steaming mugs. Harry and I were cuddling in one of the arm chairs and so were Niall and Lily, while the other four had split up onto the sofa and the bean bag. With a small grin, I noticed how close Louis and Milena were sitting on the sofa, their thighs touching and her head resting on his shoulder. With a flicker of hope inside of me, I leaned my head back and felt Harry press a kiss to my hair. "You okay, love?" he asked quietly and I nodded and slightly turned my head to look up at him with a wide smile. "Perfect."

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