Kairi and I got to the mall at 12:00 and she automatically asked what we were gonna do.
"Well, food" I responded.
"What kind of food" she teased.
"Panda Express" I laughed.
"YUSSSS" she yelled.
She grabbed my hand and started walking towards the food court.
I heard Jonas take a picture when I was holding his hand. I gave him a confused look and he just smiled at me, then back down at his phone. I got a notification that he had just posted on Instagram. I checked it and smiled.
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The caption read, "She's the cutest ;)"
I showed my phone to him and said "Really?"
"You have my post notifications on?" he smirked.
"Well duh, I kinda started out as a supporter, so they were already on" I smiled.
He laughed and started to read the comments out loud.
"OMG WHO IS THAT" he read "Uhm, my best friend?" he responded.
"He didn't tag her because he's scared to tell us he's dating her" I read "Or he just purposely didn't tag me?" I teased.
We ordered our food and sat down together. We ate our food while nonchalantly laughing at each other.
After we were done eating, we walked to Pink and he said I could get anything I want. I didn't want to spend all of his money so I kept it (kind of) cheap. I got 3 crop tops, a hoodie, 2 pairs of joggers, and 2 bralettes.
"That's all you want?" Jonas asked.
"Yep" I laughed. "I don't want to spend all of your money".
"Ookay" he smiled.
He payed for my clothes and we started walking to the movies. We were going to see "Everything, Everything". It's a romance movie, but he wanted to see it too.
We got our tickets and went and found seats in the theatre. The movie was about half way over when I felt Jonas grab my hand, and lean his head on my shoulder.
"You're my best friend, I hope you know that" he whispered.
"Same" I smiled.
After the movie was done, he took me on a huge shopping spree.. which I needed because I got rid of so many of my clothes when I moved. We went to Forever 21, Bath and Body Works, Lush, and then he got me Starbucks. Man, I love this kid. He spoiled me wayy too much today. And, I feel bad for the amount of clothes that he got me.
We walked over to a sitting area that was empty, and we just talked for a few minutes.. then he caught my attention by standing up and walking off a few feet.
"I have a question for you.." he blushed.
"What's up?" I smiled, standing up.
"You're not like any girl. You're caring, sweet, nice, funny, talented, and gorgeous as hell. And, I can't live without you Kairi. Soo, I guess. Will you do me the honors of being my girlfriend?" he said shyly, walking over to me.
I screamed a bit in my mind.
"Of course I'll be your girlfriend Jonas" I smiled.
He looked up from the floor and hugged me tighter than anyone ever has.
"I love you" I said as I nuzzled into his chest.
"I love you too" he said.
I told him that I had to go fix my makeup, so I handed him the bags that I was carrying, walked to the bathroom and did so.
When I walked out, I saw him talking to his ex, and I got a little scared. I calmed down and started walking over to him when I saw them kiss. My heart dropped down to my stomach. I started crying and ran straight past them. Jonas saw me, so he grabbed the bags and started running after me. Luckily, 6 years of track payed off and I outran him. I called Nathan and told him to come pick me up, but to not tell Jonas. He asked me why and I said I would tell him when he picked me up.
It took Nathan about 10 minutes to get to the mall and I automatically ran and got into the car.
"Get me out of here, and take me back to my house" I cried.
"What happened?!" he asked.
"Jonas asked me out, and I said yes. But then I saw him kiss another girl when I was walking back from the bathroom. And he kissed her." I said as I took heavy breaths.
"I'm gonna kick his fucking ass" Nathan swore.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ {SORRY FOR THE CLIFFHANGER HAH} Hey, sorry I haven't posted in a while. But I'm on summer vacation and I'll have more time to post now. So I'll hopefully be working on more chapters this summer ;)