I woke up and automatically got in the shower. I felt so gross. Why do I feel so gross. I don't know but it's the day that I move. The day that I say goodbye to this house.
I got out of the shower and threw on some comfy clothes (outfit below)
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I knew that we were going to be driving for almost a day so I didn't want to be completely uncomfortable. I just straightened my hair and put on some mascara. I'm lazy. I helped my dad load up the moving truck. After all of the boxes were loaded we went back inside to grab our bags. I grabbed my phone, my phone charger, my laptop and it charger, and my headphones. I was ready for this trip. We took our stuff and got into the car. I looked at the house one more time. I'm gonna miss this place.
We stopped at QT to get some food and drinks then, we were off. And, we weren't stopping.
About three hours into the drive i got a notification that Jonas was live. We were at a red light so i climbed into the backseat with my laptop and my headphones. i hadn't been on my laptop yet because i needed battery for when Jonas went live. I plugged in my headphones and turned on the broadcast. He was packing. For his trip. To see Nathan. I suddenly didn't want to watch him anymore. Buttt, i did.
I watched his whole broadcast and then I fell asleep in the backseat. I woke up and had no idea where we were. I think we were in Texas. But, I didn't even know at this point. I decided to go and text Kayleen. I already missed her so much.
Kai- Hey, i'm on the road.
Kay- :(
Kai- I miss you so much already.
Kay- I'm crying rn.
Kai- Stop
Kay- Okay, but i gotta go...
Kai- Okay. Byeee I love you sister
Kay- I love you too. Byeee
-End of Texts-
After that I just went back to sleep. I woke up to my dad singing to Let It Go. "Oh. My.Gosh. Dad can you not" I said laughing. "Nope" he said. I couldn't go back to sleep after that so I turned on some music, plugged in my headphones, and looked out the window. It was so beautiful where ever we were. I couldn't stop staring out the window. I apparently did for hours though. Because, my dad caught my attention when he stopped in front of a house. It was HUGE. "Holy...Crapadoodle" I said. "Kairi, welcome to our new house" he said smiling. Oh my lord. This is gonna be quite an experience.
"Let me show you your room" my dad said as we walked in. We walked up the staircase and he showed me the second biggest room in the whole house. "Really!?" i said. "Yup" he said smiling. "YAYYY" i yelled. I Went down and took all of my boxes into my room and got changed into something a little bit more presentable. (outfit below)
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It was only 1 p.m so i decided i was going to explore the city. I grabbed my black purse and put my credit card, my phone, and some chap stick into it. I told my dad i was gonna be out for a bit.
I walked out of my house and started walking towards the city. There wasn't very many people there so i wasn't too scared to run into a lot of people. You know, new girl, new city. That doesn't work out well.
I want Starbucks. But, I don't know where it is. I'll just wander around and see if I can find it.
I was walking through the city, when I ran into someone that i never expected to see.
Hey guys so sorry i didn't update earlier. I've been kinda busy today so i might update one more time today, but i wouldn't count on it. I hope you guys enjoyed the chapter and don't forget to comment down below suggestions. I love you guys and don't forget to Stay Beautiful, Stay Litt, and May the odds be Ever in your Favor <3 Byeeee