Made In The AM or How We Got Invited To An Album Release Party

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Hi everyone, here is another, quite long chapter. :) I hope you enjoy the reaction to MITA and I hope it's not too long or written with too much detail. I just really, really love the album and wanted to show that a bit. I hope you enjoy the chapter! All the love, Summer xxx

The next few days I was incredibly busy, so I only texted Louis a couple of times a day and occasionally Harry. Niall was over at our flat one more time and he and Lily seemed to be doing well, at least that's what I assumed after walking into them making out in the kitchen. Let's just say that I was traumatized for life. Suddenly it was Friday morning, the day of the album release. It took everything in me not to listen to the new songs as soon as I had gotten out of bed, but Lily and I had made a deal. Neither one of us would listen to the album alone until we would be home in the early afternoon to listen to it together.

I ignored my twitter and tumblr all day and pretty much ran to the Tube and then from the Tube back home. Lily and I nearly collided at the flat door and laughed. "I'm so excited!" said Lily next to me and bounced up and down while I opened our front door. We both dropped our bags and dashed to the living room. She turned on my computer and we sat there in awe as she clicked on Spotify. 

"Are we really ready for this?" I asked and exchanged an excited look with Lily. "I will never be ready for this." she replied and pulled a face. We giggled and I clicked onto the first song 'Hey Angel'. I grabbed Lily's hand as Harry's voice sounded through the living room. "Shit, this is good." I said into the silence that followed the song. We used the next three songs to relax a little bit, although 'Infinity' still hit me every time I listened to it. After we had finished 'Perfect' Lily hesitantly clicked on 'End of The Day'. The song was amazing and I died a little bit inside when I listened to Louis's solo. I wasn't sure if I was gonna survive the whole album and we weren't even half way through. 

'If I Could Fly' left me a sobbing mess. "Who wrote this? Who fucking wrote this??" I asked and angrily starred at my laptop. Lily googled the song and then giggled. "Harry wrote it." I huffed angrily. "I hate him. He can't just write such a beautiful song just like that and then get the others to sing it so beautifully! Niall's high note during the last chorus, holy shit. And Louis' verse! Liam is always bloody perfect, of course. And Harry going up with his voice at one part. Goood, I hate them. They know exactly how to emotionally destroy millions of fans around the world." By this point Lily was laughing at me and I crossed my arms over my chest and pouted.
"Just play the next one." I told her and she happily clicked onto the next song.
I think it was safe to say that 'Long Way Down' didn't really help to cheer me up. We both sat there in silence for a few seconds after the song had ended. "This album is definitely a lot more serious than the last ones." I said and Lily only nodded. Then 'Never Enough' started and we exchanged surprised looks. "This kind sounds like the song they sing in Finding Nemo when they make Nemo swim through this bubbly thing in the aquarium." I laughed and Lily burst out laughing. "You are right, it does sound a bit like that! What a weird, but amazing song!" we kept giggling throughout the whole song and couldn't really take it too serious.

'Olivia' and 'What a Feeling' were to other brilliant songs. "It gives you such a chilled and relaxed vibe." Lily said after 'What a Feeling' was over. 'Love You Goodbye' made me a bit sad and I really wanted to know who wrote the song so I quickly looked it up, only to find out that Louis had written it. "Do you think it's about Eleanor?" I asked Lily and she shrugged. "Probably. I mean, as far as we know, he only dated one girl during the last few years, but I wouldn't worry about her."

'I Want To Write You A Song' made me want to cuddle Louis immediately. His angelic voice fit the chorus perfectly and I instantly fell in love with the song. The two of us clapped and danced along to 'History'. "I love this!" Lily said loudly over the music and I grinned in response. When 'Temporary Fix' started Lily suddenly went really quiet. "Holy shit, holy shit, holy shit." she kept repeating and clung onto my arm. "Niall definitely wants to kill me." I giggled, but immediately stopped when Harry's verse started. "Why are they doing this to us?!" I groaned and put my head into my hands. "We can moan in the darkness, let me touch you where your heart is!" sang Louis and I slumped back into the sofa cushions. "This song makes me feel stuff." I admitted in a low voice and Lily laughed, but agreed with me.

