Chapter 27

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*Kairi's POV*
We walked out of the hotel and got an Uber to Nathan's house, so we can use his car.
We got to his house, and Nathan said hi to his mom. Then he drove up to Starbucks.
"Really? This was the surprise?" I giggled.
"No. I just want coffee"
I rolled my eyes and looked out the window. I got lost in my thoughts. But Nathan snapped me out of them by grabbing my hand and kissing it.
"What's wrong baby" he questioned.
"Nothing, I was just thinking" I sighed.
Nathan had ordered our drinks already and now we were waiting in the drive thru line.
He never let go of my hand.
It made me feel..
It made me feel special.
He got our drinks, payed, and handed me my drink.
Then he started playing music, and he played "A Thousand Years (part 2)" by Christina Perry.
That was our song.
I started singing to him, and he just smiled at me and held my hand again.
"I love you" I smiled at him.
"Oh you don't even know" he said smirking.
The smirks.
Nathan James stop with the freaking smirks.
We pulled up to the park. Nothing special, just the park.
"The park?" I questioned him.
"The place we met" he sighed.
I leaned over and kissed his cheek.
"You were so awkwardly adorable that day" I laughed.
He blushed and muttered "you weigh like 9 pounds".
"I do not"
"Do to"
"Do not"
"Do to"
"Prove it"
"Okay" he said as he took the keys out of the ignition, jumped out of the car and ran over to my side of the car.
I unbuckled my seatbelt just to be ready.
My door swung open and Nathan picked me up bridal style, closed my door with his foot and set me down.
He locked his car and swung me over his shoulder.
"Ummmmm" he said lowering me a little bit "no".
"Nathan James Triska you won't get your actual birthday present if you don't put me down" I whispered in his ear.
He smirked, but didn't put me down.
"At least let me get on your back" I whined.
"Ugh fine" he sighed and let me down.
I jumped on his back and kissed his neck.
He fake moaned in his diva girly voice, so I tightened my grip on his waist.
"Ow ow ow ow owwww" he whined.
"That's for fake moaning" I sassed.
"What if it wasn't fake" he asked raising his eyebrow.
"I know you liked it" I smirked.
He smirked back at me and continued walking.
He walked us over to the spot where we first met, and we sat down on the grass.
"I remember you tried to kill me here" I laughed.
"No I did not oh my jeez" he sassed "I was just trying to jump on your back".
"Therefore trying to kill me"
"Are you calling me fat" he whined.
"No baby, you're perfect"
"-ly fat" he added.
"You have a fucking six-pack and you're calling yourself fat, ooookay" I rolled my eyes.
He blushed and just sighed.
"I love you so much Kairi" he smiled.
"you have a fucking six-pack" I mumbled.
"Yes I have abs get over it" he laughed "you'll be seeing them a lot" he smirked.
"You need to stop with the smirking Nathan" I rolled my eyes.
He smirked at me again.
I got up, walked away, and checked my phone pretending to be mad at him.
I got a text from Simon telling me that we had to go back to the hotel.
I walked back towards Nathan and saw him sitting there on his phone. I took his phone from him and sat on his lap with each of my legs on his sides. I kissed him and whispered in his ear.
"We have to go back to the hotel.... last one to the car has to buy dinner" I said jumping off of him, throwing his phone in his lap, and sprinting towards the car. I was there at least 30 seconds before him, and he was out of breath when he got to the car.
"I hate the fact that you can run really fast" he panted while unlocking the car.
I smiled and got in the passenger seat.
He got in, turned on music, and started off to the hotel.
*At the hotel*
"What are you doing here again" Nathan grumbled.
Word count: 758

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