Raspberry Margaritas Or How Lily Is The Best Friend In The World

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Hi everyone, another chapter before I start my next essay (yay). This chapter is dedicated to my best friend who is always there for me when I'm a mess and who shares my love for Tyler Hoechlin and Dylan O'brien. I hope you all have a great weekend! All the love, Summer xxx

During the next two days, I tried to spend as much time with my dad as possible, trying to hold on to every little detail before I had to go back to London. No one was sure how much longer he had, but after the incident right before Christmas, we all knew that it wasn't very long. The day I had to leave was very difficult not just for me, but also for my parents, especially my dad. I was sitting on his lab in his embrace, just like I did when I was younger. I was crying a bit, and my dad was also fighting some tears. He gently stroked my hair and tried to calm me down. "Hey, you will be fine, Claire. Shhhh, stop crying, it'll all be okay."

But the tears wouldn't stop flowing and I just hugged him tighter. "I don't want you to die." I managed to croak and I felt him sigh underneath me. "I don't want to leave you both either, love, but that's life. I have had such an amazing life with a fantastic wife and my amazing daughter. I am so proud of how far you have come, so, so proud, Claire. Of course I am sad that I won't see you get married or have kids or graduate from university, but I know that you will live a great life that you can be proud of and I will be proudly watching you from above. Just listen to your heart and follow your dreams, no matter what everyone else is saying. Because at the end of the day, it's you who has to live with your decisions and it's always better to do something stupid once in a while, than to wonder for the rest of your life what would have happened if you had made the decision differently and taken a risk." I heard the smile in his voice. "And I will always be watching over you, alright?" I felt him kiss the top of my head hugged him as tight as I could. "I love you, dad." I smiled a bit and looked up to see him already looking down at me. "I love you, too, kiddo. And now go, before you miss your train!" I gave him one last kiss and then quickly walked outside to the car where my mum was already waiting to drive me to the train station.

The train ride home was very long and boring and I was glad that I brought a good book with me. When I arrived in our little flat in London, I barely managed to get to my bedroom before I broke down crying again. It took me at least half an hour to calm down again and when I heard Lily's key in the lock I prayed that she was on her own. "Claire? Are you home?" she called from the hallway and but I didn't reply. A few seconds later, my door opened and Lily poked her head inside my room. Her eyes widened when she saw my puffy, red eyes and instantly pulled me into a tight hug.

"Hey, are you okay? What happened?" she asked me concerned and I quickly told her everything that had happened during the past two weeks while she was gone. "I am so, so sorry, C. I know how close you two are. But you need to stay strong, okay? And I am here for you, just like you are always here for me when I'm a mess, alright?" I nodded and she got off my bed and pulled me up with her. "Alright, enough crying, let's go and watch some Teen Wolf and make some pasta. We can drool over Dylan O'brien and Tyler Hoechlin together!" I managed a weak smile and followed her into the kitchen where we quickly prepared some pasta which we took with us to the living room.

The rest of the night was spent with laughing and talking and I ended up sleeping in her room where we stayed up talking until the early hours of the morning when Lily fell asleep mid-sentence. I was so grateful to have such an amazing friend by my side and realised how much I had missed her during the past two weeks. With a smile, I snuggled deeper into the warm blanket and a few minutes later I was fast asleep.

The next day, Lily and I started getting ready for Louis' New Year's Eve party during the late afternoon. Louis had told me that it would just be a couple of close friends which was completely fine with me, but that didn't really help me with what I should be wearing. In the end I opted for skinny black jeans and a dark green top which was only held together by a couple of thin strings in the back. Lily had talked me into wearing it, matched with the underwear she and I had bought at Victoria's Secret as you could see my bra quite clearly. I had refused not to wear any bra at all which had been her first suggestion, not when my top could come undone with one small tug, so she had made me wear my new fancy lace underwear which I also wasn't entirely comfortable with.

Lily would be coming with Niall who was picking her up around nine, while I had promised Louis to be there by eight to help him set everything up. I took the bus because there was no way I could walk fifteen minutes on my shoes over the icy London pavements. There already seemed to be a couple of people there and I was a bit nervous to meet everyone, especially since I wasn't even sure what exactly Louis and I were. Were we dating? Friends? Friends who occasionally kissed? I was really bad when it came to relationship stuff and unsure about how to address this without making things awkward between us.

The door swung open within a few seconds and Louis was standing in the doorway. He was wearing the t-shirt I had given him to Christmas and looked better than ever. I was very tempted to run a hand through his perfectly styles hair but I wanted to survive until midnight, so I kept my hands by my side. "Hello, beautiful. Come on in!" I hesitantly walked into the house and took my shoes off, giving him a peck on the cheek. After taking off my scarf as well, I dropped my coat, revealing my back to Louis and I could hear his breath hitch. Turning around, I could see him openly staring at me, his eyes suddenly a shade darker. I grinned like a Cheshire cat and walked past him into the kitchen, very pleased with his reaction.

In the kitchen I was met with a couple of people who I didn't know and my confidence disappeared as quickly as it had come. Suddenly, I felt Louis' warm hand on my lower back and looked up to see him smiling down at me, before he looked back to his friends. "Guys, this is Claire, Claire these are my friends Stanley, Lee, Vicky, Ben and his girlfriend Katie., I think you have met at least Stanley at the last OTRA show." I waved a bit and everyone said hello and smiled at me. "Would you like a drink, Claire?" Lee offered with a grin and I nodded and gratefully took the glass he was holding out for me. "What's in here?" I asked curiously and carefully took a small sip. It tasted great, so I happily took another one.

"It's supposed to be a strawberry margarita, but we run out of strawberries so now it's more of a raspberry margarita." Vicky explained with a grin and I laughed. "Still tastes amazing, thank you." Lee did a mock bow and Vicky rolled her eyes. Louis guided me to a chair and pulled me onto his lab. "Don't worry, love, I completely trust every single one of them. None of them would sell anything to the press." he whispered into my ear. I relaxed a little bit and sipped on my drink, enjoying the feeling of Louis' hands on my waist and tried to forget all my problems for one night of fun.

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