Friendships Or How Ed Sheeran Texted Me

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Hi everyone, I hope you enjoy this chapter with some friendship moments between Lily and Claire. All the love, Summer xxx

The next morning I woke up with a massive headache. I pulled the duvet over my head and listened for any indication that Lily was up, although I wasn't even sure if she had come home last night or just slept over at Niall's. I didn't hear anything and after another ten minutes in bed, I finally got up and walked over to the kitchen to make myself a cup of tea and some toast. I took some painkillers for my killer headache and then slowly sipped on my tea while I scrolled through my tumblr.

After another half an' hour or so I was a bit more awake and my headache was a little bit less, when the slamming of the front door indicated Lily's arrival. I grinned at her when I saw that she was wearing a combination of what looked like Niall's t-shirt and jacket and her skinny jeans and heels from last night. "Morning." I waved at her and she waved back and slumped into the chair opposite me. "Morning. Although I'm not sure if 11.30 still counts as morning." I shrugged. "Probably not. How was your night? Did you have a good time at Niall's?" I wiggled my eyebrows and she blushed a bit and grinned widely. "A lady never kisses and tells, Claire." I snorted into my tea. I was pretty sure that they had done a lot more than just kiss, but I bit my lip and Lily gave me a look and continued. " But yes, it was good. You seemed to have a great time last night, as well." she said and there was an undertone in her voice that I couldn't quite figure out.

"I did. Why are you saying it like that?" I asked her with a frown and looked over to her. Lily thought for a bit. "I don't know how to say this and please correct me if I'm wrong, but don't you think you are stringing both Harry and Louis along?" I was confused. "What do you mean? Harry and I are just friends and Louis and I, well you walked in on us last night..." I blushed a bit. "He wants to take me out on a date as soon as they are back from the States in two weeks  or so." I smiled widely, but Lily still didn't seem too happy.

"Does Harry know that? That you are just friends and that you're going on a date with Louis?" I nodded. "Yes, I told him about Lou and he said that we are great together. Why does everyone keep asking me about Harry? We are good friends, that's it." My voice has gotten a bit louder while I defended myself. Lily sighed. "Look, I don't want to upset you or accuse you of anything. If you are saying that you two are just friends I believe you. I'm just not sure if maybe Harry likes you a bit more than just as a friend and I am not a 100% sure if you have just friendly feelings for him either." Without knowing it, Lily had just said something that I had been trying to ignore for the past few weeks.

"Look, I like Louis. A lot. He is an amazing guy and he is everything I am looking for in a guy. He is kind, he is sweet, he is understanding, funny, he can keep up with my sass and he is a great friend to me. I don't even think that I deserve him, but somehow he likes me and I am super grateful to have such a great guy interested in me. But I can imagine us together, you know? It doesn't seem too unrealistic. He makes me feel like home, I can be comfortable around him." I smiled a bit and saw that Lily was smiling as well. "And Harry?"

I thought for a bit. "Harry is, well, he's Harry. He has a big heart and just cares too much about everyone most of the time. He is funny, if you ignore some of his bad knock-knock jokes, and he has this amazing ability to just listen to you. When he listens to you, he makes you feel like nothing is more important in that moment and he is super supportive, no matter what, maybe even more so than Louis. I'm not sure if he even likes me. I mean, I'm just me and he is this amazing, sparkly unicorn, you know?" I referred to our conversation that we had a few weeks ago and chuckled. "Even if Louis and I shouldn't work out for some reason, Harry Styles is probably the last guy who I would see myself date. It just doesn't fit."

Lily shook her head at me. "For someone so intelligent, you are sometimes really stupid Claire. You and Louis are great together, I won't even try to say anything else because then I would be lying. You two complete each other and I think you make a beautiful couple. However, I also think that Harry makes an amazing friend, but he is a friend who likes you very much and he is someone you like very much as well. And if the only reason why you would never even consider dating Harry is the fact that you believe that you are not good enough for him, then I can't really help you, Claire."

I put my head in my hands. "I don't know what to do Lily, I really don't. They're best friends and I don't want to hurt either of them. I don't think that Harry and I would work out, like ever, and I don't want to lose him as a friend because he is one of the best friends I've ever had. No one comes even close to you, of course." I added and she playfully flicked her hair over her shoulder. "I'll just have to see what happens, I guess. I'll go on that date with Louis and I'll continue being friends with Harry. I haven't even known them for that long." I send her a helpless look and she walked around the table and pulled me into a hug.

"Hey, I didn't want to stress you or force you to make a decision right now. I just wanted to make you aware of the fact that you seem to have two amazing guys interested in you and let you know I will support you no matter what. I just want what's best for you and if that's Louis then I will obviously support you, but if it turns out that you and Louis are better off just being good friends and that you should maybe give Harry a chance, I'm fine with that, too, and I will sure as hell support you as well. Just listen to your heart, okay?"

I nodded and hugged her tighter. "I don't even know what I'd do without you, Lil." She let go of me and grinned. "I know, I'm amazing." We both laughed and then she clapped her hands. "Now get dressed, we are going shopping today." I groaned and she laughed. "I don't know why you hate shopping so much. You know that it'll be fun." I pulled a face. "I don't HATE shopping, I just think there are better ways to spend my Saturday." She grinned at me. "Non-sense, Claire, shopping is fun. Now go and get ready!" She shooed me out of the kitchen and I gave in and walked back to my room to get ready.

I quickly checked my phone before I hopped into the shower and saw that I had received three new messages. I opened them and clicked on the first one which was from Louis. "Really enjoyed having you there last night. We will have to continue where we left off somewhere where we can't be interrupted very soon. Can I see you one more time before we are off to the States on Monday? xxx" I smiled at his messages and quickly tipped a reply. "Lily is making me go shopping today (send help!) but I'm free tomorrow if you like or tonight. And I don't know what you're talking about, Tomlinson. ;) xxx" I chuckled at my own cleverness and then opened the next message which was from Harry.

"Thank you for making sure that I got home safely. I don't remember everything I said and did last night, but if some of the parts that I remember are true, I'd like to apologise for the toothbrush incident and to compliment you on your dancing skills. I hope to see you again soon. H xxx" I smiled widely and replied with a smirk on my face. "You are hilarious and kind of adorable when you're drunk. We should get drunk together more often, but only if you never talk about toothbrushes ever again. And you are quite the dancer yourself, Styles. ;) We'll definitely have to hang out some time soon! C xxx"

After I had hit send, I opened the last message which was from an unknown number. "Hi Claire, this is Ed." I let out a squeal and had to calm myself down a bit, before I could continue reading his message. "Louis gave me your number last night. Thank you for saving me from Harry, he is a good chap, but crazy when he's drunk. We should hang out some time soon, maybe another movie night with some other people at my place? Hope you're not too hungover. Ed x"

I had to sit down on my bed. Ed Sheeran had gotten my number. He had texted me and he had asked me to hang out with him at his house. I had to be dreaming. Still not completely believing what had just happened, I quickly replied that I'd be more than happy to hang out at his house sometime soon and that my hangover wasn't too bad after some painkillers and wished him a relaxed weekend. Humming 'Little Things' I made my way into the bathroom and took a relaxing shower, bracing myself for my shopping experience. 

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