Hey guys so there is a few changes in my writing format so if your confused ill explain it later <3 I hope you enjoy the chapter :)
-Kairi's POV-
I woke up in the morning and saw that I was tagged in like 100 pictures. "What the heck?" I thought to myself. I looked at all of the pictures and realized that they were all they same photo. It was one of my pictures from my birthday a few months ago.
Then I noticed that even Jonas posted the picture. The caption said:
"She's Cute <3"
I started freaking out. I quickly grabbed my towel and hopped in the shower. After I got out of the shower I got dressed in a blue crop top, black high waisted jeans, and I threw on my brown combat boots. I quickly brushed my teeth and put my hair into a messy bun. (outfit below)
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After I was done getting ready, I grabbed my phone and checked the time "9:30, okay that's early for me" I thought as I put my phone in my purse. I went into my dads room to tell him that I was going to Starbucks so I can wake up. I walked down the stairs and out the door. Starbucks was a five minute walk from my house, so instead of calling Kayleen for a ride I just decided that I need the exercise and I walked.
On the way there i got a text from 99goonsquad on Instagram. "Okay what the legit heck! I'm getting noticed by so many famous people." I thought to myself. I quickly went on Instagram and checked the message.
99- Hey cutie! i noticed that your really active on our account and i just wanted to say thank you
K- Omg, yeah no problem! But, can you guys do me a favor?
99- Yeah! Anything for you!
K- Can you text my friend Kayleen? She's one of your biggest supporters and she would be so happy if you did!
99- Yeah! What's her Instagram?
K- Its @ (insert random name here)
99- Thanks cutiee! We will go text her right now! We love you!
K- I love you too!
OMG DID THAT SERIOUSLY JUST HAPPEN?! I was at Starbucks by now and waiting in line. When it finally got to me I ordered a S'mores Frappuchino. I went and sat down at one of the tables. While I was waiting for my drink I got a text from Kayleen.
Kai- Congrats! Did your husband say he loves you?
Kai- Starbucks
Kai- Kk byeee
Five minutes went by and Kayleen finally found me. "Heyy" I said happily. "HII" She yelled. Everyone looked at us. " Oml calm down" I said. "I CAN'T" she loudly whispered. After five minutes of us talking my drink was finally ready. "Kairi!" They yelled. "Ugh, I hate when people say my name" I said under my breath. I went up and got my drink. "Hey can I come over and help you pack?" Kay asked me. Why not? "Yeah, sure. Lets go"I said. We got in Kayleens car (She's 16 btw) . After 2 minutes of driving we got to my house. We got there and walked in. "I have to go finish packing and Kayleen is gonna help me so we will be upstairs" I yelled to my dad, wherever he was in the house.
We went upstairs and to my room. She walked in and saw how much I had already done and she started to tear up. "All of our memories" she said quietly. "Yeah.." I answered. "Well lets start!" I said. "M'kay" she said. We started putting stuff in boxes and packing away our memories. After an hour or two we stopped and took a look at my room. Now all we had to pack up was my desk and my closet. "Lunch break" I asked. "Pizza?" Kay suggested. "YASS" I yelled. "Okay" she answered laughing. She grabbed her keys and got to the front door. "Bye dad. We'll be right back.. Love you" I said. "Love you too, be careful" He answered. "Okay!" I yelled while walking out of the door.
Heyy! I hope you enjoyed this chapter! I'm sorry my story is super boring but I have some exciting plans for later! Its also 4:30 in the morning where I live so I have no ideas right now, but don't forget to vote and comment some suggestions down below! Stay Beautiful and Stay Litt! Love You! <3