Weird Noises Or How Louis Tomlinson Ended Up In My Flat

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Hi guys, I definitely have too much free time on my hands at the moment, hence the frequent updates. Unfortunately, that will change from mid-August on, but I definitely won't abandon the story any time soon because I love writing it way too much. Bit of a filler-chapter, but I hope you enjoy it nevertheless. All the love, Summer xxx  Ps. Random, beautiful photo of Louis to make up for the chapter. :)

Back in Louis room, I nearly crashed into Harry who had stood behind the door. "Whoa there, easy, love." I stumbled a bit, but he caught me, both of his hands lying on my waist. "Are you okay?" I nodded and he quickly let go of me, as if I had burned him, and took a couple of steps back. "I'm fine, Harry." I said in a monotone, slightly shaky voice that probably wouldn't have even convinced my dead hamster.

I started looking for my purse which I had seen somewhere in Louis' room earlier that morning and tried to ignore Harry who was still standing by the door. "Claire?" I heard Harry's voice behind me. I didn't turn around. A few seconds later, I felt a hand on my shoulder and Harry turned me around so I had to face him. "Hey, what happened?" He gently pushed a loose strand of hair out of my face and my stomach flipped a bit. He was Harry Styles after all and my inner fangirl wasn't completely immune to him.

I desperately tried to avoid looking at him and instead inspected my nails which definitely needed a trim very soon or I wouldn't be able to play my guitar or my violin anymore. "I already told you I am fine, Harry." He sighed and I could feel his breath fan over my face. "And I know that you're lying, Claire. Look, I'm not gonna push it- it's your decision whether or not to tell me what's bugging you, but I just want you to know that you can talk to me about anything no matter what, okay? I'm here for you if you need someone who will listen to you."

My heart melted. Harry was probably the kindest person I had ever met. It was insane how he was constantly being portrayed as the heartless player by the media. I finally managed to properly look at him and saw that his beautiful green eyes were filled with concern. "Thank you, Harry. That really means a lot to me." I told him and gave him a small smile. His dimples appeared and he pulled me into a quick hug, but again let go off me very quickly. Weird. I brushed it off and picked up my purse which I had finally spotted on Louis' chest of drawers. God knows how it had ended up there.

"Are you leaving already?" asked Harry and I nodded. "Yes, I, um, need to get home. I have a report to write." I told him and picked up my dress as well. "Aren't you at least gonna wait 'til Louis is finished with his shower?" he asked me and my heart skipped a beat at the mention of Louis' name. "No, really, I gotta go. But can you please tell him that I will return his clothes to him during the next few days?" I asked him and he nodded, still confused about my sudden desire to leave. "Sure." There was an awkward silence. "Okay, um... I think I'm off then." I said and awkwardly waved and made my way towards the door.

"Wait!" said Harry behind me. "I'll walk you to the door." With a few big steps he was at my side and opened the door for me, following me towards the kitchen where I said goodbye to the others. Lily was pretty much sitting on Niall's lab by that point and blushed deeply when she saw my questioning look. "It was great to see you again, love." said Liam and gave me a friendly hug. "We definitely have to repeat this sometime soon." I grinned at him and then turned to face Niall.

"Goodbye, bestie." I gave him a one sided hug. I gave Claire a hug as well and a kiss on the cheek. "We'll talk later." I whispered in her ear and she pulled a face at me and messed up my hair. With a last wave at the others, I quickly made my way towards the front door and put on my sneakers that I had worn with my dress last night. I was desperate to get out of the flat before Louis emerged from the bathroom. When I was finished, Harry held out my jacket for me and helped me into it. There was a short silence. "I gotta go now, but I'm sure I'll see you around." He smiled at me and pulled me into a quick hug and I felt his lips brush against my hair. "Goodbye, Claire. Don't be a stranger."

Back home, the first thing I did was make myself a good cuppa tea. I needed to think. I turned my phone off, not wanting to be disturbed and picked up my guitar. I strummed it a few times and then got up to get a small notebook in which I was collecting the stuff I had written. I mainly wrote poems and short texts, but I had written some songs as well. They were very personal and no one had ever heard them. I had let Lily read some of them but even she had never heard them as I wasn't the most gifted singer out there, unlike my new friends.

I hummed to myself, scribbling down words from time to time and trying some new chords. After about an hour I had written a new song which I was reasonably happy with and put the guitar away. I went back into the kitchen, cleaning my used mug and grabbed an apple. Since I had had breakfast not too long ago, I wasn't very hungry, so I plopped down on my sofa and turned on my TV. Some weird reality show was on, and as much as I usually despised these shows, I needed to watch something that made me feel better about myself.

I made myself comfortable and must have dosed off for a bit because the ringing of the doorbell made me jump so hard that I literally fell off my sofa. I hit my head on my coffee table. "Ouch." I cursed loudly and scrambled to my feet, nearly crashing into my bookshelf on the way into the hallway. I waddled towards the door and opened it without bothering to check the peephole first, something that I regretted instantly when I saw who was standing outside my door.

Louis was smiling down at me, mildly amused by my current state and obviously pleased that I was still wearing his clothes. To my defence, they were extremely comfortable and smelled so nice that I hadn't been able to bring myself to take them off.

"What the hell are you doing here?" I asked him and squinted my eyes at him. I run my hand through my hair and internally screamed at myself for not checking myself in the mirror before opening the door because my hair felt like birds had lived in there.

"Well, Claire, I had to talk to you after you fled my house and as you aren't answering your phone, I didn't really have another choice." I blushed at his words and opened the door a bit more, letting him squeeze passed me into the tiny flat that Lily and I were sharing.

"Nice flat." He commented as he took off his shoes and let his eyes wander over the photos I had put up on the walls. Most of them were of Lily and me or our families. "Thanks." I said quietly, trying to get over the fact that Louis Tomlinson was standing in my hallway. He looked very much out of place.

"Ummm... would you like a cup of tea?" I asked him and when he nodded I walked over to the kitchen, Louis hot on my heels. While I made Louis some tea, I was nervously tapping my fingers on the counter top until Louis' hand stopped me. I blushed and looked up at him.

"What's going on Claire? Why did you flee my house earlier while I was in the shower? Did I do something wrong?" he asked and I could see confusion and hurt in his eyes which made me feel even worse about myself.

"No, Louis, you didn't do anything wrong! I...I just..." but I didn't really know how to explain how I had felt when I had overheard him earlier. I took a deep breath. In that moment, a loud groan which was followed by high pitched screams could be heard from my living room. Louis shot me a bewildered look. "Do you have anyone in your living room, love?" I froze and then it hit me and I burst out laughing.

"It's the telly." I said in-between giggles which made Louis even more confused. "Your telly is making noises like that?" he asked. "What the fuck are you watching?" That made me giggle even more and I started to explain how I normally hated reality TV and why I had watched it earlier. "I fell asleep watching it and you woke me up so I don't really know what's on right now. We can find out if you want though." I offered and Louis made his way towards the living room while I finished off his tea. From the hallway I heard him say "Our conversation isn't over yet, Claire." and I knew that he wasn't talking about the TV programme anymore.

A.N. Not a lot of action in this chapter, but I hope you still like it. :) x

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