Chapter 23

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*Kairi's POV*
I got to Nathan's hotel and met him in the lobby.
"NATHAN!" I screamed jumping into his arms.
We hugged for what seemed like forever; when we separated he just smiled.
"What, no hey?".
"Hello beautiful" he laughed.
He took my hand and led me to a small room in the hotel.
There was this woman, who I was assuming the manager of DigiTour.
"Hello Kairi" she smiled.
"Hello! You must be the manager of DigiTour!" I proclaimed.
"And that I am, and I talked to Nathan. We would love for you to join DigiTour for the remaining shows and perform"
"Perform what?"
"I may or may not have gotten a video of you singing one day in the car" he smirked.
"Nathannnnn!" I blushed.
"You're an amazing singer, and we would love for you to join Digi" the manager offered.
"Of course! Yes yes yes!" I exclaimed.
"i hope you're that excited when i ask you out" Nathan mumbled.
"What?" I asked him.
"Oh, u-um n-nothing" he blushed.
I just brushed it off and said goodbye to my new manager.
*in Nathan's hotel room*
"I can't believe that actually just happened!" I yelled.
"Wellllll, it did! So go home and pack bbg because YOU'RE ON TOUR WITH MEE" he yelled in his girly diva voice.
"Yea okay" I rolled my eyes.
I hugged Nathan and left to go pack my stuff for tour. They only had 5 shows left after tomorrow's show, so I just need like 10-15 outfits.
Hey bbys, sorry I haven't updated. I had major writers block, and I was sick and stuff. But I'm back! And I'll be updating a lot more. Sorry this chapter was super short, it was kinda just a filler chapter. But expect more in the next chapter!
Until then, stay beautiful! ❤️

'He's My Weirdo' // Jonas Bridges FanficWhere stories live. Discover now