Okay, so Jonas's birthday is in 2 days, and my birthday is in 10 days. March 20th and March 28th. Jonas went home in early December, and it was so hard to say goodbye to him. I call him as soon as I wake up, just because I miss him soo much.
K- Hey baby
J- Morning beautiful
K- So how do you feel knowing that you're going to be 16 in 48 hours?
J- How do you feel knowing that you're going to be 16 in ten days?
Both- Excited!
J- You're really cute
K- Speak for yourself
J- I'm okay, I guess
K- You know you're hot
J- Yeaaaa
K- Baby I gotta go shower and help my dad with chores so I'll text you later okay?
J- Okay babygirl, I love you
K- I love you more babe
I get up from my bed and get in the shower. I get out, get changed (outfit below), brush my teeth, and put on my makeup (below too).
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What Jonas doesn't know, is that I'm surprising him for his birthday. I'm going to North Carolina to set up a scavenger hunt that leads him to me, then I have most of the day planned out.
I help my dad around the house for a few hours, then I call Nathan and ask him if he can hang out today. I just want a movie day with my bestfriend, that's all. Especially since I wont see him for a few weeks. Nathan said he'll be right over, so I grab the first three Harry Potter movies, and I run upstairs.
Nathan walks into the house and yells "AYE ITS YOUR BESTFRIEND".
"She's upstairs in her room" my dad tells him.
He ran upstairs and through my door, jumped on me, and tickled me.
"Okay I'll stop" he says getting off of me.
"Harry Potter?" I say looking at him.
"What do you think" he sasses me.
I put in the first movie and throw a blanket at him, and we watch movies for hours until he looks at his phone and realizes it's 11:30 at night.
"Oh, I gotta blast. Sooo, I'll see you when you get back from North Carolina?" he frowned.
"I guess so" I sighed.
He hugged me and walked out to his car. I hadn't checked my phone for hours, and didn't notice the messages from Jonas, and the three missed calls.
K- Hey, what's up?
J- Where were you?
K- I was having a Harry Potter marathon with Nathan.
J- That's all?
K- Yes JJ. That's all. I promise.
J- You seem tired K, so I'm gonna let you go to sleep okay?
K- Okay, goodnight JJ, ily.
J- Night K, ilym
Tomorrow is going to be so crazy stressful, and I am not ready for it.
Hey! So I told you I will be able to update more, and I have even though this chapter is hella short.