Chapter 30

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*Kairi's POV*
Jonas and I have been talking a lot more lately, and I have to say it feels good. I missed my best friend. Also, we're going home today. Thankfully. I can't wait to see my dad again. I've missed him. Also I want to see Jonas sometime soon, and him and Nathan made up so that's a good excuse to come to Arkansas right?
Nathan and I were on our way to the airport when I got a phone call. My dad has to leave town for 2 months for a family emergency, and he's leaving me to watch the house. Great. I don't get to see my dad. Amazing.
Nathan noticed my mood drop, and started being all lovey-dovey.
"What happened baby?" he asked me.
"My dad is gonna be gone for 2 months, I don't even get to see him when we get home. And he was the one thing that I was actually looking forward to." I sighed.
He got sad and pecked my lips.
"I'm sorry love" he frowned.
I gripped his hand and walked to our gate in the airport.
When we got on the plane, I got the window seat and he got the middle seat, and next to us was a girl that looked familiar.
When she sat next to us, her eyes lit up.
"KAIRI!?" she whisper/yelled.
"C-CAITLYN!?" I whisper/yelled back.
"OH MY GOSH" we both said hugging each other, hovering over Nathan awkwardly.
She looks so different. I haven't seen her for almost 5 years!

(That's what she looks like ^)Okay, backstory

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(That's what she looks like ^)
Okay, backstory. Caitlyn and Kairi were best friends in middle school, but then Caitlyn had to move away to California because her dad got a job transfer. Then she broke her phone, and got a new one along with a new number. So Kairi lost all contact with her.
The whole plane ride home, Nathan and Caitlyn wouldn't stop talking. They clicked. They had a connection. Just like me and Nathan did. That kind of scared me, but I just brushed it off and cuddled into Nathan's shoulder falling asleep.
I woke up to Nathan shaking me.
"Baby girl, come on we landed." He whispered.
I groaned and got up from my seat grumpily. Nathan grabbed our stuff and walked off the plane with me holding his hand tight.
"Wait, so you guys are dating?" She frowned.
"Yeah, this girl is alllll mine" he said kissing my cheek.
Caitlyn frowned and continued walking next to me.
Caitlyn started talking to me about her dad, and how he said she could take a trip to Arkansas to tour colleges there. Let's just say that Caitlyn is a bit of an over-achiever. She's only a Junior and she's already touring colleges.
We called an uber to my house, and from there, Nathan would go home and unpack.
Me and Caitlyn spent the whole day together.
We went to the mall to shop our hearts out.
In the end, we got a lot of stuff. I made some money off of DigiTour so I spent a small fraction of that, but being the cheap person I am, I stuck to the sales racks.
We also got matching nails done. ⬇️

We checked the time and it was almost 5, so we went by Panara Bread and got food

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We checked the time and it was almost 5, so we went by Panara Bread and got food.
After we ate, I called Nathan and asked him to come pick us up at the mall. He agreed and said he would be there soon.
So as we waited, I posted a picture on Instagram, and updated my snapchat a lot.
Me and Caitlyn were dancing around the fountain outside when I felt two strong arms wrap around me.
This has to be Nathan.
But it wasn't.
I turned around and my smile grew so wide.
"JONAS!!" I screamed jumping into his arms.
"Hey gorgeous" he smiled.
Nathan walked up to us and gave me a frumpy look.
"Dork" I laughed and hugged Nathan tight. I pecked him on the lips and walked to Caitlyn.
"Caitlyn, this is my friend Jonas" I said raising my hand to him.
He turned away from the conversation he was having with Nathan and smiled.
"He's cute" I whispered to her.
"Honestly, he'd be cute for you" she said.
*Back at my house*
Me and Caitlyn stayed home for the rest of the night, and she wouldn't stop texting Nathan. So I went into the kitchen downstairs to go "get some water".
I told Jonas to go to the bathroom and FaceTime me.
Jonas- Hey?
Kairi- Has Nathan been smiling at his phone a lot.
Jonas- yeah, why? I thought he was texting you.
Kairi- No, he's texting Caitlyn.
Jonas- Just ignore it for now, and I'll keep an eye on him okay?
Kairi- thank you best friend. Want to get Starbucks tomorrow morning before the other two wake up?
Jonas- I'd love that.
Kairi- see you tomorrow love.
Jonas- goodnight gorgeous.
-end of FaceTime call-
I love Jonas so much, I always have. He's my best friend. And he's changed for me. That's sweet. No guy has ever done that for me.
I walked back to the room with two bottles of water and found Nathan on FaceTime with Caitlyn. My mind flooded with thoughts.
He's knows how fragile I am, and that I over think everything, why would he FaceTime her?
I tried texting him, and he just ignored the text and continued talking to Caitlyn.
Wow, thanks Nathan. He didn't even see me in the room either.
I went into the bathroom and broke down.
I texted Jonas.
K- I can't handle this, he's knows how I am. He's knows that I'll over think this.
J- Kairi.
J- meet me at the park in 5 with stuff to spend the night here. Don't bring Caitlyn. You and Nathan need to work this out.
K- are you sure?
J- positive.
K- I love you JJ.
J- I love you too Kairi.
I went back to the room and started packing stuff, Caitlyn gave me a weird look.
"I'm going somewhere, I'll be back tomorrow morning. Love you" I said grabbing my charger and my bag, walking out the door.
I ran to the park, tears started streaming down my face. I couldn't handle this. I saw Jonas and started bolting towards him. I dropped my stuff and ran into his arms.
I started bawling my eyes out, I couldn't hold back the tears anymore.
Jonas lifted my chin and kissed my cheek.
"Calm down, we're gonna fix this" he whispered into my ear.
I nodded my head and grabbed my stuff.
On the walk home, Jonas held my hand and sparks. The connection was back. This is the Jonas I know and love.
We got to Nathan's house and he was at the door to greet us. He looked surprised to see me. He ran up to me and hugged me tight. He went to go kiss me, but noticed my face was red and puffy.
"This is how she really feels Nathan. She called me worried about you and Caitlyn talking. Then texted me saying she couldn't handle everything. So I went and saved your girlfriend." Jonas snapped.
"What are you worried about?" He asked me.
I took his hand and led him inside to his room.
Jonas already knew to stay out, so he went to the living room and did so.
"So what are you worried about?" He asked me, sitting on the bed.
Coming soooooooon
Word count: 1266

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