I immediately fell in love with 'Walking in the Wind'. The way the song was written reminded me of Paul Simon and the bridge hit me right in the heart. Lily and I danced through the living room to 'Wolves' and were really happy that no one was able to see us. We tried the weird dance that Monica and Ross did in that one friends episode and it surprisingly fit the song very well. Laughing, we sat back down onto the sofa and tried to catch our breath.

"Are we ready for the last song?" I asked and my finger hovered over the play button. "Nope, but let's get this over with. I gotta call Niall." I clicked play and immediately liked the song. It fitted the whole album and we sat there silently and listened in awe. "What a beautiful way to end the album." Lily said and I only nodded. "The whole album is so incredibly beautiful." I broke the silence after a couple of seconds. "How are they all so bloody talented?" I wondered out loud and Lily shrugged. "I've been asking myself the same question for years. Now I just really, really want to hear the whole album live, but I guess we'll have to wait for a bit until they're back from their break."

She got up and grabbed her phone from the coffee table. "I'm calling Niall." She told me and grinned. "We have to have a bit of a talk." She disappeared into her bedroom and I picked up my phone and dialled Louis' number, hoping that he wasn't too busy. He picked up after a couple of seconds. "Hi, love." A wide grin spread across my face. "Hi, Lou." I mocked his tone and he laughed. "Have you finally listened to the new album?" he asked me curiously. "I did and I love it! Definitely your best one yet. So many fantastic songs!" I told him excitedly and he laughed again. "I'm glad you like it." he said and sounded relived.

"Are you sad that you won't be touring this album, at least not for a while?" I asked him and walked over to the kitchen to make myself a cup of tea. "Yeah, definitely. However, we will perform some songs during the promo we will be doing until next month so you'll definitely get the chance to listen to some of the new songs live." Louis told me and I smiled happily. "That sounds great. I can't wait!" I said excitedly and Louis chuckled. "And there is Claire the fangirl again." he teased me and I rolled my eyes. Unfortunately, he couldn't see that, but it felt good to do it anyway. "Oh shut up, Tomlinson." "You know I'm just teasing you, right?" Louis asked me through the phone. "I secretly love your fangirl side." he admitted and I grinned. "Well, I can assure you that it probably won't go away any time soon." I told him. There was a short pause.

"Are you doing okay, you know, after Monday?" he asked hesitantly and I knew he was referring to my panic attack incident I had a couple of days ago. I cleared my throat. "I'm fine, Louis. I didn't even know that I still get these panic attacks that badly. I used to get them a lot a couple of years ago, but they've gotten much less and less frequently." I assured him and poured the hot water into the mug.

"I'm glad to hear that, love. And if something like this should happen again, please don't hesitate to call me and I'll talk you through it or come over whenever I can. Or Harry or one of the other boys." I smiled. "Thanks, Lou. That means a lot to me." We continued to chat for a bit longer, until he was called to do another interview. "I gotta go, love, but I'll try to pop in this weekend, if I can. Oh, and we're having an album release party tonight, so if you're free, feel happy to pop by. It's at Liam's place because it's the biggest out of the four of us."

My stomach flipped. I just got invited to an album release party. Holy shit. My inner fangirl was screaming with excitement. "Claire?" Louis asked and I jumped. "Sorry, I, um, got carried away. I'll definitely be there and I'll drag Lily along with me. You have fun at your interview!" I said and he thanked me and hung up. "Holy shit." I said out loudly and Lily giggled behind me.

I turned around to face her. "Louis just invited me to their album release party at Liam's tonight." I told her excitedly and she grinned. "Niall just invited me, as well." We looked at each other for a couple of seconds and then started squealing and jumped up and down until someone knocked on the ceiling in the flat underneath us. "Oh my God, Claire. We are so lucky!" "And so mature." I added with a laugh. We hugged each other and then turned Made In The Am back on and discussed the album again until it was time to get ready for the party.

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