Blue Eyes Or How I Went Clubbing With One Direction

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Hi guys, a double update today because I am in such a great mood to write thanks to some fantastic feedback I have received today. I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it! All the love, Summer xxx

The night was a great success. After we had done a few rounds of shots we were all slightly drunk and ready to dance. I dragged Louis and Harry onto the dance floor and Lily grabbed Liam and Niall. We had lost Sandy at the bar where he had run into an old friend.

I could feel the beat pumping through my body while I moved to the fast beat of the music. We all danced together as a group and kept laughing at each other. After a few minutes, Harry took my hand and started spinning me around while the rest of the group cheered and laughed.

He was a great dancer and I enjoying myself immensely. "Are you feeling better now?" he shouted into my hear, after he had somehow managed to make me crash into him. I nodded and gave him a smile while trying to resist the urge to let my hand run up and down his chest.

Alcohol always made me lose any barriers that I might have had under other circumstances and unfortunately also made Harry Styles seem even more God-like than he usually was.

His hair was hanging around his face in messy curls and his black silk shirt was sticking to his body because of the heat. I gave myself a mental kick and kept on dancing until an accidental twirl made me let go of Harry's hand and crash into Louis. "OMG, I am sorry!" I shouted into his ear. "It's all Harry's fault, I swear!" I turned around to Harry who stuck out his tongue at me and shouted something that sounded like he was going to get another drink. Louis just laughed and playfully shook his head at me.

"You just seem to love feel me up, don't you, love? Otherwise you wouldn't keep crashing into me all the bloody time." He grinned down at me and gave me one of his cheeky winks. I playfully shoved him a bit which made him stumble and he grabbed onto me for support. That was probably a bad idea because I wasn't exactly sober either and so we clung onto each other for support, both giggling at our clumsiness. "We are so drunk." I giggled and held onto Louis' shoulders for support, while his hands were resting on my waist.

He looked down at me and I immediately got lost in his blue eyes. They were so blue. My pondering about how eyes could be so incredibly blue was cut short when Louis said something. "What did you say?" I asked him. "I said you look beautiful when you laugh."

My heart seemed to skip not only one, but at least three beats, and then continued to beat twice as fast as it had been before Louis had made that comment. I blushed crimson red which luckily wasn't very obvious under the dancing lights of the club.

I didn't dare to look anywhere near Louis' eyes but he took my chin in between his fingers and tilted it up so that I had to face him. "No need to hide, Claire. I meant what I said." He smiled and then pulled me closer to him.

I could spot Lily in the crowd, dancing with Niall and Liam looking happier than I had seen her in a long time. Then all that my mind and body could focus on was Louis. We were moving in sync, our bodies very much intertwined and I felt more alive than ever.

We danced like this for a few songs before we both decided that we had had enough dancing and were in desperate need of a drink. We returned to our previous table which was now occupied by Sandy, Harry and a guy that I didn't know, who was most likely Sandy's friend.

"Having fun, I see." Sandy commented with a look towards our intertwined fingers. I blushed a bit and tried to let go of Louis' hand but he only tightened his grip.

We sat down opposite Harry who looked a bit sad. "Hey, are you okay, Harry?" I asked him with a concerned look. "I'm fine." came the answer, but I wasn't convinced. "You sure?" I asked and he gave me just a weak smile and turned away to talk to Sandy and his friend again. Louis gave my hand a light squeeze and then got up to get another round of drinks after asking what everyone wanted.

I leaned over the table and tapped Harry's arm. He looked up and raised one eyebrow at me, silently asking what I wanted. "Why didn't you join us again on the dance floor after you had finished your drink?" I asked him. "Well you seemed to have a lot of fun without me." he replied and then added. "You and Lou are getting along pretty well, hm?" He wiggled his eyebrows at me and I blushed again. I definitely needed to work on that. If I kept blushing like that I could get in serious trouble someday, but who could blame me? I was drunk and surrounded by a bunch of the most beautiful and attractive lads worldwide who also happened to be incredibly kind and funny at the same time. Anyone would blush at that. At least that's what I kept telling myself. Harry send a cheeky grin my way before he shifted his concentration back to his previous conversation and I was left with my own drunk thoughts.

When Louis returned with our drinks a few minutes later, Harry looked up and smirked at me, while making a very obvious movement with his hand. I glared at him and hoped that Louis hadn't seen the gesture. We all took our drinks and chatted a bit more over the loud music.

After another ten minutes or so, Liam, Niall and Lily came back up to us as well and Lily literally fell into the seat next to me. "I am so dead. These two are really keeping me on my toes." She gestured towards Liam and Niall who were grinned and Niall winked at her. "You are a fabulous dancer my dear." he complimented her and Lily blushed. "And you, my little leprechaun, are drunk."

Niall, who had had a lot more to drink earlier that evening couldn't really deny that so he shrugged and lazily laid an arm around Lily's shoulders. "But I am a very happy drunk man, that's for sure." he said proudly. "No one's doubting that Niall." said Harry, the amusement evident in his deep voice.

Lily giggled next to me and leaned over to whisper something in my ear. "This is the best night of my entire life." She kissed my cheek and then stole my drink from my hands and downed the rest of it. After my protest she send me an apologetic look and then started a conversation with Niall and Liam.

Louis who had seen her, pushed his drink into my direction, offering me to take a sip of his if I was still thirsty. I happily took a sip, trying to ignore the fact that Louis' lips had just been at the very same spot seconds before. I really needed to get a grip of myself. With the mood I was in now, I would either jump Louis or one of the others very soon or do something equally embarrassing which I didn't even want to think about any further.

The night went on and we spent it either drinking and chatting or dancing on the dance floor. At three thirty am, we all stumbled out of the club, me hiding underneath Harry's coat which he had insisted on lending me to shield me from the "mean people with the flashlights" as he had put it. We got two taxis and after a bit of discussion ended up at Louis' place where we all crashed in random rooms.

The last thing I thought before I drifted off to sleep was that the bed I was lying in was incredibly comfortable and that it smelled suspiciously like someone I knew.

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