"Okay, this is the day. The day that I tell my best friend i'm moving. How is she going to react? I don't wanna think about it. I just need to do it.", I thought to myself. I got up and got dressed, I put on a dark grey comfy shirt, black leggings, and I added a flannel around my waist. I threw on my white high tops and put on my watch and my red backpack. (outfit below)
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I brushed through my hair and left it down. I brushed my teeth. "Okay, makeup time", I said to myself. I don't wear that much makeup. I put on mascara and a little bit of concealer to give myself more of that "glow". I rushed down stairs and grabbed a poptart and put it in the toaster.
Dad- Kairi, your gonna be late you don't have time to cook your poptart!
Kairi- It can't be that late!
I reached to grab my phone out of my bag which had a water bottle, my binder, and my headphones. Then, I noticed that my phone is supposed to be there but its not!
Kairi- Crap! I left my phone upstairs.
I sprinted upstairs and grabbed my phone off of my dresser. I checked it. "Crap! its 7:45 and my bus comes at 8!", I yelled. I ran down the stairs and tripped halfway down.
Kairi- Ow...
Dad- You good?
Kairi- Yeah but i gotta goo
I grabbed my bag and my poptart and ran to my bus stop. I ran into Kayleen.
Kay- Heyy Bestie!
Kairi- Heyy...
Kay- What's wrong?!
Kairi- I have to tell you something...
Kay- What!
Kairi- I'm moving...
Kairi- Arkansas...
Kairi- I don't know. My dad never told me...
Kay- It's the middle of the school year, why would he do this to you?!?
Kairi- I don't know but heyyy i might get to meet Nathan!
Kay- OMG and you get to live closer to Jovani!!!
Kairi- Oh my god, girl you are obsessed with him.
Kay- You can't stop true love!
Kairi- You've never even met him.
Kay- Whatever.
The bus then showed up and i realized that this was my last day at Greenway... We got to the school and my day went on.
-Skip School-
When I finally got home I went up to my room and started packing. I started crying while packing all of my pictures then I noticed my phone go off. Jonas just retweeted my tweet. HOLY CHICKEN LEG! I stopped crying and went back to packing smiling. I finished packing part of my room and noticed it was 11 o'clock. I went downstairs and noticed my dad was not there.
Kairi- Dad?
Dad- I'm in here! *he said this from the garage*
Kairi- Okay, I was trying to find you to tell you that i'm gonna go to bed.
Dad- Okay! Night sweetie!
Kairi- Nighty-night!
I went upstairs, got into pajamas, put my phone on the charger and went to bed.
Hey cuties! I hope you liked this first chapter! I'll might update later tonight! Don't forget to vote and comment! Stay Beautiful and Stay Litt! Byeeee